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Morgan shifted her weight back and forth as she stared at Sierra's dorm room door, her stomach churning at the sound of unfamiliar voices coming from the other side - among other things. Anxiously, she pulled out her phone, confirming that it was, indeed, one of the times the other girl had told her she could get changed... The last one of the night, in fact.

The head cheerleader could hardly believe she was allowing this to happen, but Sierra had started this little arrangement with some humiliating photos, and her collection had been growing quickly. Morgan couldn't help but wonder if it was really worth being so completely beholden to the other girl... Then she thought of those shots of her in wet diapers finding their way onto Facebook.

For her part, Sierra claimed she was just trying to help... And yet, she was just sooo busy, she could only make enough time to change Morgan a few times a day, and only at certain times. Even if Morgan saw her at some point other than those, and she wasn't doing anything, Morgan would have to beg to get changed, and that didn't always work. One time, Sierra had made her take off her skirt and run to the far end of the dorm's floor and back with her diaper fully visible before she gave her the out-of-schedule change... Another, she'd made Morgan eat an entire jar of baby food, recording her the entire time.

Getting more than her allotted three diapers a day was even more hopeless... The first day, Morgan had insisted on being changed as soon as she peed, and then was stuck in the last diaper most of the day. She nearly leaked before she decided to take a risk and slip out of it. Unfortunately, Sierra had seen right through that, and after Morgan's first change of the next day, she took a marker and signed the front of the fresh diaper, right across the tapes, to make sure she'd know if Morgan took it off without permission. She started signing and numbering all of Morgan's diapers for the day after that, then drawing designs across the tapes once they were on Morgan.

That might have been the worst part of it... Yes, wearing diapers, trying to get used to their bulky padding, the way their plastic stuck to her thighs, was humiliating, but looking down, seeing someone else's name right across them, as if they - and, by extension, Morgan herself while she was in them - belonged to that fat, lazy bitch Sierra was downright mortifying. If anyone saw them, they'd know not only that Morgan was wearing diapers, but who had put her in them. How long was Sierra going to keep this up? Surely she would get bored of this soon enough... 

Morgan groaned, hearing a burst of laughter from inside the room. Sierra and her little friend seemed to be having a great time; unfortunately, they were running through Morgan's pretty quickly. Sierra had to know what time it was, and she had to know that Morgan hadn't shown up at her last designated changing time... Was she doing this to torture Morgan? Morgan wasn't about to barge in and demand a change in front of some random other students... Or, she thought as her stomach grumbled again, she normally wouldn't.

She waited another minute, then gave in, knocking on Sierra's door, lightly at first, then louder. An unfamiliar, young-looking girl - maybe a freshman - answered. "I need to talk to Sierra," Morgan mumbled at her, trying not to draw too much attention from the rest of the people in the room, or look in to see how many of them there were.

"Come on in!" the girl giggled. "She's..."

"Tell her to come out here," Morgan cut her off. The whole ordeal had been rather crushing to her ego, but, even wearing a wet diaper, she was better than some stupid freshie. "It's cheerleading business."

The girl left, and, after a few moments, Sierra showed up. "Hi, there!" she grinned. "Come on in! We're just..."

"No," Morgan growled, grabbing the girl's wrist and pulling her out into the hall with her. "This isn't funny... You know what time it is!"

"I'm sorry, Morgan, but my schedule doesn't revolve around you. Don't worry, I'm sure they won't mind me taking care of your little problem... They might even help!"

Morgan's throat went dry as she desperately shook her head. "No!" she insisted. "Fine, you don't even have to... change me..." her voice quieted to a whisper briefly, "but at least let me go... you know..." She was pretty sure Sierra would give her a fresh diaper, anyway, since it would be difficult to get it back into position after taking it off briefly - that was the whole point of the designs Sierra drew on the tapes - but even if she didn't, Morgan would just have to make it until the next morning, when Sierra would show up at her room and escort her to the showers.

Sierra's eyes twinkled. "I don't... What do you need, sweetie?"

Morgan shot her a death look as she squirmed. "C-Could you please take me to the bathroom?" 

"Uh-oh... Aren't you wearing your diaper?" Morgan gasped as Sierra reached up under her skirt, giving the sodden padding beneath a pat. "You are! Good girl! Why would you need the potty?"

