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It's a new year, and it's time for a new Q&A post.

The purpose of the Q&A is to be able to ask me questions about my games and the game development that you've wondered about, and I'll be able to answer them publicly for all to see.

It's a good way to reach out to many people at once since I have very limited time to answer the comments and DMs you send me.

I will answer as many questions as possible in a new post next month for all patrons.

The last time I did this, I got a lot of questions, so I might not answer everyone's questions this time.

All answers will be spoiler-free of future content, and I won't answer questions that would require me to spoil future content.

Ask your questions in the comment section below.

If you have several questions about different things, I'd appreciate it if you make separate comments for those questions.

If you want to read last year's Q&A, you can check it out here.



Not a question but I love you 😍

Don Dillard

As a young man who aspires to be an indie game developer, how much time a week should i strive to put towards development? And is it possible to have a work life balance as an indie developer.


Can you outline the process you use for animations? and which type of software you're using?


How many seasons do you plan to make for Being a DIK? Have you thought about making a different VN game in the future? Would you be open to employ people to assist you with your work? What country are you operating from?


Are you still thinking that Being a DIK would be around 14-20 episode long? And thank you for this masterpiece youre creating and for being such a good example for the genre


As the game develops and the storyline evolves, do you have plans to bring on additional staff to help with the workload?


Do you have a new project planned or a new plan for when you are done with Being A DIK?


Is Quinn a main girl? Guides say she isn’t, but the current story seems to imply she is.


Are there any thoughts given to having voice actors narrate some/all of the scenes


Having worked on the same project for the last two years, are you still as excited about the creative process of DIK or began to want to develop new games/stories? Thanks you!!


Are any of the game characters based on people you have met/worked with in the past?


Out of 5 main girls, who is your favorite girl and why?


What's the skill you feel that you've improved the most during the development of the game?


While I believe you are at the top of Adult VN creators, do you have aspirations to move mainstream with a well-known developer or stay within this genre creating new stories and characters?


Would season 3 have four episodes like in the previous seasons or the interlude would count as the first episode and then three regular episodes?


Do you plan on hiring people to help with development on being a DIK or future projects?


What character has been the most difficult to write?


What software do you use to do your programming/coding in? And what language do you use for it?


What can we as fans and supporters do to help you continue to create and ship your work at a sustainable non-burnout pace?


How many seasons or episodes will begin a DIK have ? in last Q&A was about 10 or 20 Is that different now ?

Julian Harper

Your posing and facial expressions are very good, and it's the one thing a lot of adult games fail on (by either overusing the same pose or having horrible facial expressions). What tools/systems do you use to it so well?


If you could add a copyrighted music to BADik, which one would you choose?


I really enjoyed mansion and job management. Do you plan on continuing this and does our gained experience count for future episodes?


Purely based on looks, if the girls from the game were real, which one (and only one otherwise that'd be greedy) would you choose to spend a night with? And I know nobody's asking, but it'd be Bella for me.


Have you ever thought about streaming while you work? I mean when you are doing non-lewd and non-spoiler filled posing, maybe coding? I dont really know, it would just be cool to see how a mastermind like you work.


For the "other route" at the end of E8, do you intend to actually refine this into specific routes for the various characters in question? Not sure if this counts as spoilers, but I'll just give it a shot.


Are you planning to do a Harem type route? Open relationship with them all? Or is it all or nothing with one girl?


Will the interlude be the only mini-episode, or are there more mini- episodes planned over the next episodes?


Considering now that Season 2 has successfully finished, is the story moving faster or slower than you originally intended?

Jack Rawles

Do you do all the art personally? Are the characters based on people you actually know?


Do you plan on coming back to Actings Lessons(maybe a kind of Remaster when BaDik is done)?


Do already have plans for your life when Being a DIK is completed? Do you plan to work on a new game directly? Or just some time for yourself like some long vacations?


Would there ever be a chance to establish Riona as a main character or at least a character that you can interact with more? Also, have you ever thought of using voice actors for the girls like you do with Jill on the intro video when you first start the game? I thought that was very unique.


Is there a possibility that the main characters(dik) from the "acting lessons," will appear?


How is your planning for the game, do you have the complete story in your mind since the beginning or you write as the story progress?


Loved the Swyper App. Any chance it's coming back?


Are you planning to change affinity mechanics? How did you motivate yourself for the work. Because you are doing amazing job and are you not scary to burnout?


once badik is finished, are you gonna start a new novel game? and with a bigger team ?


Would it be possible to get a romantic path with either of the Quinn-delivery girls in the future? Don't know if it's a spoiler, if it is - I'm sorry and you don't need to answer in that case.


Did you forget the "Dik" Laptop or what is with it and will it be in future episodes or has the mobile phone this role now? Have you plans for Merchandise in the future (like a DIK Jacket)?


Could we possibly see a Liam cameo? He is the best wingman ever!


Do you have a canon route/girl for the history on your mind for Being a DIK? In Acting Lessons I feel that Megan is the canon route, am I correct?


