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I've been busy working on art this week. I completed the art for one normal scene and one lewd scene and have started working on the final big scene of the episode, which has lewd and story aspects.

This scene will take me 1-2 weeks of writing and posing. I have reserved a maximum of 50 animations for the scene, but it might be slightly lower than that.

After completing that scene, I can start working on the remaining tasks. Here is an updated checklist for the remaining part of the development.

Checklist Episode 10

This is the current checklist of what's left to do before beta testing and proofreading can begin. I have left bullet points from the previous checklist in it for clarity.


One lewd scene with story aspects surrounding it remains. It's partly written, and I have started making art for it.


I estimate I must pose an additional ~200 static renders and up to 50 animations.

Current static render count: 5539 produced. 62 posed renders in the render queue. 5601 renders in total.

Current animation count: 257 produced. 41 posed animations in the render queue. 298 animations in total.


Pack Quest - Completed but not tested.

Vault - Completed but not tested.

Rewards/2D art - Almost completed; only one special render must be added to the story. Testing and possibly correction of code are needed.

Gallery - The lewd gallery has been coded but can't be tested until all lewd scenes have been made. Some art remains for miniature images.

Phone content - There's some work left with the Rooster and Chat apps. The new phone gallery has gotten more content since last time and will get even more. The music app may need updated code to include new songs added after today; it's synchronized with the current state of the episode.

Bios - I always leave bios for the last part of the development.

Episode end screen and report - The end screen is added and tested. The reports are written but need more work, trimming, and testing.

Credits - Completed and tested.


Some SFX work remains; I will get to it when I polish the episode.

26 new songs have been added so far. Some work remains in this area for a few scenes.


I have played the episode from start to finish once, but art was missing during some scenes as they were in the render queue.

My personal tests and polishing remain.

My thoughts on the checklist

Lots of progress has been made since I wrote the checklist last time. The predicted render count has increased slightly but should be accurate for what remains.

Posing the remaining animations will take some time, but rendering them will be the bottleneck. Looking at the current render queue and the predicted animations, we're talking about roughly 90 animations that need time to render.

As I've said earlier, I will work on polishing the episode during the time these animations render. And polishing the episode will require plenty of time, too, to ensure that the quality is high regardless of branch and playstyle. I will post more information about this process when I start it.

My general feeling about the episode development right now is that I'm beginning to see the end of it for the first time since it started. The remaining tasks are finally tangible, and I can feel how that motivates me tremendously.

My plan going forward

I want to complete the remaining art as fast as possible, without rushing it, because I appreciate its importance. I want to reach the polishing state within the next 3-4 weeks.

Once I've reached that state of development, I will get a better feel of how much work it entails and hopefully get an estimate on the remaining render time.

Have a nice weekend.

Dr PinkCake



Thanks for this update, Doc. Have a nice weekend !


Great stuff DPC. You're getting closer and closer to ~6000 renders 🤯. Enjoy your weekend

Sadie Adler

Christmas is coming 😊🙏🏻🤓


I wanna know which girl DrPinkCake played for in his playthrough lol


Sounds great DPC. Things are coming along nicely from the sound of it. It's the attention to detail you put into your amazing game that makes it well worth the wait. As noted above in another section. Keep up the great work and I love the enthusiasm. Your passion shows in the end result. Have a great weekend.


Hallowe'en release looks possible... can't wait (even if it's later). Always good stuff.


Cant wait ! your the DR.


I'm really curious how you organize all the routes with the LI and MC chick/neutral/dick ways.


Hi, new bloke here, joined because I'm loving the story lines and was wanting to see how the update was going. Wrote out the story lines and came to 17? as of the end of the last update! Can't wait to progress through them all. Still not sure who the best girl is yet; Jill, Bella, Sage. Do like Rio a lot, though! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD........WHO?!


How update?


welcome - be sure to see the previous post to kind of get an idea how the updates work - enjoy the wallpapers also if high enough tier


Looking very forward to the result DPC! keep up the good work


looks like October is out of the question. Definitely a Nov/dec release. Insane waiting times but maybe its worth it


Hey man I trust everything you put out. I thought when I first purchased your game I was just getting a run of the mill lewd game but the dedication you put into your storytelling needs to become the norm for games like yours :)


The wait is definitely worth it. Doc may not have a big team to help, but the quality of the content he puts out is well worth it. This update is bigger than any previous update by a massive amount.


Have you considered releasing season 3 for early access on steam Dr. Pinkcake?


Steam gets whole seasons, Patreon gets individual episodes, Patreon is your "early access"

