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This week I focused on lewd scenes. I mainly worked on animations and some static renders as I completed two lewd scenes for different girls. After that, I completed static renders for two shorter scenes, and that's where I'm at today.

I'm down to 11 events on my episode flowchart that I discussed in last week's update. Looking at it, the writing and art of all events of the first half of the episode should now be complete; the remaining events are in the second half.

Three of the remaining events are of a shorter kind; the other eight are medium to long.

Next week, I will work on a different main girl branch and start by playing and writing some planned content. After that, I will likely work on lewd scenes again to further extend my animation queue.

I didn't get my needed PC parts this week because of a shipping delay. Hopefully, they will be here next week.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



Man you are great, and i have to say i'm impressed - so many writers finish their stories when the relationship begins, you go further into unknown. As times goes by and i replay the game, i have to say it grew on me even more. It's pretty much one of my favourite things in any media, and as a game probably top 3. Your writing reminds me of Sopranos, not at all in topic, but in detail, in realism in creating actuall people, in that with every next playthrough i discover more. And also the way you make renders - they add so much! (Talking here about safe ones). The facial expressions are just on point, all the small details in the background... damn. And the fact that NSFW stuff actually enhances experience, making romance more personal, not shying away from sexuality and it's importance, while keeping the game kinda a non-porn one. Don't get me wrong, probably many consider it as a great porn game, but for me this sex stuff here has nothing to do with fap material, and everthing with part of the story itself. Even during scenes often there are important parts of character development like what Jill thinks during them. You are the best man, i don't know if you are Tremolo's level best, but you are great XD


Great game! Honestly I joined for the sexual parts - in my first playthrough I just skipped through most of the dialogue. I still do it on some parts. But since then I did multiple playthroughs to unlock all scenes and to understand the characters better and all their arcs / backstories. And slowly the story got me more and more invested. I'm not a casual reader of novels, but I can say I really like this one even if it's cheesy or clyche at times. And eventually that's the reason I joined Patreon here - my first project that I support. Funny when I think about it that I'm actually a gamer that usually plays RPG / shooters / strategy etc. My favorite was Isabella at first, but Quinn brings that edginess, thrill and danger in the mix. Can't wait to see what happens next and good luck with the development!

Aulos Castro Neto

i totally agree. you work is amazing. i love the hot parts, but i love more the story.


Is it possible to add a separate branch or even an ending for Lily?Cuz i really love her. XD


Have you played episode 9? - the ending should indicate something about Lily's possible Direction --- no spoilers if you have not