At a point in time where people are offended over just about everything, has that made the process of making an adult video game any more difficult?


Do you already have ideas for the story of what will come after BaDIK, even if theyre very vague, or is all your thought being put into BaDIK at the moment?


Are you thinking of creating a game/story with main girls who are similar to non-main girls in Being a DIK whom many fans like (such as Riona, Sally, Lily, and KRJ)?


Two questions. 1) Is season 3 the last season? 2) Is season 3 also going to be 4 episodes long?


With the release of the game in Steam and GOG, the load and stress increased. Are you planning to hire an assistant or distribute the load in some other way?


Of the general responses/feedback to the main love interests, what were some things that you didn't expect or went way differently than you thought it would? Have you considered making a game with a female protagonist one day? If there's one thing you wish people would stop asking (besides when the next release is) what would that be?


I get that this question is dangerously close to spoiler so I understand if no answer to this one. Some of the options for the most recent big choice stand to present location issues in fact most of them do, So are big choices going to be hampered or lessen by that possibility?


Are there any plans to VC BAdik? You have a voice for Jill already or did for example. I get that would be a massive undertaking.


Now you finished Acting Lessons, and Two Season from Being a Dik. Any chance to expand your team for develop the game? Now your game is out not just here, but GOG, and Steam too. I think Develop alone is very stress and unsleepfull... If you can and Expand your team, it was awesome, and also you can finish the episodes faster, with more help.


I really love it when the camera moves up to the person you peak ons head. Like the scene in the library with Bella. My question is if there will be more of them in the future? Also thanks for making the game I love it <3.


How has the economics from your Patreon subscription developed through BaDIK, and through your development career (Acting Lessons etc.)? How has that compared to Steam? I guess what I'm really asking is - what does "success" and the journey to that look like in terms of being a leading (niche) developer?


Have you thought about adding voice acting to the game?


Any possibility of having a timeline where you try and date everyone(of the main girls), I understand with the way the game is designed it makes more sense just to have a decision at a point like you have done with season 2 but I was very much not expecting to get rail roaded the way I did and was kinda hoping just to play it out until it blows up in my face.


Question i know you currently have no plans on remastering your first game Acting Lessons but with your patreon anniversary do you plan on maybe making commemorative renders of the characters from there? It'll be a same to not show some love to a game/project that helped pave the way for Being a Dik


The music in the game is absolutely phenomenal. It turns a scene that might be ordinary, into the extraordinary. My question is, how do you go about acquiring music? Is it difficult considering all the licencing issues? Also, you say you have a background in music, have you created any music for the game yourself? Thanks.


Game is great, I have been supporting on and off for a while. With the Patreon changes and the game being on steam/gog, would it be possible to give all updates to members that have pledged more than a certain amount total in Patreon? Like myself for example. I have pledged around 100$ total since last year and also own season 1 on steam. You could determine an amount and make a password protected download and send the password to those above the contribution threshold you decide is fair for access to the updates. Thanks Doc!


And my question is that do you work on yourself on these games or is there someone to help you because im interested in that how are you making being a dik and is it hard and exhausting?


Has the story changed in anyway then you originally planned?


You said in a previous Q&A that Being a DIK will be around 14-20 episodes, has this number changed?


Which main girl is Your favourite?


Is there any plans to add voice acting not only for future episodes but also for already existing ones? please elaborate on your answer (why not/why yes).


You seem to work all year, do you work on vacations, family trips aswell? How can You fit work with family time?


Could you share the specs of the rigs you currently use?

Sadie Adler

Hmmmm, right here we are..: Where is BELLA!? 😳


This has probably been asked before but did you always plan for Being a DIK to be a multi-season project?

Invert Zeth

How do you create the models for the characters in your VN and what program do you use to render the scenes in?


if she was she would have been a named option at the choice

Wesker Burkin

Just wondered if you had any future plans for Cathy as she is still one of my fave girls in the story?


When it comes to clothing, hair, props and many other things on the Daz3D store do you need to purchase the Optional Interactive License or is that completely unnecessary and a waste of money?


Have you considered hiring a team to help you with development? It seems like you have a team of (tri-)beta testers but what about animators, writers, etc.?


What are the heights of MC and the main girls?


Do you have any fun quirks or traditions in your average 15 hour work day you can share with us? I.e you have unique music you listen to while you work, any special ritual to get you motivated to work for the day or just anything out of the ordinary for fun.


Some scenes with, shall we say “external endings” animate with an infinite loop until player takes action…whereas “internal endings” have a pair of vibrations on the image then simply ends…is there any potential chance of future such endings for the short vibration animations to continue for a similar loop until player interacts? If not, why not? ,Abe an alternative to shaky image being a visible twitch on loop?


You mentioned sometimes the song comes first that you design a scene around and other times you come across a song that is perfect for a scene you have. Can you give examples of each we currently have?


Have you considered some minor voice acting even for background noise in certain scenes? As a voice actor I'd be more than happy to provide my services for free if the opportunity ever came.


