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So, some of you might know that I’m not uploading for July, because I have a really big project planned for end of July and I wanted to use that time to work on it, however I still wanna have a poll and stuff for you guys so I figured I would do an exclusive audio instead, so for this poll you can put down something that I’m gonna post only for you guys but I’ll make sure all the tiers can have it, but that means you guys can include Vore and micro/macro stuff and so on but like no actual porn of course. Basically you can be a bit saucier with your requests this time

Poll rules!

1. Only one request per person

2. Only requests involving 1 character, no collab requests

3. You may request vore but not pornographic requests

4. Can be a human or monster girl character

5. Please include a short character concept and story concept so I have something to go off of and so voters can picture it

6. For personal reasons I’m no longer comfortable with doing anything with a religious background ex. Demons, angels, goddesses etc

7. You may request something that belongs to an existing property (ex godzilla) but I can’t guarantee it will make it the polls because I don’t usually do characters from existing properties

8. No sequel requests of other videos unless I’ve stated it’s a sequel poll



The Listener, who has contracted the Shrinking Virus, is being cared for by their Wife. The Wife is immune to the Virus, having contracted it a week before. She blames herself for getting you sick and wants to make it up to you. Knowing about your "interests" and a tad curious herself, she lets you explore her mouth a bit. Minor detail, maybe the Virus leaves the person a little taller or shorter then they were before they got sick. Your choice to leave it in or out.

The Explorator

The incarnation of a famous serial killer has made herself at home in the listeners head. Normally she is more like a passenger, just speaking to the listener from the back of their head. But sometimes (like in this audio) she manages to take control and well... does serial killer things. The listener can only watch in horror as things unfold. Optional plot point: Just at the end of it, the serial killer could (barely) notice the ever so slightest sliver of enjoyment from the listener.

Jack Castle

Unhinged huh? How about spooning and pillow talk with the va mother macabre? Or rather mother macabre doing her impression of mother macabre.


Listener has an eccentric scientist housemate that has just finished the beta model of a teleporter pad. She tells the listener about it and how it's ready for a human trial as she heats some food. The listener is goaded or bribed into being the test subject. The scientist covers their food to keep it warm and they proceed. Something goes wrong and the listener isn't teleported to the proper point B. They have instead been shrunk and moved to the kitchen in the food she just made. Neither know this and can't figure it out before communications fail. From there our scientist reenters the kitchen talking to herself about what just happened. Mostly her going over and figuring out how the pad failed. Also a little bit about how to find her housemate or find a replacement and how this has happened before. All while eating the food and ultimately the listener.


Spending the night at your shy and submissive werewolf girlfriend's place. It turns out there's a full moon, causing her to become more dominant... so she demands headpats, ear scritchies, and bellyrubs/scratches. Maybe the listener starts too soft, so she demands they scratch harder? Maybe some biting and licking before and after? As long as it's cute!


Graboid/ Sandworm has upset stomach indigestion after eating something. Listener camping nearby hears a cry in the night and goes to see what it is. Finding the Graboid/ Sandworm emerged for the ground in pain, the Listener goes in for a closer look. Graboid/ Sandworm being blind but having acute hearing is startled from the Listener coming closer. After both seeing they do not mean any harm to each other and a brief chat, the listener offers to help. To do this the lister must crawl from the mouth to the stomach to see what the trouble is.


[Female Listener] Creature stalks listener into their home, reveals themself to be a shapeshifter looking for a new identity to assume. Bone cracking, sounds of flesh moving and realigning itself. Voice starts as otherworldly/inhuman and becomes more human over time. They have but one loose end to tie up: Get rid of (devour) the listener. From inside, listener can hear the shapeshifter taunting them and looking over their living space as they learn about the identity they are assuming.

Snow Cold

You’re hunted by an assassin and are finally caught, but you’re a freak and are totally into it. Slowly she starts to figure out a few things about you, and comes to figure out that you’re the one who hired her to kill yourself. All so that you could see her again. Either she’s touched by the sentiment or you’re touched…by her knife…in your abdomen


Angry leprechaun lady just got her pot of gold stolen, and through an unfortunate coincidence of you happening to be in the area at the time, she ends up stabbing you. Mortified after realizing that you weren't the culprit, she does her best to help take care of your wound and make sure you don't die.


The listener comes across a lamia caught in a hunter's trap, and she talks them into cutting her down. She then asks for water, because she's been trapped for days and sees the listener is carrying a water skin/flask/bottle. They come close and she drinks, and thanks them for their kindness. She then coils them up, and explains that she's also extremely hungry after being trapped for so long. She even apologizes, but it's clearly more of a courtesy than remorse. Then she swallows the listener whole.