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This week I worked on and completed a big and tricky scene and some smaller scenes.

I have started working on the remaining lewd scenes of the episode now, posing both static renders and animations for them.

Art for 8 scenes remains, and three of those scenes need writing. I might need a couple more scenes after playtesting the episode if I feel something is missing.

I playtested Isabella's branch this week. It took me over 3 hours to complete it, without mini-games and without being able to test everything, as the final free roam event is still a bit of a mess regarding the code.

I felt that some parts of this branch needed a bit more content, while other parts of it were perfect and unique.

And this is an example of how I will work after finishing the art for the remaining scenes. I will playtest and then polish and add any additional content I feel is needed.

I have to do this for five branches and all possible combinations of choices and consequences therein. Each branch is of similar length, meaning a single playtest of all branches will require at least 15 hours of playtime. I always do this many times, over and over.

While there is plenty of joint content, there is also plenty of unique scenes for each branch; this makes quality control a big task.

But I'm very much looking forward to playing the episode. There are many scenes I haven't even seen in-game yet, even though the art has been finished for months - it's crazy, even more so than usual.

I'm up to 4524 renders, and now that I started animating again, I will know how many more animations I need within a few more weeks.

I don't have an accurate estimation of the release date; everything will depend on the remaining animation render times and how smooth the last stretch of development goes.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



I'm so excited for this! Also super glad you are a perfectionist, it's going to be so good!


Halloween release date would be crazy

Tim Arnold

Unfortunately it is crazy... crazy to expect that. He's still got weeks of rendering time left, and then comes play-testing, which is another couple of weeks minimum. I've learned to just let the Doctor take as much time as he needs - I have yet to be disappointed. A nice Xmas present is much more realistic.


Developing for all these branching storylines and possibilities is very ambitious. I only wish the triple A guys put this much effort and care into their games nowadays.


Let's not lose sight of the fact that the age of some characters and how far along they are in their education could have a major impact on the story going forward. DPC, thanks for the update. It sounds like you are staying true to YOUR vision, I love that, As has been the case until now, your vision is what makes this game the epic romp through college that it has been so far. Take your time. It sounds like this is going to be amazing. All the branching and the different choices on the path(s) I can't wait to play it over and over again, but I know it will be worth every second that I had to wait. It sounds like I may need a few more play throughs to see it all. Have a great weekend!


I feel like the incorporation of Halloween into the story has given DPC the time and flexibility to create the epic masterpiece it sounds like it is becoming. I've seen other developers rush due to what seemed like pressure from their patrons in other games. Needless to say, DPC is the only one I support at the moment. Just my two cents.


I intentionally skipped on the Interlude episode so that I could do 2 episodes back to back. Did not realize this one would be so vast, so looks like I'm going to have a nice long playthrough!


Interlude isn't much but a little back story. The main character isn't much of anything as far as I am concerned. She is just someone from the past. In my mind, a far too distant past.


I appreciate all the hard work you put into this game.


The story, humor, plots etc.


I've never laughed so much while playing a game, ever.


Take your time! i'm excited to see what u bring us!


Thank you for your hard work and this is why I became a patron. I believe in you, doc.

Dareus Woods

Yes, please take your time! Your updates I look forward too the most!

Mr. SunnyD

Considering how Halloween is one of the next big events, it would be pretty gangster if the release was around the end of October. In all honesty though, Halloween seems to be a climax of Season 3. So I would be the opposite of upset if episode 9 was prepping up the much anticipated evevent. I'm satified either way!