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Happy New Year!

It's 2023, and time for the first Status update for Episode 10.

I have been focusing on posing and rendering animations. You'll be happy to know that my PCs haven't been idle for a single day since beta testing started in early December.

It's been tricky to keep everything going during release weeks, Christmas and New Year, but I did it. And thus, I've got a nice head start on the animations for episode 10.

I have posed 85 animations, of which 37 are complete.

209 static renders are done, so there is some progress in this area.

I have been writing dialogue and working on the episode layout. My main dialogue files are roughly 5300 lines long. Compared to episode 9, this is roughly 20% of the episode.

I'm still planning the episode, adding events, and creating its structure. I'm aiming for a smaller episode than episode 9, and time will tell if I can do that.

Reaching the 5000 render milestone for a single episode was insane. Episode 9 alone could be compared to the entirety of Acting Lessons. It's been easy to add more and more scenes and renders when the game's cast is this big, and I want the spotlight to shine on as many characters as possible in every episode. But with the Halloween episode done, I can limit myself a bit with this next episode.

I can already tell from the events I've put in the episode layout that plenty of story and lewd scenes are to be had. I have decided on the girls getting lewd scenes in this episode, but I left some wiggle room if I feel something more is needed.

There will be plenty of new mini-games in this episode. I love creating them, and I developed several alongside episode 9 development last year. I have planned a couple of mini-games but have yet to create them. They aren't on the same scale as the party planner mini-game, but I think you will enjoy them even so. I'll likely tease you some of it during development without spoiling too much.

I'm looking forward to this development cycle! Right now, I'm battling a cold. I will rest for a few days and hope it will pass soon.

I'll post a Q&A post where you can submit your questions about development soon.

The walkthrough will be updated soon, too - it's about 95 pages long for Interlude and Episode 9 alone.

You can also look forward to fresh polls for episode 10 in January.

I hope this makes you as excited as I am. Have a nice weekend and a great start to the year!

Dr PinkCake



Yes im really curious about this as i prefer the Isabella route over all. My favorite of the ladies and i think the best written characters. Very mysterious and you never really know what to expect with her. I hope things work out well. This whole thing is so well written i havent been able to get away


My gut feeling is Q2 of this year


You're a machine DPC! Take as much time as you need to rest, you've more than earned it. You keep outdoing yourself with each episode and I can't wait to see what you'll have to show in this cycle.


give me more!!! just kidding love the content do what you have to do man.


Episode 9 was great, I can see the dedication from the renders to the apps and keeping each individual path in their own lane for continuity. Also I loved the little detail with the flashlight scenes, great atmosphere.

Thomas J

Always good to read the updates! Get some Vitamin D supplements, we all should be taking it all year round in the UK especially in the winter! I don't usually get colds etc anymore since I fortified my immune system with Vitamins! We want you to be in your best health DPC! :D Anyone else wants to optimise their health get an Advanced WellMan Test then the results will tell you if you have any deficiencies and what Vitamins to take etc! It is a blood test that tests or over 50 things including hormones/testosterone, all vital for mental & physical wellbeing! You would service/MOT your car so why not kind of have one for yourself? You are worth the cost of it! If you think this is an ad it is not! I want DPC and all my Maggot brothers to be in the best shape physically & mentally! It changed my life when I found out I had multiple deficiencies, low mood bags under my eyes, I would get colds and stuff often so when I was told about this test by my new girlfriend at the time I got it and it came back with loads of deficiencies! The results are done by a Doctor obviously and they write a recommendation on the results so I started taking all different vitamins etc and within a month or so of building my levels up my life changed drastically for the better! More energy in the mornings, more active, mentally I feel the best I ever been! I'm typing this out because of our DIK motto 'Family Comes First' 😏 👍


Its gonna be a good year Doc!


So was the Halloween party the only party planning mini-game, or will there be more in eps 10 and beyond?


do you think DPC would go through all the trouble creating a mini game, just to use it once?


Considering it says "Party 1" or something like that, more parties are implied.


Technically, you only play the mansion mini-game once, even though it consists of multiple rounds. Could you imagine having to do that once every season? :D

Thor von Fiddle

"I'm aiming for a smaller episode than episode 9" I think DPC said the same thing before work began on ep9 so not buying this at all. That being said I won't complain at all if ep10 exceeds ep 9 in size. Actually, if each episode is longer than the next it is just fine by me.

Levi Wood

Looking forward to the confrontation/return of bella's husband. Dude should have stayed gone.


where did i miss this about the husband returning?

Jason P

I think there were some scenes with what I assume is her husband in episode 7 or 8. Pretty sure it was "late" in the current game.


It was in the intro of the new season, but maybe its a flashback to why he isnt araround? Maybe flipped or something.

Ville Topi

wasn't that a flashback though (or have i missed something...)

Mr. House

We cant be certain its the husband as we dont know if its a flashback or during christmas he comes back home, though its a strong possibility but we also have Vinny who is a potential villian to the MC also. If Vinny wanted to take revenge on the MC for potentially ratting him out selling drugs he could of stalked the MC to Bellas house to confront him as a crime of opportunity. Vinny does have a gun after all and potentially has nothing to lose


its implied in the xmas scene at start of ep9, however DPC is very clever and things are rarely as they seem in the teasers!


If the characters had voice acting what would they sound like, particularly the mc and the main girls


When you work on Episodes, how soon after the first Episode is done when you start to work on the next one?


"my PCs haven't been idle for a single day since beta testing started in early December."