You mentioned that you typically have the story's general progression laid out prior to developing a new episode. However, after it's released, do you ever regret the way in which you implemented it? For example, let's say you know that a certain path must be closed in the episode, but after the release you wish the way in which you closed it was different. Or perhaps a conversation didn't flow like you wanted it to. If so, do you ever consider modifying the story in a later episode to either better explain the past event or bring it closer to how you reimagine it (without breaking continuity, obviously)?


Do you play other AVNs in your spare time? If so, would you mind sharing a bit of what you like? And by playing I mean specifically for fun, not research (assuming you do that).


Are you going to upload the Mac version to steam? Thanks

William Buch

I know you've said in the past that you don't let feedback from players dictate the story you want to tell. But have you seen or heard a player theory contrary to your own plans that made wish you'd thought of it? If so, are there any that come to mind you can share? For example, the theories on who the positive pregnancy test is for, or ponytail is, or the significance of the truck following Rio / Broccoli around


I'll try to generalize this to prevent spoilers. People can change and grow over time. Is there some sort of consideration for if the MC starts out on one path (example DIK path), and as a result gets blocked from a relationship, but then over time, he changes to the other side (CHICK or even Neutral). Would there be a possibility for reconsideration of relationship status, now that they've noticed you've changed? Basically a reward for character growth that other people notice.


Just want to say hello and happy new year.


Continued question from last year about software upgrades. We all have seen the difference with ep 8. Can you please explain a little more then what you did in de status updates how this effects your work flow and the work of the testers? Is there a big difference engine wise now it's 64bit for you to work with? Thanks and keep up the good work!


Tell us more please about your next project plans please


What resources do you use in order to learn and improve as a developer? E.g., how to properly light a scene, post-render work, posing, coding etc.

Thor von Fiddle

Computers freeze up, CPU's break, power outages happen, people forget to save data while doing a task, and the worst things can happen when you least expect it. What is the worst "happy accident" that you have encountered or experienced while programing, rendering, coding, etc. since you have been working on BAD where you had to start over or redo because of a technical malfunction or through human error?


Have you ever gotten burnt out while making Being a DIK? If so, what did you do to regain your passion or motivation to keep going?

Elton Coleman

Is mc going to be a daddy??


This might seem overly personal, but I have to ask, as I think it would be a problem for me if I were in the business of developing games like this: do you get turned on by the lewd scenes in your own game? To the point of needing to crank one out or go grab the wife? Creating all these scenes and looking at all these naked characters all day perhaps desensitizes a person, but I can also imagine the opposite effect.


I'm not familiar with American colleges but I know the date of the event that's about to happen at the end of season 2 (no spoilers). So I was wondering and trying to work out how long MC has been in college now and the in game length of each episode? (I'm assuming its roughly 1 week per episode) Also if you don't consider it a spoiler, I'd love to know how long the timeline is for the entirety of BAD. Is it planned to finish at the end of freshman year? Or will it continue into the 2nd year?


What was the most difficult scene/animation you made up until now? (of the episodes that have been released ofcourse ;-) )


Would there ever be a way to find out how many relationship points you have with someone? In the walkthrough, it shows +RP or -RP with certain people or groups like DIKs and Preps. Would those RPs matter later in the game, like how it says you need a certain amount of RP in different scenes?


All i want to say is that Episode 8 has truly blown me away in every way imaginable, if i'm being honest the lewd parts have become mostly secondary for me. The story and experience and the music for each part are done so well and it has really become more than a visual novel for me, it's definitely one of my favourite games now! I was wondering if the MC would ever be forced to chose the person that he really wanted all along and when it finally happened with the Elena/Tommy Scene i was stuck there for atleast 30 minutes just pondering, and for a game to do that is amazing to me. I've also played acting lessons and that also gave me a very emotional feeling at the end, just like season 8 managed to achieve but not just at the end, but throughout the entire episode. I guess i just have one question and one only, game related i guess that you probably won't answer haha: W h a t i s B e h i n d B e l l a ' s D o o r?!?!? Thank you for creating this journey and i wish you a great 2022 to come for you and your loved ones.


Will we ever have sex with heather


Hi, Did you set yourself a timeline to respect when it come to release an episode ? Is there a gap between 2 episodes you try to make sure it's not too long ? The whole lengt of the season 2 if we count the development has been nearly 2 years. Is it what you expected at the beginning or you thought it would be longer or shorter ? Thanks


What is the time difference between the uploading of future patches and seasons on patreon versu steam? 


I'd just like to echo everyone else in saying: thank you for this excellent game. All of the character models are first rate, and all look significantly different from each other... and even the MC doesn't look like an ugly plonker with a big... plonker :) Having played all of the major paths, I am wondering if you feel there is a "cannon" path? To me the most natural paths are Sage's and Jill's


If your house was burning, and on the floor lay the only computer storing all the BaDIK development files and a large duffel bag containing all the money you've made on this game thus far, which would you save if you could choose only one?


