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I started the week posing static renders and finished a longer Jill scene. After this, I revisited the planning phase for episode 10, trying to map out the remaining events on the episode timeline and plan some more.

I checked what I'd done and what was left to do, and visually seeing this progress made me realize that episode 10 would be another big one. I believe I have mapped out close to everything I want in the episode now, which feels great.

Then I spent part of the week writing dialogue and coding for the phone and generally had a very good flow.

I've done a lot so far, especially when you account for most of the mini-games being completed and added to the episode, but I have plenty of manual labor left.

I counted the segments on the timeline and found that I have created 29/51 (57%) parts and have 22/51 (43%) parts left to create.

Of those remaining 22 parts, 4 are free-roam events (two small ones, one medium-sized, and one long), and the rest are lewd and normal scenes. The parts range from short to long, and some include multiple different scenes and variations.

I've been bumping my render and animation quality in Season 3, but my render power has more or less stayed the same for quite some time now. I decided to invest a lot more into hardware and am currently in the process of upgrading my systems with 4090s and building brand-new rigs.

It's unreal to me that I can do this at this scale. My thoughts go back to the first year of development when I had a single PC with one 1080 Ti and had to wait months to afford more RAM. I'm immensely thankful for being able to do this upgrade, and it's all thanks to you guys.

At the moment, I have upgraded my systems with +50% extra render power. Shortly, I plan to increase that to roughly 90% total extra power compared to before the upgrade. This means these upgrades will almost double my render speed, pushing the bottleneck further toward manual labor - which is me sitting by the PC working.

The upgrade I did this week immediately affected my render queue. I have 0 static renders in the queue for the first time in months, and only 26 animations remain. I believe these animations will be done within 1-2 weeks.

The good thing now is knowing that the renders and animations I pose will render twice as fast. This puts more pressure on my manual work but alleviates the waiting time at the end of the development cycle.

As I already see results from the PC upgrade, I will return to posing animations next week.

I love the game development right now, and the hardest thing for me is to choose what I want to work with every day because there are a lot of fun scenes left to create. Let's fucking go!

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



nice and great job on coming this far

Beautiful Bro

I really love this energy! I'm getting fucking hype for episode 10!


You deserve several awards for what you have accomplished with BAD. It's simply a masterpiece that I will be front an center for along the entire magical ride. P.s. "We need an entire game after this series all about being married to Jill Royce" - Men of culture

Kyle Clawson

Yo, I'm stoked that you're pumping out this clone series. It's dope. For the next set could you clone yourself and all your computers? If we do it enough times we could get into exponential progress XD


I hope episode 10 will soon be up and available to download as i been waiting eagerly for more content :)


This is amazing to hear, makes me hopefully for future episodes!!! WOOHOO (:


Dr. Pinkcake, do you intend to have the DIK's participate in a Spring Break episode?

My Name is Nobody

Keep up the great work Doc U are the Gold Standard for this genre of games 🤘🤘🤘


okay I'm a bit new to this, I got on here because, love the dik game lol idk how all this works , can we play season 3 on here or what i just got me a pc so i dont know how to operate all of this. let me know plz


Episode 9 is the newest upgrade, and episode 10 is under development. Once it's ready, it'll be released and ready to be downloaded.

ian giles

As above new to all this, just finished seasons 1 n 2 from steam, will season 3 not be released on steam ?


Could be a beach, a lake, or skiing in the mountains. kids do a lot of different activities depending on the part of the world you live in. Waterskiing on a lake and paintball in the woods could be fun, deep sea fishing and shore town antics would be cool, and skiing and winter activities would also be cool. Before they close out the series, I hope they have some sort of Greek games between the frats.

Cédrik Lavoie

It will be released when it is finished. You can become a Patreon member and when you pay for a certain tier, you can play the episodes when they are finished. Episode 9 was finished a few months ago and Patreon members who had the tier were able to download and play it.

ian giles

yeah got that bit, but would i not need the patreon game version first ?, since i,ve already bought the steam versions, I actually was asking if it would be released on steam or not, so i can rate the game off as having finished or not

Tim Adams

yes. as a Patron you will get a binary load that you can place anywhere the common DLL structure of a Steam game really would be a pain to untangle


indeed, let’s fucking go!! -hyped