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Since Being a DIK - Season 2 will be sold as a product on Steam soon, it's time to update my Patreon tier rewards. I must do this as I need to keep prices fair for all customers.

Because I have released several products, this becomes increasingly harder to keep affordable, as Patreon tier prices would shoot up with every product I release. And I don't want that. Patrons should never be punished for wanting to support me.

My priority with these changes has been to ensure that future updates don't get more expensive. Because that's what most patrons are interested in.

I'm sorry for the sudden mid-month changes, but there is some exciting news coming soon, which is why I need to carry out these changes. These are the changes to the current tiers, effective Friday, December 10.

Because of the tier changes, make sure you grab your copy of Being a DIK - Season 1 and Season 2 (v0.8.1) soon if you are in the Mini DIK, DIK, or Major DIK tier.

To sum up the changes:

There are no direct changes to Micro DIK, Major DIK, Biggest DIK, DIK President, or DIK President II tier rewards.

I will still have the same release concept for my future releases:

  • Huge DIK ($25) tier: 3 days early access of upcoming Season 3 releases
  • DIK ($10) tier: Access of upcoming Season 3 releases, 3 days after early access
  • Mini DIK ($5) tier: Access to Season 3 patches, 2 weeks after early access. You'll need the base Season 3 game the first time to patch it in the future.

Huge DIK ($25) tier will have the latest updated full version of Being a DIK Seasons 1 & 2.

Mini DIK ($5) tier will have patches for bugs etc. for Being a DIK Seasons 1 & 2. You can upgrade your version to the latest update with these patches.

There will be a new credit section for Being a DIK - Season 3. If you want to appear near the top of the Season 3 credits, the post where you enter your name will be live on Friday for the Massive DIK tier.

I tried to make the best out of the tier changes, and this was the best I could do without raising the prices for Season 3.

I will make sure that players of any game version can use their saves as an entry point in the first version of Season 3. This means that even a player from Steam can continue playing Season 3 on Patreon when it's released, using their Season 2 transfer saves.

If you have any questions about this, please ask them below, and I will do my best to answer them.

Best regards

Dr PinkCake



Major DiK still a thing or just no changes to it?


Oh awesome update, what about the option to get access to previous custom renders? I thought it would get a separate tier


Will there be any changes at all to any tier's not mention like Biggest DIK or President?


Will there be a notification when you post the credits section for Massive DIKs?


Thanks for the update and honesty :)


Discord announcement, e-mail notification, and the post itself on Patreon. All at the same time on Friday.

SmUDOlini aka Udo Mager

Wow... The DIK tier gets debuffed hard.... Is acting lessons still part of that tier or is that removed too? I mean Damn....


Some of the old Custom Renders will appear in the game, but not all. Old Custom renders may appear as a tier reward in the future, but it's not planned for these changes.


Acting Lessons is still there, yes. Season 3 will be there too, just like the updates for Season 2 have been. It's a standalone download where you continue from your saves in Season 2. So, basically all episodes in Season 3 (Episode interlude, Episode 9, Episode 10 etc.) will be available in the DIK tier. You can get any Season 1 and 2 updates in the $5 tier as patches to your game. So, if you have downloaded v0.8.1 right now, you don't have to pledge higher to keep it upgraded.


Hello, If I pledge the DIK tier, but loose the game I downloaded (e.g if my hard drive breaks) I can't get Season 1&2 anymore?


Reach out to me if that happens, and I can help you. But please try to keep the downloaded zip file on your hard drive.

Geralt of Ashkelon

I appreciate the transparency DrPinkCake. Thank you.


Okay so let me see if I got this right, I've pledged to the dik tier. Will i keep season 1 and 2 and still be able to download the patches that might come out for those seasons with the dik tier?


Yes. You have downloaded the game, it's yours to keep. And if I release any upgrades to it, you can get it in the Mini DIK ($5) tier patch post.

Rob The Weed Enthusiast

So we can jump up to the 30$ tier to get our name in the credits on friday? I just want to make sure I read that right.


