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Hey guys! I’m a little late on videos I apologise. They will be up tonight so keep an eye out, but in the meantime I may as well already grab the requests for February’s poll! The month of love…what will you request?

Poll rules!

Only one request per person

Only requests involving 1 character, no collab requests

No pornographic requests, it’s ok if it’s a little bit lewd but nothing that’s obvious porn

Can be a human or a monster girl character

Please include a short character concept and story concept so I have something to go off of and so voters can picture it (if it’s too vague I won’t include it)

For personal reasons I’m no longer comfortable with doing anything with a religious background ex. Demons, angels, goddesses etc except i am ok with sleep paralysis demons and Oni’s

You may request something that belongs to an existing property (ex. SCP) but I can’t guarantee it will make it the polls because I don’t usually do characters from existing properties

No sequel requests of other videos (unless stated otherwise)

Please refrain from suggesting something you’ve seen from another content creator, I would hate to find out that I unknowingly copied someone’s work



It’s valentines day and the listener decides to try and surprise their wife by buying a gift and coming home early as usually their job keeps them from coming home until late into the night. They try to sneak up on their wife to surprise them, they find a bizarre sight of their wife drinking out of blood bags. Turns out, she’s actually a vampire, and always has been since before they were married or even met. Things are pretty awkward as the wife insists she didn’t REALLY lie. She was honest about her skin being sensitive to sunlight, it’s just that she never specified how sensitive. More than anything she was just worried that if the listener learned the whole truth that they’d leave her. Listener decides to reassure her by offering some of their blood for her, which she accepts. TL;DR Listener comes home to find out their wife was secretly a vampire.