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An anonymous caption commission. Picture property of AdultBaby.xxx

"I'm sure they won't mind," Jasmine had brushed off the concerns. "Thick, thin... They're just for a bunch of old people anyway... Who cares?"

Maybe it was heartless... All right, she knew that it was. But it was going to save the company so much cash, she found it hard to bring herself to care. If the projections were correct, it would save so much that they would be insane not to promote her after this, hopefully to a position where she could be in charge of something more exciting than adult diapers. The thicker the better, in that case, since the bigger the diapers got, the cheaper they were to make.

Some of her co-workers were more soft-hearted, arguing against her, saying the new, thicker padding system might not be as comfortable, or that it would potentially make things more difficult for their customers... A few thought their customers would even refuse to buy their products if they made the change, which would, of course, mean the company would instead lose a ton of money. Jasmine tried to make the higher-ups understand how ridiculous that was... 

Unfortunately, they refused to listen to her - at least, not completely. "There might be some merits to these complaints," they told her. "Why don't you mock up some ads, show how you'd sell them?"

It was a pain, yet if that was what she had to do to get the ball rolling, well, clearly she would do it. What choice did she have? The marketing department, as usual, was no help, pitching her plenty of artsy-fartsy ideas that she doubted anyone would give a second glance. She made sure to tell them how useless they were before telling them, "It's simple! You just show people doing something normal in them, like it's no big deal... Because it isn't!"

Even that proved to be too hard for them. They claimed nobody wanted to model for them - to which she said, of course, that they just needed to look harder. As the deadline loomed, however, Jasmine began to realize she was just going to have to take things into her own hands. She was just going to have to do the modeling herself. The ad was just a mock-up... Only a few people, all in the company, would see it. That would be embarrassing, but it would also show her dedication!

She was questioning her own dedication on the day, as she went to get changed into her wardrobe for the shoot. She was directed to a small room, but when she got in there, much to her surprise, and embarrassment, someone else was waiting for her. "I can get dressed on my own," she blushed.

"Are you sure?" the younger, bored looking girl asked. "Do you know how to put these on?" Jasmine had to admit she didn't... So she stripped out of her skirt and waited patiently for the girl to do her work. "Those, too," she said instead, pointing to Jasmine's panties. Jasmine protested, but the girl refused to take no for an answer... Wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible so she could get back to her real job, Jasmine finally complied.

The diaper was much thicker than she'd expected. Of course, she didn't wear diapers regularly, so she told herself it really wasn't that much bigger than any other one... But as she squirmed on the bulky, padded surface, the girl cleaning her up much more thoroughly than she thought necessary, she couldn't help wondering if that was true... At least, until she was distracted by a finger slipping into her backside. "H-Hey!" she gasped, cheeks darkening even more at the invasion.

"Sorry, just slipped," the girl told her, somewhat unconvincingly. Jasmine resolved to see what she could do to get this brat fired when she was done with the shoot... "Let's get you finished up." She pulled the diaper up between Jasmine's legs, pushing them well away from each other. "Now," the girl said with a grin, going to the closet to pull out something soft, pink, and frilly, "let's get you into this..."

Jasmine protested, of course, but there wasn't much else she could do. She felt absurd, and helpless, with the huge diaper between her legs, totally at the mercy of the girl, as she had a hard time moving from the spot she was sitting, even if this costume seemed the exact opposite of the point of the ad she wanted to make. There were plenty of mirrors in the tiny dressing room, more than enough to make it clear just how much of a baby she looked like.

Then, to top it all off, when she tried to stand so she could tear the outfit off, she realized she couldn't even stand... The immense size of the diaper made her fall to her knees, and once she was down on the floor, no amount of struggle could get her back on her feet. The girl gave her a swat to her bottom - which she couldn't even feel through the diaper - and herded her out to the studio on her hands and knees.

The set was just as bad as the costume. It was supposed to show an adult, doing normal, grown-up things... Instead, it was a giant nursery. She tried to refuse to work, to insist that they re-do everything to go back to her original concept, but all she could do was sit there on the nursery floor and throw a tantrum, which everyone seemed to just take as her getting into character, since they kept filming and photographing her as she did it.

So she found herself crawling around the set, praying that they'd hurry up and get everything they needed for their ad and let her out of this silly get-up... Not least of all because her stomach was beginning to rumble ominously... When she complained, somebody just stuffed a pacifier in her mouth and then everyone praised them, saying it completed the look, that they had to start all over again now.

Jasmine was too humiliated to show up to the next meeting... She took the whole next week off, citing a family emergency. There was no way the marketing department could cut anything they'd gotten into a good ad for her. She'd been so furious that she'd screamed at them all that they were fired, though she didn't actually have the authority to do that... It did make her feel slightly better, though.

When she got back to work, there was an e-mail waiting for her on her laptop, the only thing left in her office. It told her that she was brilliant, that the ad was perfect, that she'd been assigned a new position, and a new office. She couldn't believe it... Maybe the marketing team had half a brain between them after all. She should probably apologize to them, when she got the chance... When she got to her new office, however, it was the dressing room... There were stacks of thick diapers, and the closet was full of humiliating, infantile clothes.

Frantically, she flipped her laptop back open, searching through her other e-mails, congratulating her and telling her just what a great job she had done, how they were going to base the whole campaign around the concept, how she was the perfect model for it, how they were going national with the ads as soon as possible, until, finally, she found the one from the marketing department, of her ad. Hand shaking, she clicked play.

It was all there... Her crawling around the nursery, sucking on the pacifier, playing with baby toys, squirming uncomfortably... She gasped as she saw herself lift her bottom up, knowing that she had just lost control and started filling her diaper, although it was hard to tell through the bulk of the thing, even with her backside facing the camera. Then, it cut to another woman, wearing tight jeans, laughing with her friends at a bar...

"Tired of your incontinence product making you feel like a baby?" the ad asked. "Try the new, thinner solution!"

This wasn't her ad! It was her rivals'... But there she was in it, the 'star'... Her bosses must have thought that she'd changed her mind and backed the thinner product instead, and this was her way of showing it... She wasn't sure if it was her rivals, or the marketing department behind this... Either way, her rivals, and their more expensive, slimmer diaper had won... Now she was stuck in the much thicker diapers she had wanted to use to make a buck, stuck crawling around in them so everyone could see just how babyish she looked in them... And it was hard to deny, staring at her computer screen as the ad looped again, that she looked very babyish indeed...





This is my favorite caption of all time. Thank you so much I love it I hope to see more of this story.


Love the look. I'll have to check the site, but any diaper bulges that large are great.