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Right now, I'm mostly working on Steam beta testing, bug fixing, etc.

But I'm also using my PCs by posing and rendering animations for the next update.

I'm polishing the walkthrough and releasing it to the Major DIK tiers and above this weekend.

Today, I want to talk about what's coming up in Season 3.

If you haven't played episode 8 yet. Please, stop reading right now, as you will get spoiled.

I would even advise you not to read my future posts until you have played and finished episode 8.

Spoilers are incoming below this sentence.

So, what is the plan for Season 3?

As you saw from reaching the end of Season 2, Episode 9 is not the next update that I will release.

Right now, we have reached an approximate midpoint of the main story.

Where we are right now, I have planned for a special part of the game that I have chosen to call "Interlude - Riding the Waves".

An interlude is a short story in the middle of an ongoing story, and that's what's next for Being a DIK.

Season 3 will start with this shorter interlude, and after that, Episode 9 will continue where you left off.

I will release the interlude before episode 9. This gives you some more Being a DIK content faster, and it also gives a perfect opportunity to make sure that the save transfers from Season 2 to Season 3 works for all of your games.

I wanted to manage your expectations for what the next release means in terms of development and content by telling you this.

The interlude won't be as long as the previous episodes have been, and it will primarily be focused on story events, not lewd content.

It's a shorter piece of the story that's too big to be handled within an episode and focused on story events that I want to tell in a certain way.

I hope that this will come to mean that the upcoming development cycle will be shorter as well. Both the planned animation and render count won't be near what you've seen recently from me.

That said, I know that the interlude will speak for itself and be both satisfying and worth playing for any fan of the game.

I will have more information about the interlude later and tease it more with previews and status updates.

After the interlude has been released on Patreon, it will be full speed ahead with episode 9 development.

Season 3 as a whole will feel fresh and fun; I have big plans for it.

I appreciate your support, and I hope you will enjoy the journey ahead on your chosen roads.

Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake



Only you know how to make a game like this have such an immersive story going on as well. I appreciate all of your hard work! You have done nothing but perfection in all your releases.


Fuck yeah


Sounds awesome!


In the doc we trust



Robert Wolfe

Bitchin!!!! Hopefully I get to see more Quinn!


I’m gonna say that this is my absolute favorite game that I’ve played like ever great story great animation I could really enjoy playing it without the lewds its that good keep it up and I’m really excited for whats coming next , can’t wait tbh.


I'm so hyped already 🤦🏻‍♂️


More Riona, please!!

Sadie Adler

Oh wow, so hyped about that Interlude story now 🥵💖 The question is: Will it have more Bella? :Give_Bella:


So many great news, DPC! You've done such an awesome work in this product, it is really a work of art. Keep up the great work! Thanks DPC!


I'm guessing interlude is going to be about Zoey and MC. To give us struggle between the current Gfs and Ex in future episodes. BTW DPC, i hope you take some break. Please do not push yourself too hard to satisfy us.


This has made my Friday even better, DPC you rock!


That actually makes sense, putting interlude before EP9. Some stories, like some backstories or side stories, do not need to be in the episodes. Thanks, DPC, for giving us the heads up, and I appreciate the thoughtful consideration. Looking forward to playing the interlude and future episodes.

Ben Engledow

So should be about 4 seasons in total for this game then?


Hey Dr., I would like to report a major issue. The developer of this game cannot catch a break and is still working instead of taking a well earned vacation. Seriously. You have done such an amazing work so far, a well deserved break is beyond question, specially with the tragic family event recently. I know that work can shift your focus off of things, but that can be harming too in the long run if you do not leave some time for yourself. I usually do not comment a lot, but thank you for your amazing and hard work so far. The fact that you pretty much work alone on this masterpiece is mind blowing. The game both visually and story wise is unmatched when it comes to visual novels. I would say keep up the good work, but not in this comment, just read above. :D

Oliver Segelhorst

I must say that this is one if my fvorite games this year (Normal games were pretty weak this year) The only thing I kind of miss is actual voice acting but that would not only need way more time but also quite a step up in the Budget I guess. Otherwise it is a great experience and the music does also a lot for the atmosphere. Looking forward to the interlude and I hope to ride more ways with Bella XD

Alexander Luis

If there is any help needed please reach out. This game is amazing.


Safe to say the Vast majority of us here have never seen or played anything like this! I could not be More Impressed.


Haven’t finish the Episode 8 Yet! Happy to hear that Season 3 is coming up! ! 🗣Bye the way the Game Theme Song ‘Punk Rock Flu’ It’s my favorite song!


DPK - you are already Spoiling all of us - we will be no good for any other games and have to go to bed without any dinner :-)


Will the interlude be sold on Steam?

Stephan Skogen

This game is just so much more than a dirty game! I love the story and choices / impact. SOOO well orchestrated, you deserve a reward Doc!

Martyn Romaine

EP8 is just incredible Doc..Done 4 playthroughs so far with maybe 4 more to do.. I Love the story and i can't wait to see what happens next.. I''ll be getting season 2 also on Steam when it comes out


Looking forward to it. Thanks, DPC.


Obviously you all know how great this game is but can we stop for a minute and talk about the masterpiece that is this soundtrack? Are there a couple duds? Yes, but the majority of this HUGE soundtrack is amazing. Can't wait for Season 3. This game has done everything it said it would to me. I've laughed, I've cried and I'm not afraid to admit it.


Yes, it will be part of the Season 3 DLC that will come in the future. If you want to play earlier than that, there will be a way to transfer Season 2 saves to the Patreon version of Season 3.

Bruce Vahl

Will this intermission release be stand-alone, or will choices made in it (assuming there are some) be carried over into Season 3? Looking forward to having some of the blanks filled in. It should be a nice little filip before starting a whole new season.


Good shit doc


Doc, anything you make is "both satisfying and worth playing for any fan of the game". I'm sure the others can agree with this. Thanks for the great season finale!


Ive just done my first run of episode 8... honestly.. Being a DIK is being an absolute masterpiece in the video game world!


"all right, all right, all right..." lol it seems the Mc's ex would be back and would have a huge impact. you dont always need a ton of lewd scenes to show that aspect of the story. looking forward to "riding the waves" lol


Fuck it, I’m in! You are a master of story telling, DrPC. Excited for what comes next!




I'm as invested in this story as I am in most books I read, so from me is an emphatic yes please.

SmUDOlini aka Udo Mager

I already can't wait.... I never pace myself and blast through the new content in one day.... Stupid me!


Now im excited, this is going to be great.


Walkthrough coming this weekend nice :)


2022 is coming and the DIKs Know it Thanks For All DOC 🖤🧡


Well my first path I think will be fucked


You would hope so, there's a lot of fucking to be done.


Couldn't agree more about DPC taking a break. I want the interlude as much as the next DIK but I think the good doctor has earned some holiday downtime.

Ish My Ale

Man, I can't wait for sparring practice with Gym Guy-sensei. I also think it'd be pretty rad if Derek ever got in on play DnD :P


Derek would probably make them regret ever inviting outsiders to play. I want to see it.


You probably get tons of messages like this everyday but thank you for your hard work. You made a fantastic game !


Such an amazing story I can't wait for season 3


Amazing story, emotional music, outstanding artwork...this is what all visual novels should strive for...I cant wait for season 3


I have never wanted a game release so bad in my life.

José Ibarra

You are the best mate! I hope to see you making games for a long long time. Excelent work.


When will you release the interlude? Can't wait for it