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K: touch me bitch come at me

G: I don’t need to touch you to beat the shit out of you

G: *inhales to do nuclear breathe thing*

K: *shuts mouth*

G: *muffked* ack! Let go of my mouth!

K: naw you’re not doing that stupid atomic breathe shit

G: *muffled* you touched me first!

K: respect the queen bitch

G: let go of me

*lets go*

G: *gasp*

K: you can’t pull that shit on me. I’m too fast and you’re a big slow dinosaur

G: well then what do you want? You want to fight?

K: you dumped me on that speck of an island in the middle of the ocean, I’m going to make you pay for that

G: ...guess I’m taking you back


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