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Post-release status

The release went smoothly, so I've been able to work on episode 9 this week. I will release any changes to the Interlude in the form of bug fixes and typos together with episode 9 (v0.9.0). I will release the walkthrough for the Interlude later this month.

It should come as no surprise that the development of episode 9 will take more time than the Interlude. It's going to be a full-fledged episode, and I'm unsure about the size of it.

As I've mentioned before, I'm trying to limit the episode size a tad, and I chose the episode I've been looking forward to a lot to do it with - which is a challenge.

Ever since day one of this project, I've wanted to create the Halloween episode, and I'm euphoric right now as I'm doing it. I've been going over my old notes for the episode, laughing at jokes I forgot that I wrote years ago, and smiling at events that I know will be in the episode. I'm looking forward to making this episode as grand as I've pictured it.

There are two distinct and quite lengthy areas to discuss to bring you up to speed on the progress so far. One is regarding development that is just about episode 9, and the other is about development that goes far beyond episode 9 but needs to start now.

To avoid making this post too long, I've decided to split this topic in half, talk about the first half today, and leave the second half for next week's post. Today, I'm going to talk about the episode 9 development only.

Episode 9 development

After episode 8, we've ended up with some major branches, as you can tell.

Branching is always something I enjoy creating, and it's among the trickier things to accomplish with this type of game. Everything needs to make sense, no matter which branch you're playing, and to make it interesting; the branches need to be different and show how choice can matter.

For every render, animation, line of code, and piece of content you put in a branch, you take away from the perceived episode length for all other branches. To get the feeling that you're playing a long episode, you need to put in much more effort than when you create something more linear, e.g., the Interlude.

When I started episode 9 development, the first thing I did was write the shell for it. I know how to start the episode, I know how to end the episode, and I've mapped out many key events in between.

After that, I add more and more events along the way while constantly balancing the content put into the branches I've created. For instance, Sage's branch must get approximately the same amount of unique scenes and content as Isabella or any other branch. Striving for this balance gives the best experience for every player.

After the episode shell is made, I plan the lewd events and parts of the needed animations. I need to stay efficient, so I often start working on animations early. That ensures that I utilize my PCs to the max.

As soon as animations are rendering, I start writing the episode. I start posing static renders and preparing characters for different scenes if I need a break.

That is the basic start-up flow of development for me and just about the current progress.

I've posed two animations over 1 minute long each during these last weeks. It's unfair to call them two animations because they collectively consist of 26 animations. Not only that, they have already been rendered and put in the game and synchronized to new music. I can confidently say that I've never been more proud of any animation work than both of these animations. When playing, they give a cinematic feeling, and I can't wait to show you what they are.

I've almost finished posing animations for the first lewd scene of the episode. For those who wished for more lewd scenes in the Interlude, you'll be happy to know that there will be plenty of it in episode 9. It's been tough limiting the plans in this area, but I had to draw a line somewhere.

Aside from writing and posing animations, I've been preparing close to 50-60 characters for the episode. There will be some cosmetic polls in the future, but sadly most of the Halloween costumes are planned, so I won't be able to give you the freedom to choose Halloween costumes for many girls, or it would mess up my writing and the episode story.

I've prepared the environments for the first free-roam and even rendered and processed them. Free-roams usually take the most time to create out of everything, so it feels extra good that there's a chunk of progress made here already.

I've also worked on mini-games, and this is where I will stop the status update today and leave it to be discussed in next week's post.

The progress in numbers is roughly 200 static renders and 8 animations. Moreover, I've written more dialogue and code than the Interlude has already.

My goals in the near future are to continue posing animations and writing. I want to post previews and polls for episode 9 as well. 

The full-time development on episode 9 has officially started.


I'm adding a quick survey to this post to see what you want me to focus on early in the Patreon polls. I'll try to get one up and running soon.

Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake

What kind of poll for Episode 9 would you like to see first?


Ty Adams

Does this mean it’s on steam as well ?


I love you 😏😘


Przewidywany czas wydania?


Ok Doc, you have made me EXTREMELY hyped for ep 9 now 🤣


No. Steam gets full Seasons. Season 3 won't be released on Steam until Episodes 9-12 have been developed.


I‘m hyped! Thanks for putting such effort into this awesome game❤️


Thanks DPC. Good thing is that you seem to be as much impatient as us to see this episode completed :)


Always wondered how this halloween is gonna look like, camt wait for it :D


Wybacz DrPinkCae ale jestem jak narkoman na głodzie gdy chodzi o kontynuację tej histori i z tąd moje pytanie.


I'm afraid we'll have to wait till Halloween until it drops.

Teufelhunde DJI

It's updates like this that make me realize how well spent my monthly pledge is. I'd rather have something be done right rather than quickly. I'm guessing the Halloween party will be EPIC.

Ben Engledow

Can’t wait to see all the costumes


This is so exciting) The amount of work you already did is very impressive 👍🏼 I just hope I won't be cut out of here, when it's done.


Sounds daunting, exciting and amazing!


I prefer Animation poll but when I saw results voted for Lewd scenes :)


So, what I'm gathering from this post is that ep 9 might be even bigger than ep 8 if so sweet and I can't wait to partake in the naughty lewd games that the party might have.


