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This last week was insane in so many ways. It was the most hectic and fun release so far. There are always going to be problems during releases, but it went relatively smoothly despite some hiccups. The game has gotten too big, both in popularity and file size, to distribute to patrons effectively. It's a wonderful problem to have.

Each server used was struggling all week long, and it was exhausting trying to deliver the update in a timely fashion. I apologize to everyone affected by the slow download speeds, file corruption, and waiting time; I truly did the best I could. The current download links are stable, and the server load has cooled down over the week.

It's comforting to know that Season 3 will be like pushing the reset button on the file size. So, the next download will be significantly smaller, and I will provide patches again in the future.

Make sure that you keep the game on your PC since Season 1 and Season 2 are considered complete now. If you want to replay episodes 1-8 in the future, you will need the 0.8.x version. There are still some bugs in the current version that I'm fixing, so a v0.8.2 will come out at some point, both as a smaller patch and a full download.

Thanks to everyone for staying patient before and during the release week! And a special thanks to patrons helping each other figure things out when I had to sleep. The beta testers, proofreader, admins, and moderators, also deserve huge thanks for their efforts.

Amidst the network issues and bug fixes, I haven't fully appreciated the feedback and overwhelming response you've sent my way. I've been feeling like a robot trying to put out fires as they started, but the impact of the release is starting to dawn on me. 

All of your comments and praise humble me, making me very emotional to read your words. I poured my heart and soul into this episode - and I did so while mourning a tragic family event, but developing this game provided me with a distraction and kept me sane and healthy. And if that doesn't prove how much this game means to me, nothing will.

It's been wonderful to deliver the full second season to you, and I truly wish that all of you thought that the wait was worthwhile. Thank you for supporting and trusting me during the development months of episode 8 and for the incredible support during release. Not only did we become 15000 DIKs, but even 17000 in a matter of 4 days! That's nuts! You are amazing!

I want to celebrate these patron count milestones with you. I have something special planned for this occasion that I will share at a better moment.

In general, I have plenty of exciting news to share with you soon about everything that's coming up for Being a DIK, both in the near future and long-term.

You can look forward to posts including this and more:

  • What I'm working on
  • The upcoming Steam release
  • Season 2 patch information
  • The episode 8 walkthrough
  • Information about the Interlude
  • Patron milestone celebration
  • A new Q&A post where you can submit questions
  • Patreon tier changes

Posts may come somewhat irregularly as soon as I have something exciting to share, not just on Fridays, at least for a while.

Fun times lie ahead of us, and I'm so damned excited to start working on Season 3 - where both big questions will be asked and answered!

Right now, I'm going to power on with work.

Dr PinkCake



Thank you.


Thank you DPC! You are GOATED

Gnot Gnap

Thank you for all you do. Be sure to rest when you can


Thank you Dr. P. This has turned into one of my favorite games ever!!


Incredible work as always DPC. Well deserved


Thanks DPC , continue the great work! You're the best!!

Robin Mottart

Go forward men , we are with you


Keep the amazing work up, you're awesome!


Thank you for the excellent work, take care n stay safe. Looking forward to more of your work.


Episode 8 was awesome! Thanks for all the hard work you do to bring us such amazing content. Enjoy the holidays(if you celebrate) and get some much deserved rest. Being A DiK rocks!


Thanks for all 😊


Thank you so much for all your work, DrPinkCake)


Thank you DPC, very cool!


Thank you so much for all your hard work!! Can't wait to download and give this chapter a go!!

John Vue

Keep up the good work.

Sadie Adler

Sorry about the family news, we're always here for you 💖Thanks for all the Bella you've given us 🥵😌 I appreciate you.


The goat 🐐


Happy, Ecstatic and Proud to be a part of this Game and devoted crew!


I have loved the game so much that I'm on my 3rd play through, and I only got the game late October. Keep up the fantastic work.


Glad to hear you’re satisfied with the release Dr.! You honestly deserve every word of praise you receive! We appreciate all of the hard work you and your team put in, you truly are talented as this has been the best piece of coming of age storytelling I’ve ever consumed. Thanks again and take it easy for a bit, you’ve truly earned it!


Insane work. When there is truly nothing more to improve stil ep8 is the greatest of all. Take rest, well deserved.


DPC, it is heartbreaking to find out that you were having emotional challenges during the development while we were excited to play your work. But you still managed to complete the game for us like a pro and we are extremely thankful for your service and effort. We really hope that you encounter overwhelming happiness from now on.




Truly a masterpiece :). You deserve the rest.


Thanks for your hard work doc, you deserve a lot of rest!


Thank you for your wonderful piece of art but remember to take care of you as well.


Loved episode 8 that ending i was like wtf. Wait what what what lol. Looking forward to the future. Awesome stuff awesome game.


