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Lizzie had argued, maybe not quite hard enough, that she didn't need the diapers... Mrs. Fairfield, in her calm, rational voice, had told her that they simply had to make sure of that, and that the extra-thick, night-time diapers she was being put in right off the bat were because she was bigger than the other students, so they had to be certain she wouldn't leak... Lizzie had tried to fight it, but by then, she'd already signed her application, and - though she would have hated to admit it to anyone from her old life - she didn't want to risk missing the finger-painting.

She'd felt quite awkward as she was led into the classroom she'd just been gawking into, bulky diaper between her legs, but neither the other students nor the teacher seemed to think her presence there was odd, and she was taken to her desk and given her paint. It took her a few minutes of wiggling to find a comfortable position in the mass of padding around her waist, but once she starting painting, she soon forgot all about that.

Once they were all done, she was marched with the rest of the students to the bathroom to wash up, the severe waddle in her step reminding her of how ridiculous this all was. She waited patiently for her turn to have the teacher's assistant clean her hands, then whispered, "C-Can I use the toilet while I'm in here?"

"No," the assistant told her plainly, then, when Lizzie looked at her with wide, panicked eyes, explained, "The toilet is for adults, like me. You could use one of the potties, except you're in diapers."

"Oh," Lizzie nodded. "Well, that's just because Mrs. Fairfield wanted to make sure I didn't leak... I'm potty trained and everything, I just..."

"Well, she can't find out if you'll leak if you don't use your diaper, can she?" Lizzie realized she couldn't exactly argue with that, so she just fidgeted in place, trying to think of a counter argument as her hands were dried off and she was sent to wait with the other kids who were done with a pat on her poofy pants.

She watched in embarrassment as the littles still in training pants were sat on the potties lining the wall, with her and the other diapered students getting checked and changed if needed. She was quick to say she didn't, though that didn't stop a fruitless diaper check. 

Afterwards, they went back to their classroom, where they were taught about colors, and numbers, and letters... And Lizzie began to regret her decision. Sure, the diaper had been humiliating, but she hadn't had to use it, yet... Finger-painting had been fun, but this was just dull, and pointless, which made it harder for her to concentrate, or sit still. She was glad when the growing pressure in her bladder got to be too much, and she had no choice but to pee herself, right there in the middle of class... Even though the teacher called her out for it in front of everyone, she still got a special trip with the assistant away from the boring lesson and to the bathroom for a fresh diaper.

Even her room didn't make her feel better... It was nice enough, despite the plastic sheets on her bed - which was just a little smaller than she was used to - she insisted she didn't need, and the mostly cute posters on the wall. The Barbie one, though... She'd never been much of a fan. Stuffed animals were just cuter, easier to snuggle, and more fun... Looking at it just reminded her that she didn't belong here, that she'd made a mistake...

Then, to add insult to injury, she felt a rumble from her tummy as she knelt on her little bed, staring at the poster... The high-fiber meals at lunch, dinner, and snacktime were catching up with her, and she knew there was nothing she could do about it. She'd been asked if she had to go before she was put to bed - though she doubted they'd have let her use the potty even if she'd said yes - and that was apparently that. She was just expected to stay relatively dry and clean until the next morning...

It happened much easier than she would have ever expected. She'd wanted to wait for the next morning, hope that she would get to try training pants then, so she could use the potty at least - even if the idea of sitting there with the rest of her class in the room was hardly appealing, either - but before she knew what was happening, she felt something warm and soft and squishy invading her pants... 

No, this couldn't be happening! She wasn't a baby! She whimpered, trying to stop it, but it was no good... Her tummy just kept pushing it out, filling her diaper more and more... She wrinkled her nose, sniffling, realizing what a huge mistake she'd made, wondering if there was any way to correct it before it was too late.



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