"Come on, Sierra," Morgan whined. "You can't want me to..."

"To what?" Sierra pushed. "I can't imagine what you're talking about, Morgan... You're going to have to enlighten me."

Morgan stomped her foot in frustration, but it was clear Sierra wasn't going to budge. "Fine!" she sulked. "Take me to the bathroom so I can take a shit!"

"Oh, that's not a very nice word," Sierra shook her head. "But I am proud of you for asking this time." Morgan blushed, remembering how she'd taken advantage of her shower time last time she had to go, only to open the stall door to find a very unhappy Sierra waiting on the other side. Now Sierra went with her, usually doing her make-up as Morgan showered. "I suppose, since this is your changing time, I can let you out of your diaper to use the potty."

"Finally!" Morgan rolled her eyes, starting to head down the hall, only to see Sierra stop in place, folding her arms across her chest. "What? Come on!"

"Not even any thanks? We never discussed this, so I don't have to..." Sierra began to lecture her.

"Thank you!" Morgan blurted out. She wasn't pleased, having to act like being allowed to use a toilet like an adult was some huge favor, but if that was the cost, she was willing to pay it. "Let's go!"

Sierra reached out and grabbed her hand, walking much slower than Morgan, keeping her tethered to her side. "All right, all right, I'll take you," she said. "Do you even remember how to get there?"

"Yes!" Morgan insisted, trying to pull away to move faster, to no avail. Sierra didn't let go until she'd pushed the bathroom door open. Thankfully, it was empty, and Morgan made a dash for the nearest stall, pushing the door in, then starting to shut it.

Sierra's hand slammed it open, making a loud bang as it hit the side of the stall. "What are you doing?" she asked. "You weren't going to take your diaper off yourself, were you?"

"Shh!" Morgan blushed, looking around, although all she could see were the sides of the stall.

"Oh, nobody's here," Sierra admonished her, pushing up her shirt and then tugging down her skirt as Morgan squeaked, her hands flinching between trying to grab for the skirt and attempting to hide her diaper. "Step out," Sierra instructed; when Morgan didn't comply, Sierra shoved her backwards, making her knees buckle against the toilet. She sat down hard, her feet lifting off the floor enough for her skirt to be whisked away.

"How adorable!" Sierra giggled, whipping out her phone. "Look at the baby pretending to be a big girl on the potty! I think you forgot something, silly!" Morgan winced as the fake shutter sound blared from Sierra's phone.

"Fine, just take it off," she whined. 

"I would, but..." Sierra shrugged. "Now that I look at my phone, your changing time is over. Sorry, sweetie!" She tapped Morgan on the nose. 

"No!" Morgan gasped, wriggling on the toilet. "Sierra, please... I can't hold it until morning! I-I haven't gone in days, because of this stupid game..."

"Then go," Sierra told her. "Nobody's stopping you."

"I'm not shitting my pants!" Morgan hopped off the toilet, trying to intimidate the other girl with her slight height advantage.

"No," Sierra smirked. "You're pooping your Pampers. And you're going to do it right now if you want your skirt back." 

Morgan gasped, reaching for the garment, but Sierra swept it away. "You can't do this to me!" Morgan screeched, stomping her foot impotently.

"I'm not," Sierra told her. "If you want to walk down this hall, then to the elevator, or the stairs, and across your hall, in just your diaper, instead, you're welcome to. Aww, don't pout... Think of how good it will feel when you're done! Your tummy must feel so full..."

Morgan stomped her foot again, a bit softer this time. She couldn't believe she was considering this, but the cramps were getting so bad now... There had been several time when she was sitting on her bed, studying, when she'd let out a fart and then had to squirm around in her diaper to make sure she hadn't let anything else out. She honestly wasn't sure what she was going to do... Would she risk Sierra posting the pictures and videos she already had to try to get out of her diaper in time?

Even if she would have then, that was before she had to worry about getting to her room without her skirt. The diaper was huge, and drooping slightly already... There was no way somebody wouldn't notice on her way, and - although she normally loved this about her position, now it was a huge detriment - everyone knew who she was. If it had been a fresh diaper, maybe she could have pretended it was a prank or something silly... But wet?

