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Back at it again, gib me your suggestions

Poll rules!

1. Only one request per person

2. Only requests involving 1 character, no collab requests

3. Vore/vorish requests allowed but no pornographic requests

4. Can be a human or a monster girl character

5. Please include a short character concept and story concept so I have something to go off of and so voters can picture it (if it’s too vague I won’t include it)

6. For personal reasons I’m no longer comfortable with doing anything with a religious background ex. Demons, angels, goddesses etc except i am ok with sleep paralysis demons and Oni’s

7. You may request something that belongs to an existing property (ex. SCP) but I can’t guarantee it will make it the polls because I don’t usually do characters from existing properties

8. No sequel requests of other videos (unless stated otherwise)

9. Please refrain from suggesting something you’ve seen from another content creator, I would hate to find out that I unknowingly copied someone’s work



The listener is stranded on a desert island and has gotten close to a shark girl mermaid that shares the island with them, however when a cruise ship is spotted on the horizon they're forced to pick between civilisation and a budding relationship


You're living a normal day when another dark thought crosses your mind. You sigh and prepare to fend it off before...wait, was that a...vacuum cleaner? You feel better almost immediately before a timid voice apologizes. "Sorry, missed a spot. It's so messy up here and I must have knocked some dust loose." [The mysterious voice in your head cleans out your bad thoughts...literally.] (Includes various sounds of cleaning, such as duster, quiet vacuuming, and scrubbing)


This is what I suggested last time: The listener is a shark mermaid/merman who was beached and tangled in a net. A young human woman sees the listener and out of empathy and kindness, sets them free, but takes the listener in to hide from some fishers sailing nearby, not risking to have the listener caught again. The listener passes out. She places the listener into a tub full of water with salt added in because shark merpeople are saltwater types. She has already nursed the listener's wounds while they were out. the listener wakes up, a little panicked but the girl is able to calm them. She talks a bit, introducing herself. Just when she was about to feed the listener some fresh fish that she saved for dinner later, she gets a call from her father. He asks her if she's seen a shark merperson swim near her place and she lies through her teeth, saying she hasn't. She pieces together that her father was the one who caught and put the listener through all of that and she calmly ends the call. She goes off ranting about him, unapproving of his methods and how he mistreats merpeople. And from there, you can do what you wish!


Listner: detective(who almost stopped the summon of cuthulu) You: chuthulu Synopsis: After being summoned, chuthulu appears and try’s to devour the clever detectives mind(mentally) the detective proves stronger willed then the being. She cant devour their mind mentally. She will deal with them physically by devouring them whole. The Detective is definite through tentacles and a massive maw until the end. At least the detective will not see what chuthulu will do to the rest of the world after being awakened.


Human finds fairy listener with their wing caught in a Venus flytrap. Speaker is caring but nervous not wanting to hurt the listener and is also surprised to find fairies exist Listener is nervous at first not used to being around humans but warms up once they realise that they are just trying to help. Speaker takes listener in to care for them and they both bond over a love of nature and the outside.

Napalm Wolf

Golem diamond giantess: the listener is lost and finds himself trapped in a temple made of diamond, there are traps everywhere. He comes to the main room with a statue of woman carved out of diamonds. Amazed, he marvels at it and rests his hand on it. The statue awakens and acknowledges the listener as its new master. She states that anyone who awakens her will be her next master and protect them dutifully. The golem then helps the listener out of the temple and the two make their way towards the forest to rest for the night. The golemn is dutiful and loyal to the listener. Later on she grows to care about them, the same way an older sister or mother would, only wanting the best for them, their happiness and safety. the listener is morally gray, they are vengeful towards their enemies, yet kind and understanding towards their friends, they are thrilled to have someone huge and powerful on their side, and they’ll make sure everyone knows this to not mess with them

Ri Hand

Listener is locked in a sensory deprivation tank as an experiment and begins to hear a siren like woman calling to them in the darkness. She seems to get closer and clearer the longer the listener is in the tank, until their mind snaps and is lost to another dimension forever.


Witch is pissed that listener was trespassing in her forest. Witch turns listener into a marshmallow, throws them in her hot chocolate, teases the listener as they dissolve and drinks more and more until she finishes the hot chocolate and the listener.


the listener is looking for some new tech and goes to a ripper doctor who has legs built like a mechanical spider or scorpion getting new insect based cybernetics, the speaker eitehr taking the listener as thier new pet project, or the cybernetics can only be worked on by her, the speaker being wanting to make animal based cybernetics and wants to make them perfect them having some minor programming that links to the users brain to change habbits to link more with their new cybernetics


After getting into a pretty bad plane crash you're left on the cold ground in the middle of nowhere snows coming down in the frost is already beginning to numb your ears. Before you Lose consciousness you hear the sounds of large footsteps approaching In a loud but soft voice Speaking before you drift off. Yeti Girl Warms you up in her cave After a crash. Would involve a timid Yeti Calming you down keeping your warm and patching up your injuries. Probably Involve sounds of snow falling Is loud wind Head scratches/pets and the soft banter.


