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Ahhh shit, here we go again

Poll rules!

1. Only one request per person

2. Only requests involving 1 character, no collab requests

3. Vore/vorish requests allowed but no pornographic requests

4. Can be a human or a monster girl character

5. Please include a short character concept and story concept so I have something to go off of and so voters can picture it (if it’s too vague I won’t include it)

6. For personal reasons I’m no longer comfortable with doing anything with a religious background ex. Demons, angels, goddesses etc except i am ok with sleep paralysis demons and Oni’s

7. You may request something that belongs to an existing property (ex. SCP) but I can’t guarantee it will make it the polls because I don’t usually do characters from existing properties

8. No sequel requests of other videos

9. Please refrain from suggesting something you’ve seen from another content creator, I would hate to find out that I unknowingly copied someone’s work



I’ll repost my submission since I like the idea of it so much. Laying on the beach, only to find out you are laying on top of a Sand-Golem's back. She thinks it's a game so she starts burying you in the sand which makes up her body. Sand-girl is not so smart. “She talk with few words like this.” Essentially making the listener constantly dig themselves up while trying to get her to stop. But then she gets sad, so you let her bury you, but only a ✨little bit✨.


I’m still going with the yandere trap door spider catching the listener on their walk thinking it’s their love interest, come to find out it’s their sibling instead. This causes severe confusion as they’re identical twins. Threats of ingestion are thrown around to either assure capture or prevent warning the other sibling. It all depends if the dridder believes the truth being told or the truth she already knows.


I really did like one suggestion from a previous poll. The listener goes on an expedition up a mountain alone, night comes and a lonely Manticor girl appears, paralyses you to force you to cuddle with her, kisses begin to turn into bites (death final of course) (she ends up eating you slowly )


It's been over a century since the Incursion melded our world with theirs. Since then, our world has been overrun by the unrelenting tide of Monsters. Humanity, despite the new regime, has fared well under this new management with the less fortunate being provided to registered caretakers. You are one such individual, a person down on their luck being taken to your new caretaker. What kind of Monster could they be, you wonder, as you arrive at your new home. Nervously, you knock at the door, heart pounding in your chest as your imagination runs rampant...until you hear someone approaching, their rapid steps like rain on a roof. The door opens to reveal your new caretaker...a chitinous centipede, her modest garb contrasting with her insect-like features. She chirps in delight, ushering you inside the sweet-smelling home. This...may take some getting used to.

Garrett Gregory

Do mind the dust, if you may: An alien/monster bodysnatcher has been living in the listener’s body for a few months, but wants to have an amicable relationship with its host. For this reason, it has refrained from exerting control and let the listener get used to its presence on his/her own terms, only ever chatting with the lister and preventing attempts to tell anyone about it. Today, however, during the lister’s morning walk, the bodysnatcher requests permission to finally take the reins. The rest of the audio is the bodysnatcher giddily exploring the scene for its first time as the autonomous agent, looking at trees and animals, smelling flowers, saying hello to passersby and petting their dogs, etc., and finally ending with a moment of gratitude towards the listener, an expression of hope for friendship, and a last-minute request for a turn on the video game console.


Pitching it again: Adventurer listener encounters what looks like a wingless dragon that blocks the road. They ask her why she's there, she asks them where they're going, they discuss, and she's doing all she can to sound intimidating. Then she says that she needs a tribute to let them pass. The listener doesn't have anything like that, though so the "dragon" gulps them up in a single bite, and the adventure goes down her throat. The listener then manages to use their trusty sword to cut through the neck of the "dragon", decapitating it to get out, and the "dragon"'s body falls to the ground. Then, as the listener is about to go, the body twitches a bit, and then two heads grow back from the body. The hydra then complains about how much it hurt, showing that she's really not all that tough, calls the listener rude and tells them that she'll let them pass, and that they better never come back in a very unconvincing attempt to be menacing.


Here is my idea. You wake up due to hear strange noise from the living room. As you walk out you see your GF doing yoga. She then spots you from a reflection on a picture frame and turns around but to our horror her lower jaw is completely split in half, we then are paralyzed in fear as then a large tentacle bursts out of her mouth, we then bolt and she persues and trys to make sense of this to us. Eventually she gets so nervous she accidentally gives away that she as not what she seems. She starts to gain appendages seemingly made from her body in a mer matter of seconds. She then trys to calm us down but in a panic we run back into our room and shut the door. We then lock the door but a huge spike comes through the wall, eventually leading to a huge mutated claw burst through the door. We run and slide under the bed, being scared we start to uncontrollably sob thinking our life is over. She then lifts up the bed with ease and we are horrified by her appearance. We cower and muttering that we don't want to die, but she instead says she had no intention to harm us. She then calms us down so we can understand her. She tells us she is from a species of Aliens with the ability to mimic other species perfectly, and can rapidly mutate there body when under extreme stress. (Like The Thing but more advanced in technology.) She was sent down to earth to observe the human race but she saw us and it was basically love at first sight. She then reminisce over the best moments of there life from High School to College, how she protected us from harm, from others or ourself. She then reminds us the time we once said something unbelievable stupid that the both of us laughed so hard for what felt like an hour. We chuckle and she then comments saying does she scare us anymore, we of course respond with not really, but its a bit unnerving. We ask her why she had her jaw split, she responded with that she at least needs to let loose at least once a month or she feels like she'll go insane. We then move out of the way as she then puts the bed down, she then lifts us up with ease and puts us in bed before changing back into a human form. She then looks at us, makes a snarky remark about how "pervy" we are for watching her do yoga, we then get blushed and she then kisses us good night. End. Its like The Thing, The Good ending.


For some reason my comment keeps getting removed. I think maybe because it has note brackets that make Patreon think I'm trying to do JavaScript injection, or maybe it's too long? Is that an automated thing going on or is it being removed manually?


Sleep paralysis demon accidentally wakes you up and reads you a bedtime story. (I imagine her being timid and spooky, maybe she’s new to this whole thing? It could potentially be in the same universe as the last sleep paralysis demon series, so it’s essentially an occupation, and she’s brand new to the job. I like the idea of her using her timidity as a front for her inner dark side! Also doesn’t have the be reading a bedtime story, could be anything to put the listener to sleep!)


Adventurer listener is cornered in the woods by a snail girl (they were sleeping ok?), listener is slightly panicked (and embarrassed) and looks for a way around, but the snail girl just wants to make a proposal: the snail kingdom is planning to invade the mosquito kingdom and needs someone fast (like you) to be a messenger between their forces