Based God 👌


please let jill come to the party


We can all agree on that, better wait a bit for something then only a quick half game xD


Thanks for the update! Really appreciate all the hard work!


For anyone who wants to write a VN, this should be required reading. Thanks, DPC.

Elton Coleman

Yes! DPC the goat! Much appreciate your hard work! 👏😤😤


as long as there is a sally slutty nurse costume i'm fine with it


It will probably feel shorter than ep8 or same, since it's branched now, but might actually be bigger in numbers and amount of content in general.


thanks for the information, even more of a reason to get excited for what's to come. eagerly awaiting next week for the general info going forward, keep up the amazing work doc


Thank you for all your work put into this game DPC. This game is one of my favorite things ever!


Thanks for all your hard work to deliver such a great product and the great updates.


Projects always have a designated timeframe, I understand that. One aspect makes time restrictions a good thing, like feature creep. Another aspect is dictated by management and shareholders, of which doesn't apply, and I wish was left more to the development team. In my opinion, if it's a challenge to restrict what is done for the episode, I think that is your gut telling you that it needs to be in the episode. I might be in the minority, and it will undoubtfully be painful to wait, but if the episode calls for it then I will wait. Great work times time, and I'd rather have a fully realized episode, than not, due to time restraints.

Sadie Adler

To the Valhalla!! I mean Belhalla! 🙏🏻😳


I could listen to you talk about game dev for days—thanks for the comprehensive update, DPC!


hey, Bella could come to the halloween party as a berserker :D with real weapons lol

Justin Peck

Sounds like the Halloween party could take up the majority (if not the entirety) of the episode… I’m down for it tbh.


Very well dictated from an SDLC standpoint! Seems like this is a constant happening in the digital industry 😅


Pretty hype for episode 9! I've got many costume designs floating through my mind as desires, but you've never steered us wrong yet! Good luck, have fun, and we'll be here along for the ride!


I have a question: does anyone know whether is BAD compatible with a SteamDeck?


I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. I can stream BAD from my computer and play it on my phone

Chris Jacks

After seeing the animations in the interlude, I'm pretty amped up to see what you do next! They've become so smooth and look better as you progress. Keep up the amazing work doc!

Seth Monesmith

I thoroughly enjoyed the non lewd animations from the interlude and look forward to the more cinematic feel of the episodes looking forward. Zoey spinning in her chair made me spit my drink out! Keep up the good work and innovations Doc!

Bob Fink

Interlude was pretty cool, can't wait to see where things go now that she's back from San Diego.


Sally's Halloween costume. Josy's Halloween costume.


With the new season, maybe ive never seen the option but can there be an option to opt into mini games? I opted out in the beginning but now i kinda wanna try them but doing a whole playthrough from S1 would be so long, might do it if there isnt an option though

Martin Mucha

I am looking forward to another episode, as usual. I just finished interlude and I must say, that every new episode looks better and b etter. About episode 9, I thought that there will be some kind of minigame about party preparation but I am probably wrong about it. Definitely, I would appreciate another minigame like Mansion Reconstruction in the future, it was absolutely perfect. Thank you for great work DPC!

Garrett Pelak

Wow so excited for this episode. Halloween party!!!


I eagerly look forward to whatever Derek gets into at the Halloween Party.


Love this update. U are amazing. 50-60 characters holy moly!!! Sooo exciting!


I'm really excited about the cinematic animations you're working on. The one's in Interlude were fantastic and really brought some scenes to life. Thanks for the hard work!


If you don’t care to read the dialogue again, you could utilize fast forward. That shortens the game a lot.

Article V

I'd love Lewd Scene polls, except Bella/Jill win every one (so boring!). Doesn't feel like a poll when we know the outcome before you ask the question.


The branching has me fascinated. Ep8 ended with some very distinct choices being made, and I assume that further branching as the game progresses through S3 will only exacerbate the issue. I'd love to see a future post covering this very topic in more detail - spoiler free, naturally!


I mean is anyone really surprised it's a lewd scene? Lol


I've been looking forward to the Halloween episode. I loved Hell Week, but I still want to see those Karate Kid skeleton costumes worn by the DIK's or jocks.


So is Tybalt gonna show up dressed like a giant cock?


its worth the wait

giannhs tsarnas

i love this game so much i can't wait for episode 9!!!!!


You are a DYNAMO. Thanks SOO very much for everything you do


Voted for the cosmetic poll... useless of course as everybody knows the lewd poll is going to win. That aside: wonderful game, congrats Dr on creating this universe just by yourself.


i just joined the channel but i voted cosmetic pole too.


I love this game.... Congratulations for this magnific and elaborated history 10/10

Alejandro Salazar

you guys are doing amazing. I haven't been invested into a story of a game, let alone an adult game in years! keep up the good work!

Teufelhunde DJI

Love those 2 renders, from the Interlude, of my two favorite young ladies, Jill and Josy.


I went with the animations get the hardest parts out of the way


Lol... doubt that survey was even necessary Doc... we're all perverts here!


Cant wait to hopefully tell M❤️J the good news and see how my Sage play through works out . Keep up the amazing work!


True but we have limits like "hand holding" that are just too lewd for us