"Sierra, please," she sniffled, dropping to her knees. "D-Don't make me..."

"It's okay," Sierra stroked her hair. "It'll be over soon... Just let it go..."

Morgan looked up at her, hoping to see some hint of mercy in her eyes, but there was none. There was no getting around this... She sighed, climbing back to her feet, then tried to retreat into the stall again. "Nope, out here," Sierra ordered. Morgan trudged back out, cheeks red, then turned away from the girl, not wanting to see her as she did what she had to do.

She grunted, trying to push, but her years of potty training - and looked right at the thing she was used to performing this action on - made it almost impossible, no matter how much she needed to go. "Maybe you should try squatting," Sierra suggested.

Morgan resisted for another minute or two of struggling, then gave in. She hated to admit through her actions that Sierra was right, but the mental block was simply too much for her, and she didn't want to spend any longer doing this than she had to. She squatted down, then turned, realizing that this was just giving Sierra a better view of her diaper. When she faced the other way, however, she saw that Sierra had her phone out, recording the whole ordeal.

She almost called the whole thing off, but her body finally had enough, and her position only helped it out as another cramp hit, and she felt her body push, and something begin to slide into her diaper, slowly but surely. She whimpered, trying to stop it, changing her mind as she felt the filthy mass enter her pants, yet it was too late.

"Good girl," Sierra cooed. "Doesn't this feel better? You know, it isn't healthy to hold it in so long... We'd better make sure you don't do that anymore... I want to see at least one messy diaper from you a day from now on... And don't worry, I have just the thing to help you out... Make sure you bring your water bottle tomorrow morning when you come to get changed out of this."

Morgan whimpered as Sierra reached out, patting her still expanding diaper. She'd hoped Sierra was going to change her right away, but apparently her skirt was all the reward she was getting... And she had given Sierra another piece of blackmail by squatting there, the empty toilet in full view behind her, and doing this, grunting away, her diaper expanding beneath her, leaving there no doubt what she was doing.

She had to hope Sierra got tired of this whole thing... Because that seemed like the only way she could let that footage get out. Much as she hated it, she was just going to have to do whatever Sierra wanted, even more than before... She was totally screwed.


"T-Tati..." Morgan sniffled, "Y-You can't let her take me out on the field like this..." Her head was spinning, staring at her best friend as she stood there, in the locker room, diaper full and bulging under her cheerleading uniform, while Tatiana smirked at her, showing no surprise at all to have seen what she was wearing. Had Sierra told her? If she'd done that, had she told the rest of the squad? 

"You've been behaving so much better since we started this," Tatiana told her gently. "It's almost like you're your old self again, instead of the huge bitch you'd turned into." 

"I was just doing my job!" Morgan insisted, before the wording of the first sentence hit her. "Y-You were in on this?!"

"It was for the best," Tatiana reassured her. "You wouldn't listen when I tried to talk to you normally, and..."

"Fine, I've learned my lesson now," Morgan huffed, crossing her arms. It looked like she should have just kicked Tatiana off the squad ages ago, just like everyone else wanted her to. She was crazy, and probably just using their friendship to make sure Morgan didn't do exactly that. "Will you let me out of this stupid diaper now?!"

Tatiana and Sierra looked at each other for a moment. "Should we..?" Tatiana asked finally.

"You don't actually believe her, do you?" Sierra shook her head. "She just wants a change, that's all. She hasn't learned a thing... If we stop now, she never will." Tatiana shrugged, but looked convinced. "All right, Baby Morgan, do you really want a fresh diaper?"

"I'd rather have my panties," Morgan grumbled. She hadn't even seen them for weeks... After that first, humiliating messy diaper, Sierra had made her give all of them over to her, then went through her entire dresser to make sure she wasn't cheating... Then took away the rest of her diaper changes for that day when she'd found a couple hidden pairs.

"What was that?" Sierra asked sharply.

"Yes, ma'am," Morgan sighed.

"Are you sure?" 

Morgan glared at her. "Yes! I can't go out and perform like this!"