Your hard work, dedication and endless love that you pour into this incredible game is a testament of yourself as a person. Doc you are incredible in so many ways and you have 17,000+ reasons to celebrate and validate your ongoing efforts. I am certain we all share the same sentiment that our thoughts go with you and your family for the event you sadly had to experience. Please look after yourself and take a well deserved break.


It's always delightful for me (and hopefully for everyone else here on Patreon) to read the weekly update from you, DPC. I'm sorry to hear about what you went through while developing Episode 8 and bringing fun memories to us. There are no words for enduring the tragic events and the aftermath, as I've had my share of pain and losses over the years. Unfortunately, for me, time is not the heal, but this game serves as both a distraction and a heal (to an extent), and I'm very grateful for that. This game hits me close to home (in a good way, like allowing me to release the pressure, anxiety and even grief and regret, all of which are typically being suppressed, ignored and overrode so I can keep up with my life and job) at many points, and I love how you write the stories for the characters. Thank you for all your hard work. I'm happy and proud to support you in creating something different and great. I'm looking forward to the big questions and answers in Season 3, especially the answers, as I've got so many big (extra big) question marks and some theories in my head for my PT.


Thank you for this incredible game! And prayers to you and your family!


Episode 8 is a unbelievably good and every moment in the game is still memorable Every day I spend with this game is wonderful I still remember first time I try the game and I was shocked how incredibly good this game was and how much effort you put in, I’ve never thought BADik become one of my favorite game and thank you for the giving me the chance to play this game Thank you for your hard work DPC and I hope everything is going fine And this game kinda gives me a hope so I will looking forward both me and this game's future With appreciate and respect! And again with Thanks


First of all and most importantly, i'm very sorry to hear about your tragic family event. I hope you and your family are doing better now! I didn't get to play the update yet, because I got some bad news on my own last friday (incidentally just an hour or so after downloading) and just haven't been in the right headspace to play and enjoy it and I don't want to play it until I feel I can really truly enjoy it without being distracted, but i'm sure it is another fantastic piece of work like everything you have provided for us in the past and the other patrons reactions confirm this. I talked to a friend a fews days ago about Being a DIK, you and patreon, who didn't know a thing about all of it and he was flabbergasted saying something along the lines of "Why are you paying this guy 30 bucks a month for nothing? Why not buy the game when it's complete or only when there is a new update?" and I suppose he's right, just from a financial point of view. But first of all, I feel like I am in a small way part of something special here just by financially supporting someone, who I don't consider "just" a game developer, but a true artist and second, even your weekly updates were something I was excited to read and brought me a bit of joy on friday afternoons after work, just by reading about the progress and thinking that the next update is coming ever closer and after reading this update, I kinda wanted to share that with you. Also i'm very excited about your Q&A announcement. Being relatively new here (I joined sometime before chapter 7 after previously playing on steam), there have been times where I wanted to ask some things about development, but didn't feel like I should be randomly asking that in the comments and a Q&A would be perfect for that. Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. Thank you so much for your hard and downright amazing work, DPC, i'm looking forward to hopefully being able to play and enjoy the new chapter soon and i am excited for everything that you'll be sending our way in the future. I will remain a patron of yours for life! All the best and take a few days off for yourself, man!


i'm enjoying the game a lot...love the story, the humour, the twists...excellent story telling


I figure a game is worth about a dollar an hour, some games you buy for 60 bucks and only put like 20 hours in, this game is like 30 and I've got well over a hundred hours in it, value well earned. I love it.

Terry M. Griffin

You are amazing! Thank you for all your hard work.


Nice man! Be a great dev :)


No spoilers, just have to say wow... I find many writers predictable, it ruins a lot of shows and movies for me because I can often deduce what will happen well before it does. That is not the case with this game, I constantly get thrown for a loop and I love it. You absolutely crushed the season 2 finale Doc, totally blown away and I've only done one of my playthroughs with it. Looking forward to playing the others over the next few days to see the different paths and twists and turns. Keep up the amazing work Doc, I've watched a ton of movies and shows, played a lot of single player story and character driven games, and read plenty of novels. Your story, characters, and dialogue are right up there with the best of the best.

Joshua Dershem

DPC and Being a Dik are definitely things to be thankful for this year!

Julian Harper

Congrats, it's well deserved. I haven't had a chance to play chapter 8 yet but I'm looking forward to it!

giannhs tsarnas

I can't describe how thankful and excited I am to play the game is not about the sex anymore it's about the twists and the story so amazing every episode that you release never ever had disappointing me every time i was with my mouth open with the twists you are really an amazing developer i really can't wait for season 3 and trying not to spoil here but about the MC's mother something is about to happen I LOVE IT thank you again


Yes! the ep 8 was incredible! I can't wait to explore the journey with Bella in season 3 ;) Much appreciate DOC for everything you do for us and this amazing game!


Game is downloading right now, can't express how excited I am to launch it. It's like meeting old friends after not seeing them for a while ! You are the only content creator I support and I am so happy for you. Stay healthy. Thomas


Man what an amazing experience this game is and wow that's all I can say. DPC thanks again can't wait to explore season 3 when it comes.


