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Once again! I am collecting your video ideas and requests for the big monthly poll for the March poll winner! Let me know in the comments!



Sorry to comment again but i cant believe i didnt think of this. What about a relaxing asmr about your life an things about you an jonsey....ect?


Giantess has a toothache, needs the listener to fix it. Once the job is done, the giantess decides the listener is just too tasty to let go.


Dying soldier shares his few last moments chatting with (insert character here)


Cleric brings back to life a fallen warrior (LIFE)

CJ Marshall

Druid tends to your wounds after your party defeated a dragon


Giantess carries you on her shoulder through the countryside talking about her family history, teases you about your size and makes jokes about eating you.

the sober viking

An Explorer Is lost on a snowy mountain I need to be "saved" by a yuki-onna [DEATH]

Ernesto Rojas

(This is partly based off a long deleted story I read.) Setup: A powerful human meets and teams up with a lamia to defeat a powerful enemy. They defeat the powerful enemy but are both pretty beat up. The conflict: Seeing that they both won’t make It back to the nearest town the lamia suddenly (and reluctantly) strikes the human (tail wrapping/crushing) just to immobilize them. The lamia explains to the human that they are grateful for their help but that they do not want to die and must swallow the human to survive. The Ending: Although the story I read ended in reluctant fatal this could be either (Death) or (No Death). For instance, while the lamia successfully eats the human, the resulting struggles in her belly cause her such discomfort that she decides to attempt to travel to the nearest town and let the human out. If the human lasts long enough than they are successfully let out/nursed to health by the lamia. If they don’t last/looks like they won’t make it, the lamia will take shelter and rest while talking to the human in her belly. Sorry for the wall of text!


At night, on the beach, the listener is laying on the sand. Right before you decide to head home, a “Sand-Lady” (sort of like a ghost made of loose sand) grabs hold of you, partially burying you in the sand. Plenty of relaxing background noise, close ear-to-ear talk, and the sound of dry sand being poured onto a mic is a great way to imagine being buried alive. I think it’s a fresh idea for something that’s right up your alley!

Garrett Gregory

A friendly and humanely-inclined wendigo-like creature that needs human flesh in her diet abducts the listener and holds it in a lair. Wishing to refrain from killing or doing permanent damage, she apologetically, though painfully, harvests some non-essential flesh with a knife. Following this, she offers to nurse the listener back to health and send it on as merry a way as it can be.

Garrett Gregory

Witch-Queen of Bogal Mountain? That would certainly be out of character of you to never get around to someday.