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Its been a while since I've done a sequel poll! Instead of a random idea for this round, give me a video of mine that you'd like to see a sequel for, and a short description of what could happen! For ex. a sequel to Cybernetic Drider where the next version of you wakes up but etc etc....and of course staying within rules, as well as these extra rules: No sequels to series' that aren't completed, so not for moriah or leech girl etc. Spin offs are ok though so if you want to request a spin off thing with Eravin or Acktreal. 

Poll rules!

1. Only one request per person

2. Only requests involving 1 character, no collab requests

3. No nsfw requests

4. Can be a human or a monster girl character

5. Please include a short character concept and story concept so I have something to go off of and so voters can picture it (if it’s too vague I won’t include it)

6. For personal reasons I’m no longer comfortable with doing anything with a religious background ex. Demons, angels, goddesses etc except i am ok with sleep paralysis demons and Oni’s

7. You may request something that belongs to an existing property (ex. SCP) but I can’t guarantee it will make it the polls because I don’t usually do characters from existing properties

8. No sequel requests of other videos (unless stated otherwise)

9. Please refrain from suggesting something you’ve seen from another content creator, I would hate to find out that I unknowingly copied someone’s work



Orca girl pt2 (im on my hands and knees praying to the gods) where instead of the listener saving her from getting stuck she saves the listener

Nick Jones

Bone drider pt2 where you help teach her medicine, maybe something along the lines of using her venom as a way to dissolve a portion of a patients skull to relieve pressure after a head injury.


Absolutely loved the voice you used for the rat girl. I'd love hearing a sequel.