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H: Zedjichs?

Z: huh? I’m here I’m here I’ve been watching what’s happening, good job on sedating her by the way Hib

H: heh heh yeah...

Z: and you trying to be a hero and have her chase you, you were almost eaten alive!

H: Kyra apparently has got this figured out

Z: yeah what is she doing?

H: Shes...she’s feeding Acktreal what’s left of victoria

Z: oh...oh no. How did everything go so wrong so quickly

O: *strange language

H: oh hey Ovoo did you get the connection back?

O: garbled

H: really? What did Evian do

Z: guys look at the cameras...tori’s. Well she’s gone


H: do you think it was enough? To calm her down?

Z: I guess if she calms down we should try securing her

H: securing her? With what she can get anywhere on the ship-

Z: ah, I had an idea. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. We have two free spots in the Testing Cells

H: so we strap her down then?

Z: if she’s calm down enough to allow us that’s our best option cause after she’s finished with Tori there is nothing else we can give her and we still have about 4 days till Caridahl-WHAT IS SHE DOING!





Totally trying not to think about the remains of tori being devoured....however it makes so much sense. The suspense is building after this tease. 😱

Asa Bell

Poor Akt😔😔


my sleep deprivation, the excitement of part 12, and the dread of bad things possibly happening to Acktreal are causing me to tremble a bit