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Patch info

Patch v0.10.1 is now live here.

If you have v0.10.0, you don't have to patch your game unless you want the bug fixes listed below.

You can wait until v0.11.0 to get these changes; most of you won't notice any difference.

But if you're interested in the patch, this is what's been fixed and added in v0.10.1:

(Minor spoilers. If you haven't played Episode 10 yet, don't read the changelog.)

-- Changelog v0.10.1 --

  • Fixed a bug where a Jill scene could be played twice during the BBQ free roam event.
  • Fixed a bug with an event in the second free roam of episode 9, where you could trigger a scene before talking to Josy.
  • Added a missing Halloween picture of Jamie to the phone gallery.
  • Tuned the scaling of the Brawler Normal mode timer slightly, to give a slightly increased timer at earlier skill point levels. Hard mode is unaffected by these changes.
  • Added Maya's lewd event from Episode 2 to the Girls tab in the Stats app.
  • Improved the wording of Step 3 in the Science experiment.
  • Fixed a bug with viewing Brawler and Science tutorials.
  • Disabled saving during English, Math and Science mini-games, as it serves no purpose and can potentially cause odd bugs.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mixed Rewards section, causing a traceback if Pack Quest of Episode 10 was unlocked on a fresh persistent file without closing the game once between gaming sessions.
  • Fixed an issue where Josy would erroneously appear in a party free-roam event after finding a special render.
  • The quick menu setting to keep it enabled/on hover/disabled is now a persistent variable that you only have to set once for all your saves.
  • Fixed an issue with the Party Planner interface in the Stats app, that got an erroneously updated multiplier in the text. It only affected the text history of the Multiplier bonus.
  • Fixed so that caps lock will not interfere with English class typing.
  • Fixed a bug with missing music during a lewd scene replayed from the gallery.
  • Fixed a clipping hand on a Jill render.
  • Added extra calls to close blood effect screens during gUndead.
  • Added a color blind friendly setting in Preferences>Settings for Math and Science mini-games.
  • Fixed a bug with buying the Query tool from within the math mini-game that caused it to be purchased more than once if clicked continuously.
  • Fixed a bug with a SFW Josy animation missing a starting image.
  • Fixed a couple of variable lookups that affected two lines of dialogue.
  • Fixed two Rooster comments, tagging themselves with their post.
  • Corrected typos

Post-release information

It's been one week since release today, and it has felt like a blur to me.

At the moment, DIK tiers and above have access to the episode, and in another week, the patch for the Mini DIK ($5) tier will be released.

Download servers, Patreon, Discord, and all bots have worked well throughout the week.

I've been monitoring bug and typo reports, and most of what's been reported has been minor bugs. Thank you so much for your reports! Keep them coming if you spot new bugs or typos.

Nothing game-breaking has been reported. Overall, I'm very pleased with this release. It has felt very smooth on my end. I dare say it's been one of the smoothest releases.

Thanks a lot for your support during this week. I've been humbled by your feedback and am so thrilled to see you enjoy the episode this much.

The official guide

Many of you ask about the guide; I'll say what I say elsewhere for visibility.

As usual, the guide will be written after all tiers can access the update.

As I wish to spend time with my family during Christmas, I will work on it whenever possible.

Expect a January release for the guide.

Episode 11 development

The first Status update for Episode 11 will be posted on January 5th, where I will talk about the Episode 11 progress I've made since the start of beta testing.

You can also look forward to new polls and the yearly Q&A, where you can submit your questions about game development and my games.

I wish you all Happy Holidays! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your immense support.

It's you who've made this game a reality; without you, it wouldn't be what it is today.

I look forward to this next development cycle with you.


Dr PinkCake


Mathias Mosgaard

is the beta testing status on when it is about to reach the goal or what does that mean???


The episode was released almost two weeks ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94052185 This post details the patch with bug fixes.


Ep10 is great and even got better graphics (it seems to me) ; even the two ugliest girls (for me yep) looks better now (maya and cathy went from 1/10 to 3/10) ; they are still not my cup of tea, but they were ok to finish the 36 out of 36 scenes possibilities (only to have all of the scenes as I have 0 interest in these two yep). To each is own mind of course. So nice to have so many possibilities in the game ; and more and more coming in probably as the Jill & Bella might become something down the road, the Josy&Maya&Sage eventually, and the new ones (probably Bianca, maybe Clara, and some nice others that appears and I hope will become "available" for some interactions down the road -like the beautifull asian girl watching the brawler fights in ep10 for example-). DPC is really a master of suspens and create a very artfull and entretaining game ; yep probably the best of this kind out there (all others look shaby compare to BaD and feel without depth). Enjoy your time with your familly and Xmas hollidays DPC and thanks so much for your great work !


I find myself conflicted. I choose Bella first at the end of the season 2 and feel very wrong during the Halloween party so I returned to my loved Maya and Jojo. I feel sad I didn’t choose Jill when she still trying to be close with me.🥲🥲 I am glad I choose Maya, but the episode 10 makes me doubt whether I love her or simply empathise.🥺 It just Dr. Pink cake you are too good to write stories and characters.


Hi there doc. I was a part of the discord server and was even chatting in it yesterday morning but it seems I was kicked out of it sometime later that day. I have tried joining by the link on your patreon page but it says it it expired. Can you send me a new link please?


This update is great but I want to be able to turn off mini games if possible. I spend wayy too long trying to get a perfect score and reloading saves and not getting to to rest of the game