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I was going to work on art this week, but I continued writing and couldn't stop myself. I've been writing different scenes with many different characters. I have been focusing on making sure most events of the episode are in place, even if they aren't fully written yet.

I keep adding stuff I want to see in the episode, and I'm working with a cast of 70+ characters that need screen time - so it is a challenge when it comes to limiting ideas and scenes while also piecing together parallel storylines.

I've said in the past that I'm trying to make the episode smaller than episode 8 - because the trend so far is that each episode gets bigger and bigger. I've realized that it's too hard for me to do that for episode 9 in some areas.

Currently, the writing of episode 9 is at ~90% in size compared to episode 8. I believe nearly all events are mapped out now, give or take a handful.

I have 43 scenes, ranging from short to long, left to write, or complete writing. This is why I believe I will overshoot the episode 8 size in terms of writing.
I have barely started writing phone content, so this also remains in the writing department.

At the moment, I believe I'm unlikely to overshoot the animation count, but the render count might be close to that of episode 8. Time will tell what the size will be.

You'll likely be very happy if you wish for a content-filled episode that requires more than five playthroughs to see everything.

When it comes to art, I estimate that 80% of the environments needed for the episode are designed and have the lighting in place; this usually takes a lot of time. Similarly, I estimate that 90% of the characters needed for the episode have their costumes/wardrobe decided and prepared to be imported into the scenes. I'm confident that art production will take off fast once I return to it.

I will continue letting the flow decide what I'm working on next week.

On the animation front, PCs are chugging on. Two workstations are rendering two rather long animations, and they have been at it for 14 days each. Previewing the work they've done with these long animations, they were worth the time spent rendering.

95 animations are fully produced.

Poll news

In this week's poll, option 4 was the winning option and will be featured in episode 9 as Riona's Halloween costume.

Thanks for voting!

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



Keep up the good work. Sounds like Ep 9 is going to be another slice of awesome.


Here's hoping for some Sally content.


It's just bonkers that there are 70+ characters you are working with. I never realized that fact while playing. Especially when you think about it and realize that DPC is the sole developer working on everything...hats off to you! Keep up the good work and don't forget to take some breaks every once in a while. Don't burn yourself out.

Thor von Fiddle

Counting the Interlude characters there are right around 150 (give or take) characters introduced to us directly or indirectly so far. A huge leap from the number of characters DPC used to create Acting Lessons.

Ville Topi

bloody hell, that's a lot of characters tbh... maybe that's why the game feels so alive


Personally I think it'll be better to do half the size if its starting to get more difficult doing bigger than episode 8 it's great to know how much work is going into it but you'll end up burned out from the process. In the end the choice is yours to make still take a break if its getting to you

This or That

Bought this game on Steam and love it so much I bought the entire package again. The writing, art, music, choices, the animation are all amazing. Take a week or two off! You've earned it!


I can't tell you how excited I am for this episode! The sheer scope and quality of BADIK is miles ahead of the rest. Thank you again, DPC. Much continued success.


Just got your game yesterday and it's the bomb!! Seriously, not only is the story fantastic, the writing is spot on. Derek is a great character, the sh*t you have him say cracks me up. As of Chapter 3, you get my vote for best interactive game of all time, seriously. Great writing, great animations, great plot twists. Can't wait to see the rest of the story.


Cant wait for new episode. Keep rocking 😎


I'm hoping that there's more things to earn money for the mansion/PC for.


I am a big giant loser in these polls despite my extra votes -- undefeated! -- but I'm always happy to see the will of the people prevail. I'll smile extra wide when I see Riona's first in-game screen with this outfit.


In the real world, the second choice for Riona would've been the best. That light skintight material wouldn't be holding anything back.


when will the episode come out?