"Okay," Sierra grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the showers and into the main locker room. For a moment, Morgan thought she was taking her back outside, but she stopped right at the entrance. Morgan saw two thick plastic tubes hanging down, and looked up to see a huge enema bag hanging from the ceiling, with some sort of machinery attached to one of the tubes. "On your hands and knees."

"What is going on?" Morgan suddenly had second thoughts about this, wondering if it wouldn't be better to try to hide away from the other girls when they got to the locker room, then give a half-assed performance on the field and immediately head back to her room afterwards. It might be better than whatever they had planned...

"It's just a simple game," Sierra assured her. "The only way to lose - and not get your diaper changed until, oh, I'd say tomorrow - is not to play. Now, what do you say?"

"I want to know what it is!" Morgan insisted. 

"I thought you wanted a change," Sierra said. "If you don't, that's fine with me, but that diaper of yours was looking awfully full... It might leak during the game, and wouldn't that be humiliating? At least you'd have a fresh one this way, for whatever might happen..."

Unfortunately, the girl was right. Morgan knew there was no way she could avoid peeing again before the game was over... Probably not even until the game started. Even ignoring the huge load in it, the padding had been quite wet... Her uniform had already been disgraced enough by being put on over this awful, infantile thing, the thought of leaking all over it like a toddler was too much. "Fine."

"I thought so," Sierra grinned. "Now... Hands and knees..." Morgan complied, feeling ridiculous as she lowered herself to the floor. She felt her skirt being lifted and tucked away, her heavy diaper slid down, plopping down to the floor between her legs, then her messy bottom being cleaned up with cold baby wipes, before...

"H-Hey!" she gasped as something that felt incredibly huge and thick was forced into her bottom, snaking deeper inside despite her protests. She squirmed, heart beating a little faster at the feeling of the invasive thing in her backside, holding it open ominously.

She didn't even notice as Sierra moved to the other tube, or see what she attached to it until the other girl knelt down and turned Morgan's head towards it. Morgan recoiled at the sight of the large, disturbingly realistic looking dildo, not least of all because she could see the tube snaked through it.

"Are you sure this isn't... too far?" Tatiana asked nervously.

"Oh, she'll be fine," Sierra brushed her off. "Now, you don't have to use this," she told Morgan, letting the dildo dangle in front of her. "However..." she stood, reaching up to turn something on. After a moment, a soft hum filled the room, and Morgan squealed as she felt the strange sensation of a thick, warm substance flowing inside of her backside. She tried to crawl away, but there was no escaping until, after a few moments, Sierra turned it off.

"Here's the rules," she knelt down at Morgan's level again. "A... friend of yours made this wonderful little contraption. That bag is full of a nice, big, oatmeal enema, with a few extra... additives... Don't worry, it's perfectly safe for you... On both ends." She patted Morgan on the head, chuckling as the girl whimpered. "As long as you suck away on your little friend here, the pump will sense that pressure and won't start, but once you stop... Well, you already felt what it does. So, it's really up to you... You're going to fill your diaper either way. If you can suck away like a good little diaper slut, it should be later, once you're tucked away snug in bed. If you don't... Well, we'll see how long you can hold it..."

Morgan shook her head. "N-No... I-I don't wanna play this..." She was silenced by Sierra pushing the dildo into her mouth and flipping the switch again. Morgan gasped as she heard the pump kick on, and, despite how mortifying the situation was, she began to suck. For a few moments, nothing happened, though she could see the thick, white goo oozing its way down the tube in front of her, until, finally, it filled her mouth. She nearly gagged at the taste. The pump started again, forcing more of the oatmeal into her bum as she struggled to swallow what was in her mouth so she could get back to sucking.

"Oh, by the way," Sierra said, pulling out her phone with a giggle. "You probably don't want to take too long... The other girls will start showing up soon, and I'm sure you don't want them to see you like this..." 

Morgan whimpered as she nursed the rubber penis in her mouth, staring up at Tatiana. The girl seemed uncomfortable, but she was making no move to stop what was happening, while Sierra, as always, recorded the whole thing for posterity. This was going to have to be the longest, best blowjob she'd ever given if she wanted to keep any more of this gunk from finding it way into her rear instead, sure to come out much sooner than she'd like... Unfortunately, she felt her jaw starting to grow tired already, every break she took making the pump start again, working much faster than she could... 


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