With these smart moves, Wish I could buy stock in DPK .... (rather than the plunging ATVI I am holding on to for dear life)


Yes. On Friday I will publish a post where you enter your name of choice as a comment. I will add everyone who comments to the Season 3 credits.


So guess you don't want my support, bye.


If iam correct there are almost no changes to the Patreons that already played until the end of Season 2?


I think these changes target those people who pledge for one month just to get new season and thats it. I think i will go from 10$ tier to 5$ between seasons and for next release go up to 25$ for 1 month. It will sum up simillarly.


These changes make Season 1 and Season 2 cost the same as a Steam purchase of both Seasons. If you already own v0.8.0 or v0.8.1 on Patreon, which you do; you won't be affected by these changes. Season 3 will be released just like previous episodes have been released. 3 days early for the Huge DIK ($25) tier. After those 3 days, the DIK and Major DIK tiers get Season 3. Finally, there will be a patch for the Mini DIK tier.


So, no changes to Major DIK tier or is it getting removed?


What happens to Major DIK? Combination? Or does this tier go away?


Seems a logical update to me


Seems a bit off that even though I've supported the game since the beginning at $10 a month, I lose the ability to download Season 1 again if say I get a new computer. I understand that it's not fair for someone to just jump in to Patreon and pay $10 to bypass the $15 price tag on Steam, but shouldn't there be some sort of grandfathering in of long time supporters?


The no season One for Dik tier is a problem for me, yes the drop of price cool, but you lose on the initial decision making of the first 4 episode. Right now i'm really hesitant. Marketing of the 10$ is great because if you want to get into DYK you will get more donator and will probably stay longer. But the no season one do not let you learn and get in the story. Plus for a guy who wont be able to install patch it's a problem. Make us wait 7 days but i would keep the full version


Yes, I understand that situation, and sadly I'm limited in how I handle Patreon as it's not a marketplace with dedicated servers where I can store your files for downloading at leisure indefinitely. I would recommend backing up the full zip file of the game on either an external hard drive or cloud storage. As a last resort, if you were to lose your game, you can reach out to me and I'll assist you with a link.


I think you are misunderstanding these changes. You have downloaded seasons 1 and 2 already. They are complete but might get some occasional bug fixes in the future. If you have downloaded those versions with episodes 1-8, they are yours to keep. The future Season 3 is a new download completely detached from Seasons 1 and 2. You download it and continue playing on your saves. If you come from Steam, you can use the Season 2 transfer saves and start playing Season 3 on Patreon, without buying Seasons 1 and 2 from Patreon. If you haven't played Seasons 1 or 2 before, you must either get it from Steam or Patreon first. I can't keep Seasons 1 and 2 in the DIK tier on Patreon, because then Steam customers will feel ripped off learning that they paid 3 times as much for the content of the DIK tier. This would get me banned on Steam, so I must follow these rules.


How do I contact the creator?


I just want to make sure I understand correctly. The Bggest DIK tier was not mentioned so is that teir not being effected in anyway?


according to past DPC answers in this thread, that would be correct. It looks as if the only real change is season 1 & 2 full game download needing Huge DIK support.


As a current DIK will i get automaticly moved to another tier then? Or do you stay at that tier with the current price? It only won't show anymore on your patreon.


The DIK tier isn't going anywhere, and you won't be automatically moved or charged something extra either. You will remain in the tier you're pledged until you choose to update it.


Could you, please, be more specific about DIK Vice President? What exactly did you mean by almost anything? Can Vice President request addition to the story you planned? Or, specific scene between A and B? Or, it's about specific sex positions? Or, maybe it's only cosmetic / costume? Can you, please, explain a little bit more?


Of course. In the past, the Vice President tiers could request Custom Renders, and I hand-picked four submissions and make and distribute them for the month after. The rules in the past had the restriction that you could not order renders that had girls fucked, if they hadn't been fucked in the game. Now that episode 8 was published, there's no need for this rule anymore, meaning that Vice Presidents can order almost anything they like, as long as it doesn't violate Patreon's ToS. To be clearer. They request Custom Renders, that may be added to the game in the Pack Quests. They don't affect the story or cosmetics of any character in the game. If you play Pack Quest and check the mixed renders that unlock, you can see past Custom Render orders.