Let me start by saying that This a great game with a lot of heart and laughs. My question is, now that the game seems to have a large fan base will we start to see the game open up as far as the story goes? For example some parts seem to be on hard rails such as forcing the MC to break up with all other love interests and such. Will we get the chance to have open relationships VS strictly monogamous ones? Also during lewd scenes will we start to see more control VS game dictated options? I've already noticed this improving but it was a very noticeable issue in the first few chapters. Thanks again and thank you for creating an open forum for your fans to tell you what they would like to see, you'll never make everyone happy but everyone likes to be heard.


I am curious to know if the MC knows what his grandfather looks like?


Was the MC’s grandfather at the “Preps” hell week party by any chance?


So the only I want to ask is does your status effect your affinity, like can you have DIK status with a neutral affinity?

Majah Flavah

Do you already have an idea for a new story in mind for after Being a DIK is finally completed? If so, can you give us an idea/teaser as to what it might be?


Are there any characters that have surprised you in the development process, growing beyond your original conception due to the nuance and screen time you’ve given them, and are you open to adjusting - even slightly - a character’s role/fate in the main story as a result of the way a character has naturally evolved?


As I play BaDIK I realize that there are aspects in the game that are painfully and thoroughly researched until the most tiny detail. How is that included in your story telling? Do you stumble with something interesting and think "This would be great to be included in BaDIK at some point" and then do more research about the topic? Or it goes in the opposite direction like "I want to explore this situation in the game, so let me do some research for consistency" and then you include it after it was fully researched.


This was asked previously as well but I think it's interesting to know how you feel about it now: What do you currently feel is your biggest weakness about the developing process and what do you think you improved on most this past year?


is the "Others" path gonna have a proper storyline of its own? Btw if you see this congratulations on your outstanding work


How is your stress level now that season 2 is out on steam and you can go back fulltime into development of new content?


How do you balance wanting the player to have choices with the reality of the game getting too big with so many branching paths?


How much research goes into the development of the characters, their relationships, and the story? Would you say a psychologist would deem the personas realistic, or is it more your imagination and intuition?


Hi there Doc! Thanks for another great story i’m your supporter since AL. My question is: Does you think that, all Lynette(MC mother) episodes is lowered a main story pace and mb it need some action or make it less frequent. Thanks again for your work.


Do you often spend lots of time on a scene only to not like the end product? How do you deal with your own self critic if he's riding on your shoulder judging your renders(they're all amazing by the way ;-) )? Has much been 'cut' from Being A Dik because it just didn't work with the overall project?


Have you considered hiring someone that would help you with working on your games?


Am I wrong, or does the main character in DIK look a lot like Zac Efron? Or who has inspired you for his looks?


What programs do you use to create animations?


Are you really "just a guy"? By that I mean, the story and writing are among the best I've ever seen, are you a professional writer? And technically, the gameplay and graphics are such an achievement, did you work in video game development?


I really enjoy the little bit of Jill talking in the pre-game. Did you consider voice acting all the girls originally, or, do you ever think you might introduce voice acting in future episodes?


Only question that matters. When will episodes be released! lol


Hey doc here my question. Do you think someday put voices for the characters like whit jill the first time you enter the game? that would be amazing thanks for all doc love


and you wonder why games take so long to make. This a game dev nightmare. It's much like making music... no matter how beautiful it is you are never satisfied with your own finished product. You always feel you can make it better in one way or another.


What do you need for adding music? I know you need some sort of license but how does it work?


Hey Doc, easily the best game out there. Played it through so many times, know most of the dialogue. I am still unable to access 4 scenes: only have 50% of Josy & Maya in episode 6, 50% of Sage in episode 7, and two scenes from season 7: one between the Josy scene and Madame scene, and also the one between the above mentioned Sage scene and the Camila scene. Any chance you can give some insights or hints as to what choices to make to access them?


Would you ever bring back voiced characters, like you had in episode 1?


umm i know its a dumb question because you dont take fan suggestions, buttt would there be a way to have a fan page here or on discord for all of us to discuss ideas with each other? then you could always browse it and maybe find inspiration for new game or another scene. P.S. fantastic work


Will extra money from mansion minigame be used later for party planning or anything else? Cause it's not that hard to have 50-70 orange $ at the end :)


Doc’s Walkthroughs are pretty helpful with that. They can be found here as PDFs or in Steam as DLCs


are we likely to see more progression style content like with the mansion repairs and consequently improvements?


Hi doc, I have mainly technical questions, as I still can't imagine how the interaction between S2 and S3 will work (I know that saves are store on two location) I have many walkthrough from S2 (about 30 pages of saves) - I know only final saves will be transfers - but what if during S3 I will play some of my old saves in S2 and finish another game throughs (end of S2)- will I see them straight away again in S3 game also won't the saves from S2 somehow negatively interact with saves made in S3 when played on same time (same time I mean close S3 and open S2)?


Is it possible if there can be default choices in season 3? Like if someone got a new pc and all their saves is gone unless someone has steam but I just dont want to restart all of my save. If possible, like give us choices on the start of S3 if we dont have save. P.S Love the story telling and all your hard work ;D


I just watched Fired Up the other day and was reminded of Being a DIK, mostly the music. I remembered reading a previous Q&A you enjoyed watching raunchy late 2000's movies. What other movies/shows were your favorites and did any one have a impact on making Being a Dik?


