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This week, I finally wrapped up the big lewd scene I've been working on for the better part of January and could move on to something else.  So, what I did was sit down and plan the episode in greater detail than it already was. I planned the entire episode and all the branches. I decided things like: Who will get content? What content will it be? What are the free-roam events? What is the scope of the episode, and what scenes are going into it? And much more. After I had it all mapped out, I imported all those events and comments into the game code, preparing the files for writing.

The scene flow for the entire episode is now in place, and I'm at a stage where I will write, write, write. I will write until I get tired of writing and take smaller breaks to work on art. I expect the current animation queue to last at least throughout February, so I have bought myself time to focus on this.  I wish I could tell you what I've planned for the episode, but that would be spoilers. All I can say is that I'm excited to start writing, and I know you will be excited to read it.

Regarding previews

I know you're probably wondering when the first preview of episode 11 will drop, and I aim to have it released sometime in February. While I have over 400 produced static renders, they would all spoil too much. So, I have to work on something more suitable to show as a preview first.


The first part of the Q&A event will be posted next week. I'm finishing up the long post, which contains many fun and interesting questions.


I plan to publish the first Special Render poll on Sunday. To switch things up, we will start with the main girl poll this time. Will Maya or Isabella get a dedicated special render set in episode 11? The one who doesn't win - I want to avoid using the word loser here, lol - will get her set in episode 12. It's a big decision! Sign up as a +$10 patron to participate.

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for your continued support!

Dr PinkCake


Alan Parrales

The only bad part about this game … wait until the next episode😒