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its that time of the month once more, send me your submissions for a video you'd like me to make!

Poll rules! 

1. Only one request per person 

2. Only requests involving 1 character, no collab requests 

3. Vore/vorish requests allowed but no pornographic requests 

4. Can be a human or a monster girl character 

5. Please include a short character concept and story concept so I have something to go off of and so voters can picture it (if it’s too vague I won’t include it) 

6. For personal reasons I’m no longer comfortable with doing anything with a religious background ex. Demons, angels, goddesses etc except i am ok with sleep paralysis demons and Oni’s 

7. You may request something that belongs to an existing property (ex. SCP) but I can’t guarantee it will make it the polls because I don’t usually do characters from existing properties 

8. No sequel requests of other videos (unless stated otherwise) 

9. Please refrain from suggesting something you’ve seen from another content creator, I would hate to find out that I unknowingly copied someone’s work



In the grim darkness of the far future there is only... wholesome bonding? After a gruesome battle with the Tyranids to defend the Farsight Enclaves, the listener, a Gue'vesa (human helper) and the speaker, a T'au soldier, make their way back to their transport after a narrow victory. Talking about the battle, prior experiences in combat etc. After making it back to the garrison and getting cleaned up, they decide to eat together, but away from the crowded and noisy canteen. Sharing their reasons for fighting and getting to know each other more personally. The property is of course Warhammer 40K. The center is the friendship and bond between the two soldiers from vastly different backgrounds: speaker - growing up in the Enclaves; listener - escaping from the Imperium. A possible romantic undertone can be implied, but should not be the main focus.


Crow-Harpy roommate is a Bit of a Hoarder Your Crow-harpy roommate has a habit of collecting shiny junk whenever she goes out and it's gotten to the point where you can barely enter through the front door. She agrees that's it's become a bit of a problem and reluctantly agrees to throw out some of her stuff. However, everything you touch seems to have a sentimental value of some kind. After some poor excuses and a bit of back and forth you manage to clear most of the junk out of the room. Your Roommate even seems to agree that the room looks better now and apologizes for being so messy. Ultimately, she realizes that more space in the apartment means more space for new shiny things!


Cyberpunk ripper doc goth girl gives you a tune up. We (the listener) go see our ripper doc (you) complaining about some problem. It could back pain problems from an uneven load on the arms causing a lean, or our arm is glitching out having it have a mind of its own, or maybe a software update and cleaning for our ears (for a chance to go crazy on the asmr). A good idea may be that the listener is losing there mind from cyperphycosis and you are telling us to downgrade or we the listener will go insane.


A desert warlord offers you tea before unshackling your chains. The desert warlord is a stern person more interested in philosophy of necessity and doing what it takes to acquire what is necessary. They run a band of misfits and rejects of society that form their own band in the desert in an attempt to create something better for themselves than what they had that led them to the life of crime that got them exiled to the desert in the first place. The listener would be another prisoner exiled to the desert and taken in by the warlord still shackled. The warlord would discuss why the listener was exiled and discuss the philosophy of second chances, necessity, and change while a glass teapot boils from the heat of the sun. And share tea before the prisoner would be released as their second chance. Posting again, and at 3am sorry if incoherent.

Snow Cold

I’m gonna keep submitting mimic girl. Adventurer listener finds a chest that turns out to be a mimic. The mimic doesn’t want to eat the listener though after smelling the rations they have on them so the mimic asks for them in return for the treasure. Mimic eats the rations and finds the taste so much better than peoply meat. Thus a bargain is struck, the mimic will act as a companion and storage device and the listener will feed the mimic tasty food.


Let's try this again: Adventurer listener encounters what looks like a wingless dragon that blocks the road. They ask her why she's there, she asks them where they're going, they discuss, and she's doing all she can to sound intimidating. Then she says that she needs a tribute to let them pass. The listener doesn't have anything like that, though so the "dragon" gulps them up in a single bite, and the adventure goes down her throat. The listener then manages to use their trusty sword to cut through the neck of the "dragon", decapitating it to get out, and the "dragon"'s body falls to the ground. Then, as the listener is about to go, the body twitches a bit, and then two heads grow back from the body. The hydra then complains about how much it hurt, showing that she's really not all that tough, calls the listener rude and tells them that she'll let them pass, and that they better never come back in a very unconvincing attempt to be menacing.


Frog girl dissects small human listener for a class. When done human is obviously heavily injured. Rather than just throw them out, she eats them. (Starting with severed legs for more reversed roles fun.)


So heres an odd suggestion I just made trying to think of something. So the Listener is a tourist in Egypt and they're being led by a tour guide to go up to the pyramids. The Listener eventually goes on their own and "discovers" a secret entrance in one of them accidentally and gets stuck inside the pyramid hallways. After a couple of seconds of walking aimlessly they hear someone else in a different hall nearby and through the walls the person explains that they're also trapped inside and wants to escape as well and so they decide to walk to the Listener so that way they can look for a way together. However to the surprise of the Listener it turns out this other person is a mummy and after some assurances that she's not going to curse them for trespassing, due to it being an accident, they both proceed to find a way to get outside again. As they both walk the Listener is catching her up on new things going on in the world and she explains that the reason she's risen again is because in the past her tomb was broken into and she couldn't stop the previous people in time to be laid back to rest. Could be ended right there with an open ending if you wanted, or them leaving via the secret path from the beginning and them just hanging out afterwords with the mummy wanting to see what else has changed. TLDR: Listener gets stuck in a pyramid by accident and meets a mummy.


On the run you get cornered trying to escape the city and get eaten by zombie girl


The listener is the monster girl. One day while a human (speaker) is wandering through the forest, they get lost as it begins to get dark. As they blindly stumble around, an unknown Cryptid (listener) shrouded in shadowy darkness finds them and attempts to befriend them while helping to lead them home. The human is initially scared but has no other option and begins to grow more comfortable around them asking to see more of their form. The monster eventually does before the human leaves the forest, who in turns promises to be friends with the monster and visit them from time to time.