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I’m already working on character designs for my next video 👀 who grabs your interest the most? (and yes I know I’m very thorough, I even write down their cup sizes)




Harlow and Tilly got my attention, Harlow because a blue bee makes me very curious, and Tilly because she’s small and cute.


Tilly because the idea of a "cute tick" is certainly well outside my expectations and Bianca because I think mantids are neat.

Cup Of Earl Grey Tea

Dani the sweat bee, She looks like the cutest cinnamon roll you just wanna protecc


Dani with both Alma and Maelyn being a very close second. Dani cuz she looks as sweet as honey(original joke I swear) Alma and Madelyn cuz they remind me of the two centipede maids video


Bionca yes! Bionca yess yess


Bianca and Dani are my favorites. Mantis girls are always great and I have yet to see a sweat bee before, but that made me realize that sweat bees are kinda cute (even though they are annoying sometimes).


If you put the Centipede Maids in absolutely anything, I'm definitely picking them, because that's basically my favorite ASMR roleplay video ever, and I have barely restrained my urge to whine for more of them for months now. Cute tick girl is also interesting, but (especially without her having been in anything yet) she can't compete with excellent centipede waifus.


The centipede maids, I love them very much!


If I inherited an estate and opened it to bug girls, Maelyn, Alma, and Bianca would be welcome there. As the maids said, *chitinous carnivores who are larger than me* AHEM bug girls might be shunned by people who are *afraid of being eaten* COUGH not tolerant of others. I think it would be heart-warming fluff to give them a home where they are welcome.