For the writing process, what methods do you use to keep track of all of the different outcomes?


In your subjective opinion, if you played BAD for the first time and it wasn't the game you developed, which girl would you try to end up with from those we've seen so far up to the end of season 2? Which story arc would attract you as a player? You may be fine with either, but if there is one girl and story arc you like the most, do you try and put most of the feelings and writing into it or do you equally try and build all characters in their own unique way so each can awaken just as strong emotions with different people and their preference?


In your previous Q&A you mentioned that you think your writing was your weakest point and needs improvement. Since then how and what did you do to learn and improve? and in your honest opinion putting aside self esteem and bias would you say that you have improved?


How do you keep up your motivation when working on the same project for so long? Keep up the great work!


My questions always is when I'm playing these type of games, how you come with these ideas, what makes thrive these ideas, how come you think of the outcomes of each decision that completely changes the gameplay, not always depending on the sexual stuff to make a great game?


Why did you stop the cum animations?

Beast of Bray

Do you still enjoy working on this project as much or more than when you first started it? Are you looking forward to finishing it and starting something new? Or do you still have lots of ideas/story you'd like to share at B&M?


Do you keep track of players’ choices in the game - like how many people choose one route over the other? If yes, does it help in the development process? If no, would you like to or is it excessive and unnecessary for you? And big thank you for BaDIK :) I really enjoy both the narrative and the process. It cheers me up constantly, and your attention to details is impressive. I saw how the quality of the game improved from Season 1 to 2, and I look forward to future updates :)


Oh, and will the mansion mini game will be continued in any form - like, will the acquired stats be applied to new tasks or will we have an opportunity to spend the extra money we earned in it?


Hi, I would like to ask more about you, obviously you want to maintain some level of privacy but can you tell us more about yourself? Where are you from, how did you get into visual novels what are some of you hobbies, these sort of things. Thanks and keep up the amazing work!


Based on the speed and time it takes to make each episode. If you could give an estimate, when do you see yourself finishing this series?


Now that we are all so invested in the characters would you be willing to forgo some of the lewd content to add more depth to the relationships


Will polyamorous pairings like MC, Josy, Maya, Sage, Jill, Isabella, be possible in the story or is that just bonus content? To put it simpler, will there be harem options?

Ish My Ale

How do you story board your ideas?


Hi so first of all thanks for the game and all the hours you put into it ! I have two questions: - You said in a previous QA that all of the main story has been planned since day one, and so I was wondering for how long and how did you carry out the first phases of research and outline of the story (so the "pre-work") between the time you finished working on Acting Lessons and the start of the actual work on BaDIK. - If you compare the renders from episode 1 to those of episode 8, their quality increased several times. What made, in your opinion, the greatest impact in this improvement in quality ? (knowledge of software, use of lighting, blur etc.)

博堯 許

Hi, What would be the plan for other girls' route? Will each of them having final scene or romantic ending with MC if possible?


Where’d the name ‘Dr. PinkCake’ come from?


When picking music, do you ever pick music ahead of writing scenes, to inform the feel? Or do you pick music after the scenes are already written, and go in with a checklist of, “I need a track for this Maya scene, this Tybalt and Jill scene, and this MC and Dad scene.” Just, what’s the process?


Do you ever throw out animations? Not because they didn’t render right, but because they weren’t right for the story?


Should we expect some time jump? I mean we had 8 episodes and we're barely at Halloween. Cheers and keep up the good work... I love your game.


Do you sculpt/model the characters your self?


Fresh Morning Rain is such an awesome song. Is it (and the other songs you choose) free or do you have to pay royalties per song?


Season 2 ending was the reason I HAD to buy and play, haven't laughed so hard in my life..... Are you planning on more freak turns of the table or spicy additions to the characters/story?


Are you aware of emotions BAD generates within players, and do you take them into consideration designing main plot and its split? One of the girl's path in S2 is very unsatisfying in this matter. It resolves at the very end, leaving player with emotional climax that has basically no continuation after, which is very painful and feels not fair, as these high emotions are destined to fade away in await for next episode.


whats the average time between episodes that you spend creating the next one?


You've become very good at facial animations (the one at the close of Episode 8 is the best one yet), and you have focused several times on faces in the early parts of lewd scenes. However, you have animated only actual female climax, and that was way back in Episode 2. Have you decided to abandon this type of animation, and if so, why? If not, can we expect its return as your skills improve?


Have you ever thought about hiring 1 or 2 people to help you with development whether it be animations, coding, etc to give you more time to focus on writing and such?


Publishing period between episodes vary, with inclination to extend. Is it permanent leaning, like we should expect it to grow even more, or was it situational and we should expect next episode sooner?


