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I also want to ask you guys, are you ok with me being more picky with what i put on polls? I put almost everyones request on this time, usually i dont put on ones that are too vague, but like...i dont want to be a dick either by cutting peoples requests out if i dont like them yanno? idk what to do about that...i also dont want to potentially end up with a winner that seems like a chore or feels like something i cant do. 


October Poll!

Vote on one video that will be made for supporters in october!



given that at the end of the day you are the creator, I don't think there's anything wrong with pruning suggestions, as long as everyone enters into poll suggestions knowing that (Instead of a rug pull). Its essentially quality control for your own work. It also making the list of options for voting more narrow, which might make individual votes feel more meaningful, at least slightly.

Very Hungry Caterpillar

You all rights to be picky! It whatever you feel comfortable with❤️🐛


It’s your channel mom! We come to YOU for YOUR content, not the content of everyone else. I’ve always touted you as the most creative ASMRtist I follow and that’s why you’re one of the only ones I have a Patreon for, so if you don’t think as idea is up to snuff for your channel, cut it!

Bleak Briar

I don't see a problem. Ultimately, the polls are ways for you to help narrow down suggestions using our input. If you don't like a suggestion or don't think it would make a good or enjoyable video, either to watch or to make, don't include it. We are here because we love your content, and not every suggestion has to fit.


I don't think its a bad thing to not include people's ideas like that. You've been doing this for a while so I would trust your judgement on stuff like that. If something seems like it might be a half baked idea, then it might just be that.


I don't see anything wrong with picking your favorites to use in the poll.

Cup Of Earl Grey Tea

Being a little picky is fine Mother. Whatever gets chosen you'll have to voice since you do all your audios personally. Just keep an open mind but don't be afraid to filter out what you feel would be too much of a chore


There's too many that sound fun...


i'm late to this, but i've seen another creator manage this by replying to the suggestions they didn't think they can do and asking them to enter a new one if they'd like? i mean it worked for me, i was one of the ones told my idea was too 'out there' so i changed it completely and it won the poll haha


An advisory that using a Google forms poll will result in people with multiple Google accounts being able to vote multiple times. Please don't do this but I thought I'd mention it. You can run a query on your Google sheets attached to it to see if multiple identical responses were made within a short timeframe to identify possible abuse of this.