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To whoever in the snack tier that has been re-uploading my content to a furry site, thank you. It’s good to know that my work is being freely available to the less fortunate. You’re a saint for providing this charity upon these poor souls on my behalf. You’re a modern day robin hood my friend. No amount of support for creators will ever amount to what the furry community deserves. And they deserve free, leaked ASMR content. Bless you for what you do, god speed.



....Some humans i swear

Deaths Dancer

Man that is incredibly specific


This sucks.... altho to be fair, piracy isnt all bad. I learned of your existence from such leaked content almost a year ago (altho was exclusive stuff uploaded to youtube by other users). I had to dig around a lot after to actually find where it came from, thankfully he had used the same thumbnail but cropped so google image search had pointed me to another piracy website, but that one included your patreon link and here i came xD.


Purge the heretic möther?


Jeez I leave for a few days and come back to this, honestly sorry that this is happening, if there’s anything we can do as a community, you probably can just ask and we’ll cleanse thy holy lands


i cant remember which vid. but the channel has long since been deleted. That kind of channel used to show up multiple times per week back then. New youtube algorithm seem to be blocking most of them now tho.

eric ortiz

This is why we can’t have nice things.

eric ortiz


eric ortiz

Did you know you were on there?^


granted i didnt check if any were private youtube videos or not. but at least they include patreon links and stuff.