For most of players episode 8 finale finished with cliffhanger. But some paths has only just reached its climax, living players with lack of fulfilment, not being able to cherish new circumstances, which created high emotions. Personally, I have my hopes up about interlude to fill this void, by continuation of the story. Are they plausible, or should we expect spinoff, not connected to main story line? That would be a downer. Getting to know it only after interlude launch, would be even more unpleasant, as this is main thing I am waiting for.


Have you ever thought about letting your game be translated by a professional translator to reach out to gamers from all around the world? If you ever consider something like that I would gladly assist you with that. Thanks for your awesome game and I wish you all the best for the upcoming year.


Has the development of any of the characters been altered by the outcome of the fandom in anyway? Also is there any surprises on fandom by any chance that you didnt think would have such a strong/weak following? Any plans for after BaDIK? Thanks DPC for the story and cant wait for whats to come.


Can you tell us who's your favorite girl of BaD and why ? I Know you create all of them and love them all but do you have any favorite ? I can tell you that it's always hard for me to choose an other path than jill's one even though i 'd love Bella and sage too...


Hi! Just curious, are you open to any kind of Investment? I mean let's say there is an Investor who wants to invest some money so you can grow as a team/ game studio, so you can deliver episodes faster or even make more games. Have you ever thought about this or do you prefer to do it as is?

Teufelhunde DJI

I love the game and have sunk tons of hours into it. I have also played others. Only one other was just as good, I thought, and they did have one feature that is missing from BaD, although it didn't have the depth that BaD has, with regards to character development. That feature was sound effects, especially of a sexual nature (moaning, slap of skin on skin, etc.). The other game is called Treasure of Nadia. Have you ever thought of introducing that option into BaD?


Do you think youll ever make a DLC episode including a story from one of the HOTs perspective? or maybe even bring back the characters from acting lessons for their experience at B&R?


Where do you get your stories? Are they based on personal experience? The sex scenes are great, but the interest is in the story...I can't wait to see the next installment, so I can follow the up on the story...AND it's not loaded with gratuitous sex. Keep it up...I Love it!


Have you considered an option when replaying lewd scenes where you can choose pet names for MC and the other girls like you do when playing in the story? No pet names are used when replaying lewd scenes. I also want to ask if there will be a possibility that the side girls in the game like Camilia become new love interests with their own backstories or if new love interests will open up as the Third season progresses?


I know you have touched on it briefly in the past, however, is the swyper app going to be completely gone from the game from now on. I personally loved its place in the game and how it grounded the game in how a normal college student would probably spend his time, not in a committed relationship. And the content that came from the game was some of my favorite either it be from cathy, nora, or envy.


Hi Dr.PinkCake!What is the background music in the Jill scene at the end of Season 2?The music is nice, very moving, very in line with the plot


Happy New Year from Norway! How many seasons do you forsee? Are there any chance you will let the MC complete College? ie. 3-4 years of study? Also: Fantastic game! Thank you very much!!


I was wondering how your games would function on the steam deck. Are you becoming verified for the platform?


Can you consider adding the "suck my DIK" graffiti back on the wall? I think it could serve as a good reminder of where things started.


How many chapters do you think we still have left?


How do get your inspiration to write someone like Derek? his jokes are always on point lol


Will the characters of the game have voices once the game is completed?


Would you consider mentoring a select group of keen artists who would want to create their own stories and visual novels? Of course, there would be a fee, but a lot of great artists in the industry are helping other skilled artists/writers raise the quality of their work - I'm currently writing my own stores and novels, and I love your character development, story, and writing.

Paul de Wijs

Is there a chance to get to a point so MC has a harem option?


I have a question about game play. When you go back to the previous scene and turn it back, the music may change to something else. I wonder if it was intentional so made like this.


Hi, in Season 1, especially Episode 1, there was a lot of good fast-paced rock/punk rock music, such as by The Friday Prophets. However, this has given way to more melancholy tracks, and/or instrumental tracks. Will we see punk rock and more generally music with vocals/lyrics making a comeback? Thanks.


wondering if some real rough content (chocking slapping whipping and or even dp with another character) is doable maybe with Rona Lily or Envy that would be awesome. but whatever you decide this game is far better than anything I could think of so keep doing what you think is best so far you've exceeded all expectations with every chapter.

Dan Syndrome

Been wondering this for while now, how many episodes are you planning on making in total? Think I read somewhere that the basic outline for the story and how it would end is already written, so this makes me think that there is an estimate for the total amount of seasons/episodes. Obviously stories in production change all the time and new things need to be added/removed because they make the story better or add a new dimension to it. Or fans want to see certain things happen. Just wondering if there was a rough estimate?


Wondering if at some point the girls that are in the "others" at the end of episode 8 will ever be able to be dated and possibly be able to enter into a relationship with them. I would love to be with riona.


this is in regards to affinity status do you think that there could be a persuasion option to where you can deceive the so called nice girls and nail them only to show that you are the prince of lies afterwards?


how many episodes is the next update gonna be


Do you consider a throuple to be a harem?


Is there (ou will be) a scene where we make Riona cums?


Have you ever thought how long it would take to develop a season three ?


Are you working with a team or just by yourself?


