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This week I've been working methodically, producing art for shorter to medium-long scenes and checking off my checklist as I went.

I've been working on the free-roam environmental art needed for me to test the final free-roam event too.

Soon, I'll be able to test the entire episode for the first time without any errors or blocking areas. There will be art missing during that test, but that's how it is when you develop these games.

The episode will be the biggest in the game so far. Funny how that always happens. I have reached 4103 posed renders, and I have ~30 more scenes to make art for.

Reaching 4000 renders is a big milestone for the episode, and that's worth celebrating.

It's been hard to be accurate with guessing how big this episode will be, but we're getting closer to the end of the development cycle. Tasks are becoming more defined, and the checklist is shrinking.

My mindset lately is that I've come this far, and I'll add what I want for the episode, regardless of how many more renders it takes. I'm not going to rush or leave out the content I've planned. I don't think anyone wants that.

There's more art on the schedule for next week. I don't think I will need to reach 5000 renders to complete the remaining 30 scenes, but time will tell. My current strategy is to work on static renders and leave animations for a bit later. While those remaining animations render, I will playtest and polish everything.

Plenty of animation work remains, but I'm making progress. No PC is idle, and neither am I.

Completion stats
Static renders: ~85% (4103 posed)
Animations: ~75% (229 posed)

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



Thank you for the pure dedication and amazing updates, I look forward to the result!

Jorge C.

You are a machine, doc. Huge respect. Can't wait to try the episode


I like the words, final, polish, remaining, all good words in my opinion. Just make sure you got a killer Lily path in there DPC.


I appreciate the dedication brother, thank you


can't wait to see all the surprises lol


Killing it! so excited

This or That

"I'm not going to rush or leave out the content I've planned. I don't think anyone wants that." 100% FYI to whom it concerns. EVGA is no longer making graphics cards. So if that is you're preferred company. Now is the time! Just thinking about "no PC is idle".


I preferred gigabyte due to their 2 slot cards, but they also stopped manufacturing those.


I just hope there will be a Quinn, Lily and solo Josy route.


IDK if there will be any Quinn and Lily route. however Lily hinted about rolling together, and Quinn just shrug off the idea of being ''couple close'' as gross. so both are basically a hint of something. but Josy does have a solo route. even when not choosing Maya you still get to roll with her. even tho she still loves Maya. The right question should be, hope it won't end in a bad way due to her love for maya.


Maybe when you chose the "others" option in the episode 8 you could go with quinn or lily in the future

Cédrik Lavoie

I'd love a Nicole solo route. She tells you that she wants something serious pretty early on.


I hope so, Quinn is the most interesting girl to me and I just like lily.


Quinn is much more likely than Lily. Saying you want a Lilly solo route is like saying you want a Mona and Camille solo route. That’s just not what their character was designed for. They don’t have that kind of depth


Lily got a boost in depth, though, in the last episodes, and she also claimed at least twice she wanted the MC and her to roll together. She has way more depth than Mona (who literally disappeard, albeit I suspect she'll come back to destroy Stephen Burke) and Camilla, who still got beautified in the last episode. But, granted, she doesn't have what Quinn has, far from it.

Cédrik Lavoie

Wait, what? She pretty much tells you that she'd like the MC and her to be a thing and that it would work well since she's a HOT and he's a DIK.


I found this late, but I just want to say that this game is quite literally the best damn game I have played across all genres. The animations are beautiful, the story is well written, and the comedy is hilarious as shit. Huge fan, thank you for all of your crazy good work and I can't wait for what is coming.


But it’s all base-level sexy stuff. Where’s the backstory? The emotional connection? There’s no hook. I’m not saying that won’t change in the future, but as of now there’s no personal connection that would make her a viable love interest. She needs to develop past the point of just being hot. Otherwise it wouldn’t make for good story. We just don’t know anything about her. I’m not against DPC making that happen btw. We just aren’t there yet


I dunno man, that scene in the club where you protect Lily from Mr Douchebag is pretty relationship’y. There’s also that scene where she mentions she does her work for a means to an end and doesn’t appreciate the judgement sometimes. Opening up like that was pretty special too.

Cédrik Lavoie

There is a depth to their relationship. She tells you stuff she hasn't told anyone. Nobody but the MC knows that she's a stripper because she's using that job as a mean to pay her studies and go in med school. And like the last guy said, the MC literally takes a hit from an idiot to defend her.


Lily wants to "roll" with MC. I would gladly roll with her. Like she said at the party about the fun and influence. I feel like if MC decided to roll with her she would become as deep as Quinn and maybe even Sage. I can't see any relationship outside of just sex with Sarah, Camila and Riona though. Even though he does learn some stuff about Riona and Camila, sort of. Lily is one that I hope evolves more though as a love interest.


Absolutely, absolutely. I’m not saying that it COULDN’T happen, but it hasn’t yet. And she’d have a lot of catching up to do. I have nothing against Lilly, she’s sexy as hell. Just looking at the whole story objectively.


lilly roll would be something else, damn!