Hi, I have 'Being a DIK and the Complete Guide - Season 1'from Steam


Should I continue to buy Season 2 from Steam or switch to a higher Tier?


Hi, it depends on your preference. If you want to play today, Patreon is the way to go, but keep in mind that your Steam saves aren't compatible and you will have to replay episodes 1-4. If you can wait another month, you can continue playing Season 2 on Steam. In the future, you will be able to continue playing Season 3 on Patreon with saves from Steam or Patreon as an entry point.

John Vue

Wait a minute... Steam save file can be play on the Pateron game file now. Signed me the F#ck up on the Tier Huge DIK.


No, not right now. But you can start playing the Patreon version of Season 3 with the save files you have from any platform.


Why not have loyalty benefits and a minimum monthly commitment that would equal the price of the game? The first would protect your fans and the second would guarantee fairness for newcomers (and revenue), plus would serve as a promotion for said newcomers for the other added bonuses of Patreon


Hi! While that would be a good idea, Patreon doesn't have such a rewards system in place, and any access you have to my posts is lost the moment you lower your tier or remove your pledge. Patreon is tailored for funding creators, but not designed to be a marketplace, and that creates a hurdle when a developer like me reaches this point of having multiple products sold elsewhere. I would recommend downloading and storing the game zip files externally as a backup, in case you need them in the future. Patches to upgrade your game further will be available in the mini DIK tier.


Sorry, I just find this all too convoluted and confusing. Probably will dump my tier. Maybe I'll come back again some day.

John Vue

Sweet! Until Season 3 is out, I will replayin Season 1 & 2 on my Pateron version. Steam maggot brother, has left the building. (Finger Pointing Up)


Quick question; Because Major Dik is not listed in the changes does that mean that it's benefits aren't being changed? Sorry was just wondering!


Ok...so is Season 3 being considered a 'base game' then since you separated the file from season 1 and 2? Where we have to jump to $25 mark to get initially then can downgrade in future for patches? Or is it considered a 'update' and will be available to DIK tier for example.


Honestly, I just don't get it. That said, I'm sticking around. You do tremendous work, so you have my support. I'll figure out if I need to bump back to a bigger DIK tier when season 3 comes out. Right now it is not totally clear to me whether us tiny pricks can get there. "You'll need the base Season 3 game the first time to patch it in the future." - would this include a fully patched up version? If I was bigger one back in S2, but not since then, would I qualify as having "the base Season 3 game" To be honest, it's just the complexity and definitions that frustrate me. It's worth it any which way.


The first Season 3 episode is the Interlude, and it is considered the base game for Season 3, and it will have the same release schedule as v0.8.2 had. Huge DIK tier gets 3-days early access, the DIK tier gets it after those 3 days.

Jacob Welander

Hi DrPinkCake, i just went in to get access to newest version of the guide. Now it says i need subscribe 100$, i hope that's a mistake.


I think it's your local currency that didn't convert normally. It's $15 for the guide, so it would be whatever that is in DKK for you.


Does this mean DIK tier no longer has access to the latest episode? Somehow i cannot access the release post without upgrading my tier.


Hey doc, I have already played to completion Seasons 1 and 2 but then I got a new rig. I went to download it again with my current tier (whatever the 10$ one is) and I no longer have access to it. Do I gotta up my Patreon payment to 25$ get the game again? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Robert Wolfe

Originally I am a Huge DIK member @$25, will my name be removed from past episodes or it just won’t be added until I upgrade now?

Jim Brazier

So season 3 will not be released on Steam, only Patreon?


There's a new credits section for Season 3, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59744763

DrPinkCake (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 01:13:28 After it's fully developed it will come to Steam and GOG. Patreon gets each episode as they get developed, Steam & GOG get the finished product.
2022-01-05 13:32:49 After it's fully developed it will come to Steam and GOG. Patreon gets each episode as they get developed, Steam & GOG get the finished product.

After it's fully developed it will come to Steam and GOG. Patreon gets each episode as they get developed, Steam & GOG get the finished product.


think you nailed it, that's what im gonna do.