Is there another game you are planning to make after you finish Being A Dik?


Simple question: Was there a thought process into giving MC a huge dick as opposed to a more avg one?


Do you plan on adding sex scenes that include more ''niche'' kinks?

Matthew Griffin

Do you feel like you have reached the end of what RenPy is capable of? If so, any other engines in mind?


1st of all. Love your work. Both games are great :) I can't wait the 3rd season, but I have one concern. I've finished all available episodes on steam, my saves are on steam, there is a special save after 8th episodes, as the 3rd season will have new luncher. So, 2 questions: - becoming a patreon, will I be able to use my steam saves in the new luncher (with patreon version)? if not - will the delivery plan be the same - seprate episodes on patreon and whole season on steam (so I would have to wait for entire season to play it with my steam saves) or maybe then there is a chance to plan change and release episodes separately on steam as well?


There are any plans to improve the accountanability of the actions of the mc with the girls (like decreasing the points with some girls if you have sex with another in previous scenes and they could known about it) with more complex matrix choices or things like that?


Sadly when I last looked there was no way to link them together Christian, I don't think he can change that part. I know a lot of people had to play again through here instead of the Steam release so they could play the new content faster. I Personally waited for the steam release and will most likely do the same with season 3


I am sure an estimated release date is not realistic this early but that's definitely still a question lol I noticed you could decline Sage when that was my only love interest and had an option for others. Does this mean we will get an option to have Quinn, Riona, Lily, Sarah as a main love interest? PS Love your work, thanks for all you do


What would be your dream features to be added to the Ren'Py game engine?


Will the story become darker and more dramatic in the next half of the game, taking into account the ending of episode 8?


Hello, Could we see a recap dedicated to Quinn at the end of future seasons to see our progress with her (like we have for Sage, Isabella, Josy, Maya and Jill) ?


Hi I am curious. Some of the game's protagonists have more depth and character than those of other adult games. Especially the women. I wonder how many different people are working on the project, how many people are "DrPinkCake", how many of them are women and how many of the game characters represent (partially) real people (with a few added erotic fantasies).


To the most dearest lovely and wonderful Doctor I have a couple questions. First, I know in writing a scene for a story sometimes you realize that a character wouldn't do or say what you originally plan. How do you handle that and do you have any examples or a time this happened? Second, how does it feel when someone figures out a major future spoiler?


So, when Tybalt ate melon on the balcony with Jill... Was it *the* melon? Does he have multiple? Are they replaced and, if so, how frequently?


For future season(s) - How many more seasons/episodes do you have planned out? (I personally hope several more I really enjoy this game) Do you intend to take a potential darker route with some on the future episodes? I know the ending of episode 8 reminded me a lot of acting lessons which I absolutely loved as well.


How do you add an interactive phone menu, mini games, and renders in the game? Also is it hard to make it free roam?

Ulrik Carlsen

Do you plan on addding a feauter so that we can track how manny RP we have with the difrend girls?

Kenny M

Its a few days late and not really a question but just wanted to say Im hoping Rio can finally get a real spotlight in the new content to come. Amazing game cant wait for more.


How many endings will there be in the game at all? Will each LI have a good and a bad ending?


+1 HERE! I really wanted to ask this question too! Hope we get the answer from DR. :)


With what sort of programs you are making your characters?


Do you really work alone on the game? (except for testing, music, etc.), if yes Have you thought about hiring freelancers at least to create scenes (for example, without textures or even the model itself, only bones responsible for animation, if you don’t want something leaked to the network), in my experience, posing and animating is one of the most routine in making these games.


Roughly how long does it take you to pose a typical static render, and how much can it vary for a particularly simple or complicated one? How does that compare to posing animations?


Will there be more background stories for all other characters or just certain amount? Also will the major choices effect the ending of the game in major or minor ways?

Impious Monk

Do you have any formal business organization? Something that would affect the way you pay taxes?


Give me Josy only option for the future!?


I read in the last years Q&A that you use some kind of graf for the storyline. Could you show it to us? I´m curious how it looks. Of course something spoilerfree, perhaps from the first season.


When will Being A DIK Session 3 be released?


Will the season 3 be released in near future?


Yo Dr. Pinkcake. . . Are you man or a woman?


I finished my Sage playthrough of Season 2, and just started my Jill/Bella playthrough. All of my Sage playthrough unlocks are missing, both renders and Scenes. How did this happen and is there a fix?


First off i think the game is amazing and i don't want it to change in anyway. But do you agree that as a concept, a freshman going into a college and having a majority of the older girls available for him to date, is a little weird? I know it's common in the genre and makes for great gameplay because it's like a power fantasy even though it seems unrealistic. In the real world I feel like Bella, Jill and Sage would be unattainable to a teenager. (Please don't think about changing anything, I just want your thoughts on what is a trope of college AVNs)


What will you be using instead in Ren'Py in the future, and how will you be able to resolve the connection with the Steam release? Season 3 will have a separate launcher, or game?