the listener and her newly married wife enjoy a normal evening after a day of work, talking about how their daily rutine went off, BUT all of this is happening the day previous to a zombie apocalipse outbreak (inspired by the last of us tv intro scenes) police, ambulance sirens or other ominous sounds are constantly present in the background and tv reports that conviniently are ignored as background noice by the couple, as the wife narrates some unusual events that happened on her work like some guy sudenly going berserk and attacking several people near her work place. the conversation ends with the couple going to their room, discusing their plans for the weekend, leaving the couple fate to the listener imagination

Snow Cold

Alright here we go, mimic time. The listener finds a chest at the end of a dungeon and after plundering it thoroughly listener sees another chest across the room. Walking over and opening it the mimic attempts to eat them, but then the listener’s food bag or lunch bag or something rips open and falls into the mimics mouth. The mimic loves it so much that they spit the listener out and strikes a deal. They will become the listeners new endless bag of holding and the listener will feed it food…glorious food.

The Explorator

The listener is together with an incorporeal human puppeteer entity. One day, they wake up to someone laying beside them. Even though she promised not to, the girlfriend has taken over someones body, to be able to feel their partners touch again. The listener proceeds to chew her out for it, but she slowly convinces them, until they cave in and indulge in some much needed cuddling.


How about the listener wakes up restrained on a surgery table on a spaceship. The speaker notices the listener is awake and and is almost bored when she explains that she is from an advanced species and they had recently discovered earth. She's there to study humans to see how useful they can be. As they talk, she warms up to the listener. After some questions and tests, the last part part of the examination is next. Dissection. The alien reassures the listener it will be alright. She has collected a DNA sample to clone them once they're done and she'll upload their mind into the new body. After all, there would be more tests tomorrow. Up to you how far/ graphic you want to take it there.


Sphinx woman tries to get you to answer her riddles (incorrectly). Her whole shtick is that if you pass the riddle, you get to proceed as usual, but if you fail, you get eaten. Listener ends up tripping her up with an answer to a riddle that wasn’t the INTENDED answer, but could very much be viable, and she pins down the listener under giant paws while she ponders. She eventually decides to give the listener a different riddle, or maybe just starts talking to them, but if they even answer an inquiry wrong from the sphinx, they face being devoured. Also, for the pinning part — your “Dragon’s Treasure” ASMR was what really got me thinking about this. The sound of being under a monster give the chance for some interesting sound.


You are snorkeling in the ocean when you encounter a Jellyfish Girl who senses that you've been feeling stressed lately. She claims that it's fate they you two met, as she explains that seeing Jellyfish is an omen that you need to stop resisting and just go with the flow. This is ultimately a trick because the video ends with the Jellyfish Girl wrapping you in her tentacles and slowly consumes you. Thus permanently ending your stress!


Can you do one where you are singing? I love your singing channel!


Wow this was a lot longer than I thought it’d be Listener wakes up and goes to their kitchen to start their day as usual, seeing that their wife has made then breakfast. So, the listener sits down to enjoy their meal and read today’s newspaper as their wife talks about what they might do today, it is the weekend after all so it’s just the two of them. But, halfway through breakfast the listener remembers something. They aren’t married. In fact this isn’t even their house. And that isn’t even their car in the front yard! Then they notice that their “wife” seems to actually be a sort of eldritch. From this point things start to seem less and less real, becoming more dream-like as the listener loses their grip on reality. While at first she is relatively humanoid her body becomes more and more chaotic as the listener becomes aware of what’s actually going on. When pressed about what’s happening the “wife” insists that they’ve always been together, even if the listener didn’t know it. She sees that the listener is starting to panic and gives them a hug, realizing that this must be quite confusing for a mere human that only has a linear understanding of time and space, only to then apologize for how condescending that sounded. She explains that she is a shoggoth, a being created to serve much higher level entities but abandoned them to for the listener because she loves them and they love her too, even if they don’t know it yet, linear understanding of time and all. Despite all common sense all logic, everything seems right. Perhaps the listener has gone as insane as this monster girl, but is that really such a bad thing. TL;DR Listener wakes up one day to find that they’re married to a loving shoggoth. Perhaps they’ve gone as insane as this monster girl, but is that really such a bad thing?


The listener is a god who manifests themselves inside a human girl’s mind to scramble it. The girl begins to slowly lose it as her mind is slowly torn apart.

