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That's wow! can't wait to spend more time with Bella, thanks DPC, love ya!


One of the mysteries of this game is Isabella's mercurial form. Her skin tone seems to frequently change, sometimes from one scene to another in the same day. Her breasts also go from being simply "very large" to "cartoonishly enormous." She's the only character model that does this, so it's hard to just dismiss it as a glitch.

Mr. House

Back in 2017 when Bella was introduced as a main girl everyone complained about her plastic bag boobs they were even more exaggeratted when her librarian pencil skirt was swapped out for the very low cut black dress she had on when she cried in the library kissing the MC . Not only that but she was ghost white untill she got a tan by the pool with the MC.


She hasn't changed since I created her 4 years and 3 months ago. Lighting affects how skin appears. Here, her skin is darker because of dim lighting, and in a bright environment, she looks paler. Light bounces off her skin and hits the camera/eye; the same happens with humans IRL. Tits shape/size is only affected by the poses she's in. And if you think they are cartoonishly enormous, you should google big tits some more and see that there are these kinds of women IRL, too. Mr. house, idk why you'd say "everyone" complained; it's a very small minority who have issues with things and you should pay them less attention and just enjoy what you enjoy. Bella is a popular character, based on what I have seen.


I wonder if the hair is a clue to her Halloween costume

James Bridge

Is this a flash back she looks younger


"you should google big tits some more " LOL! I'll do that! Thank you for the reply and explanation.


Don't think so. It looks like MC underneath her.

Mr. House

The black bed sheets tells me its the MC room in the DIK mansion. Bella has the same hair style that she wore on her 2nd date at Luigis when she dressed up in that black dress


depends...if its fantasy special render it possibly has no real relation to the story OR as mc and bella relationship progresses I feel like overall mc becomes somewhat more mature and bella in turn less severe privately, reverting to a younger state of mind so they end up in a more comfortable middle ground to minimize age diff...either way you gotta respect her skin care game... #boomboomboomletsgobacktomyroom...


best girl

Thomas J

Damn I love Isabella she was so worth pursuing although she has her issues. I felt bad for Jill catching MC & Bella going at it.....Well see where Season 3 takes us! :)

Sadie Adler


Sadie Adler

This is easily the best preview of Ep9 😢


Oh yeah. That's my girl right there.

Sadie Adler

LETS GOOOOOOOO, 8 days can't come sooner 😳🥺