Ruben Pomp

Is there gonna be more Lily scenes and story in s3 like for example dating her ? The scenes with her in ep 7 and 8 were some of the best in the game and you really feel like the MC and Lily are getting feelings for each other


What's your passion for telling this certain story?


okay.. not your typical question... Was the "turtle" an Austin Powers reference?


Is it possible to let us type the answers for the English mini game?


Another question, what is the time-line from episode 1 to 8? 3 or 4 months?


I assume this answer will be yes since we experienced it in Acting Lessons if you chose to cheat on your ex Ana in order to help Megan, but do you plan on implementing consequences into the game depending on the actions of your MC? (Like Jill will find out if you fuck another girl.)


I have a save in stock for season3. I'm about to restart a new game. Since I've been a bit crazy with saves all over the place the first time I played, can I delete all those saves and restart a new game without affecting the save I made for season 3? In clearer terms, I'd like to explore more different plots for S1 and S2 but being able to follow my original 1st playthrough when S3 will be released. thanks for the answer and for the hard work.


Considering we're already past 2 seasons, going into the 3rd one, can you elaborate more on what you mean by "Depending on your life experiences, I would like to warn you that the story might hit close to home, at times. The general tone will be happy, but if you're in a dark period of your life, I'd advise you to not play the game."? Specially the "dark period of your life" part. Were there any scenes from the mentioned seasons that you thought fitted within the quote?


I guess what I'd mostly like to know is how you compiled the soundtrack for the game. I was curious if much of it was music you already listen to or if a lot of it was researched and if it was really difficult for you what with royalties and whatnot. I must say that the soundtrack is a HUGE part of the game for me and really sends the game over the edge to the point of awe. Every song hits for me and fits perfectly with the scene it's in. Even giving the effect of a sort of theme to certain characters at times and making those scenes seem more special. Your game is so phenomenal and I believe it is in large part due to the soundtrack that makes it a 10/10 for me. Of course it's just the cherry on top of the fantastic characters you brought to life. :)


This is a kind of lame question, heh, but something I am curious about. It is obvious who the "main girls" are in the story, and I'm assuming they each get a fulfilling ending if you pursue one. Yet, are the "other girls" possible for a "full ending"? If yes, were they always intended to have equal endings, or did the popularity of other girls (esp Quinn) change your thought process?

James Bridge

Any thought on making a screen play of Acting Lessons I felt the story was strong enough to not even have much sex scenes keeping it at a R rated level. Such a powerful story great job on that Dr.


Is everything already set in place or have you ever read a fan theory on patreon or on a reddit thread and been like... dang that's a great idea?


How long have you been into writing, not just VN but just writing emotional and satisfying pieces? Also your games are amazing


(sorry, too lazy to see if it has been asked before) What is your professional background before that, artistic ? dev ? writing ? something that has nothing to do with what you are doing now ?


What exactly will our saves carry on to Season 3?


If you'll be given a chance to add any 3 songs/tracks to the game, which ones would you add?


When Season 3 is released will there be any major updates or changes to the UI of the game? Like the phone and its apps or your Affinity Bar?


Would there be any way to make a harem with the main girls or is the plan to stay monogamous with them?


Do the in game characters have any voices, when you write dialogues for them? (since there are no VA in the game)


You have a gift for finding great music that fits the scene/characters. Has there been any hurdles when it comes to acquiring the rights for music? What's your process like for finding the right songs?


I really like your environmental setpieces(MCs room for example). What are your inspirations for the environments?


The quality of the episodes are great, but each episode seems to be taking longer than the last. Can we expect this trend to continue? What are you currently doing to be more efficient in your game development?


Beyond lighting, how do you get so much detail in close-up shots of characters?


How long, on average, would you say it takes to post-process an image?


Are you still using Daz for animations or have you changed to something else (i.e. Blender)?


How is your process of selecting a song? I can't find most the songs on spotify - how do you find them? When you pick a song with singing, do you pay attention to the lyrics and select those you think fit the scenario or the characters involved? Any song owner denied letting you use their music after finding out they'd be used on the game?


As steam version user. Will i be able to get an update thru dlc (early access) for future episodes. Thank you


When adding new songs or fonts, do you run them by a lawyer first or just go by the provided licenses to know if you can use them?

Darkrizon (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-31 04:39:54 Will you plan on turning a few side girls into main girls? I am kind of curious, since some of these side girls are very appealing to look at based on progression of the story, especially Riona in my perspective. IF you like to answer, you can answer it in short, which is yes, no or maybe.. to avoid from spoiling it.
2022-01-31 03:34:34 Will you plan on turning a few side girls into main girls in future? I am kind of curious, since some of these side girls are very appealing to look at based on progression of the story, especially Riona in my perspective. IF you like to answer, you can answer it in short, which is yes, no or maybe.. to avoid from spoiling it.

Will you plan on turning a few side girls into main girls in future? I am kind of curious, since some of these side girls are very appealing to look at based on progression of the story, especially Riona in my perspective. IF you like to answer, you can answer it in short, which is yes, no or maybe.. to avoid from spoiling it.