bossshun9 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-19 05:29:14 Clark, Stan, Kelly, Claire, & The Listener the best police team on the planet. Ever since humanity discovered a new planet to live on, these five have made sure that no crime goes unsolved; however, this crime is nothing like they have ever seen. A report comes to Stan (Team Leader) that a murder has occurred in one of the settlements on the far side of the planet. The last communication came from Sarah and it reads: "It is going to eat anyone." Stan and his team are to check it out. They take the land-rover to the settlement and find it looking messy. Many people had already reported the same thing about something in or near the settlement attacking people. Due to the panic, everyone left. Sarah didn't leave until everyone was gone. Stan and his team are to establish contact and get a situation assessment. Once they arrive, everything is quiet. No doors are open, the lights work, and they hear music coming from on of the police stations. The enter and find blood on the floor with Sarah's badge left at the scene. Clark checks the log with Claire while Stan, Kelly & The Listener search the rooms. They find more paperwork dating back to when the attacks happen. The last repot said it was near the main hall of the settlement. Suddenly, they hear a noise and find Sarah alive with blood on her. She tells them what is going on, but there is more fear in her voice than anything. Clark says they should leave, but Stan refuses to leave until they see what Sarah meant in her report about it being near the Main Hall. Stan & Clark nearly fight, but Claire keeps them focused while Kelly and The Listener try to check Sarah over for wounds. The Listener did see something on her back that looks weird, but Sarah states it is nothing. The team finally decides to go to the Main Hall with Sarah explaining to The Listener what she found. Sarah's eyes look weird and different but she keeps them covered and looks down. The team arrives at the Main Hall and hears a loud noise. They turn and see something fall over. They rush over and keep seeing something fall over. Stan is mad, Clark is nervous, Claire is unsure, and Kelly is scared of what they will find. Whatever it was, they didn't see it and move on with their mission. They keep advancing to the Main Hall door with Sara telling them to not go in. The open the door and find a surprise. TO BE CONTINUED...🫢🫢😳😳🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️
2023-05-01 01:20:35 Clark, Stan, Kelly, Claire, & The Listener the best police team on the planet. Ever since humanity discovered a new planet to live on, these five have made sure that no crime goes unsolved; however, this crime is nothing like they have ever seen. A report comes to Stan (Team Leader) that a murder has occurred in one of the settlements on the far side of the planet. The last communication came from Sarah and it reads: "It is going to eat anyone." Stan and his team are to check it out. They take the land-rover to the settlement and find it looking messy. Many people had already reported the same thing about something in or near the settlement attacking people. Due to the panic, everyone left. Sarah didn't leave until everyone was gone. Stan and his team are to establish contact and get a situation assessment. Once they arrive, everything is quiet. No doors are open, the lights work, and they hear music coming from on of the police stations. The enter and find blood on the floor with Sarah's badge left at the scene. Clark checks the log with Claire while Stan, Kelly & The Listener search the rooms. They find more paperwork dating back to when the attacks happen. The last repot said it was near the main hall of the settlement. Suddenly, they hear a noise and find Sarah alive with blood on her. She tells them what is going on, but there is more fear in her voice than anything. Clark says they should leave, but Stan refuses to leave until they see what Sarah meant in her report about it being near the Main Hall. Stan & Clark nearly fight, but Claire keeps them focused while Kelly and The Listener try to check Sarah over for wounds. The Listener did see something on her back that looks weird, but Sarah states it is nothing. The team finally decides to go to the Main Hall with Sarah explaining to The Listener what she found. Sarah's eyes look weird and different but she keeps them covered and looks down. The team arrives at the Main Hall and hears a loud noise. They turn and see something fall over. They rush over and keep seeing something fall over. Stan is mad, Clark is nervous, Claire is unsure, and Kelly is scared of what they will find. Whatever it was, they didn't see it and move on with their mission. They keep advancing to the Main Hall door with Sara telling them to not go in. The open the door and find a surprise. TO BE CONTINUED...🫢🫢😳😳🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️

Clark, Stan, Kelly, Claire, & The Listener the best police team on the planet. Ever since humanity discovered a new planet to live on, these five have made sure that no crime goes unsolved; however, this crime is nothing like they have ever seen. A report comes to Stan (Team Leader) that a murder has occurred in one of the settlements on the far side of the planet. The last communication came from Sarah and it reads: "It is going to eat anyone." Stan and his team are to check it out. They take the land-rover to the settlement and find it looking messy. Many people had already reported the same thing about something in or near the settlement attacking people. Due to the panic, everyone left. Sarah didn't leave until everyone was gone. Stan and his team are to establish contact and get a situation assessment. Once they arrive, everything is quiet. No doors are open, the lights work, and they hear music coming from on of the police stations. The enter and find blood on the floor with Sarah's badge left at the scene. Clark checks the log with Claire while Stan, Kelly & The Listener search the rooms. They find more paperwork dating back to when the attacks happen. The last repot said it was near the main hall of the settlement. Suddenly, they hear a noise and find Sarah alive with blood on her. She tells them what is going on, but there is more fear in her voice than anything. Clark says they should leave, but Stan refuses to leave until they see what Sarah meant in her report about it being near the Main Hall. Stan & Clark nearly fight, but Claire keeps them focused while Kelly and The Listener try to check Sarah over for wounds. The Listener did see something on her back that looks weird, but Sarah states it is nothing. The team finally decides to go to the Main Hall with Sarah explaining to The Listener what she found. Sarah's eyes look weird and different but she keeps them covered and looks down. The team arrives at the Main Hall and hears a loud noise. They turn and see something fall over. They rush over and keep seeing something fall over. Stan is mad, Clark is nervous, Claire is unsure, and Kelly is scared of what they will find. Whatever it was, they didn't see it and move on with their mission. They keep advancing to the Main Hall door with Sara telling them to not go in. The open the door and find a surprise. TO BE CONTINUED...🫢🫢😳😳🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️