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Script tease from my beeg video!

Adora: I’m gonna be honest, I’m staring to feel like maybe I’m not cut out to be an astronaut…

Moe: hey come on now! Nothing could’ve prepared us for this

Reagan: not me I was born for this

Adora: I wish I had your enthusiasm

Reagan: I love space I love being out here, if I die like this then so be it, I’m dying happy

Adora: *light gasp*

Moe: ok whoa too much Reagan, chill out please

Reagan: sorry, sorry…

Adora: its ok, I’m just…I don’t know

Moe: you’re getting anxious that’s understandable,

Adora: I mean, what happens if we find someone still onboard?

Moe: you mean like if any of the crew is still alive?

Adora: yeah, I can’t imagine it, watching earth drift away, trapped on an out-of-control space station disappearing into the darkness…

Reagan: sounds familiar…

Moe: hey now, Athena is set to course, this is nothing like the lost space station

Reagan: look, Adora, there will be no one onboard, they would’ve tried the escape pods, we need to stop with the campfire horror stories, we may as well start entertaining the idea of fucking giant man-eating aliens then



When I saw the name Reagan, I instantly thought of the show Inside Job.

Snow Cold

Here we go…the big kahoona