I don't believe you understand the amount of discipline needed to not just download the Patreon version right now. I want it on steam and am waiting. Haven't seen anything from episode 5 and forward. Knowing the game is ready, this is driving me nuts waiting.

Beast of Bray

What a crazy ride. So happy to have spent it with all of you brothers!


What a great end to the season - thank you, DPC. The Jill storyline was such a beautiful pay-off that I had tears in my eyes. The writing that hooked me with Acting Lessons has only gotten better.


Dude I have to give it that you have what it takes. For a game story nowadays to both surprise me and impress me, both story and gamewise, it means its hella good, something else. I do not congratulate people for small stuff, much less Patreon something I dont really like and believe in, so I felt like writing this to show how much I appreciated your work and think youre on the right way. My condolences for whatever happened in your family. I believe that I speak for all DIKs when I say that we are happy that making the game "kept your shit together", haha. It shows how much you believe on what youre creating and is one more reason I gladly Patreon this game for.


Thank you DPC, what a phenomenal episode to cap of an amazingly written and designed season, every new realease continues to impress me with your dedication and emotion poured into it. You are one of a kind DPC and an absolute treasure, thank you for everything, I love being a part of this family.


Just make sure you find time to enjoy upcoming holidays, we don´t need episode 9 being released on january... february is just fine ;) jk obviously. Glad to hear that working on this game helps you getting through rough times, somehow gives me the feeling that by buying, playing and enjoying the game we give something back, maybe something more than just money.


Your the fucking man bro love the story love the action please keep up the good work 🙏


As a patron and a fan, EP8 was really something special. Thank you for all the hours and effort you've put in so that we get to enjoy it.

Elton Coleman

Thank you so much DCP I'm loving episode 8 so far, will give a full feed back later on! As always take care sir


Thank you for all your hard work, and making it possible for us to enjoy this masterpiece of a game!


Sorry to hear about your family news. Thanks for the hard work. Look forward to hearing more in the future.


Thank you for everything, Pink! We love you!

PJ Bond

Thank you for the hard work! You are appreciated. I had no problems downloading the Mac OS version. That aspect worked for me pretty much exactly as before. I do note that starting the game takes a very long time. Maybe that’s due to my many different saves that have to load?


now it's me who got emocial reading this, thank you DPC for all your hard work, I think that the number of your patreons speaks for itself, we all love your work and we know the upcoming content is ALWAYS worth the wait.


Thank you for your dedication and creativity, Dr. PinkCake. Sorry to read about your tragic family event. I hope you're doing better now. I'm happy with how the story is progressing. As a Josy fan, I hope at some point our beloved MC will be able to have a more "traditional" relationship with her (trying not to spoil :p). Take care!


Happy to hear you working as I, like many other people love your work, but please don't overwork yourself. Only you can deliver stories like this to us, and I'm sure I like many other people wouldn't mind if you took a vacation! Much love and thank you for everything.

Alexander Pires

Just wanna say thanks for all the hard work you've done, I cant wait for the walkthrough guide and much later on, episode 9, Love the work you do hopefully you take a good vacation soon!


Thank you DPC for such a great episode 8 and fantastic season 1! Looking forward to seeing what's next!

Pett Brenson

Ep 8 was a fantastic release, well worth the wait. Caught me a couple of times with the story going in a direction I wasn't expecting. TY for all the hard work that was put in on Season 2, can't wait to see what's coming up in Season 3.


well its awesome playin this game. Its truly one of a kind in graphics and game content (mini-games etc.) So here's to keep on contributing on a monthly basis and enjoying your awesome work. youve earned it with every release and we all applaud you for it! CHEERS M8!!!


The game so far has been epic, and you wrapped season 2 on a high note (and an "oh crap" moment). While I can't wait for the next installment, I hope you take time for yourself as needed. The ride has been awesome so far.

Hedley Lamar

Fell in love with your games with Acting Lessons and jumped on the bandwagon with Season 1 of Being a DIK. I think the standard for VN's to inspire to has defiantly been set with your work. Beyond that I would even put this up there with other works like Telltales games. The storytelling, branching stories and improvements and expansion of gameplay have been impressive and appreciated. Look forward to continuing this journey with yourself and the community!


You did a really incredible game whit so many feelings it makes you sad happy and obviously horny, is really one of the best game i played of this kind, i can't stop thinking on all the season 2. Was crazy all what happened and right now im just re-playing all the game whit all the routes possibles, all renders and all scenes. So i want to say thank you for made this game you are amazing Doc ♥️ much love to you i'll be waiting for season 3 much as you need


Take care of yourself for a bit doc. That’s a lot of work you’ve put in recently. Wishing you and your family peace and strength throughout hardship


You did a absolutely amazing job Doc. The work and amount of detail you put into each episode is nothing short of perfection. From the choice of music for every scene, down to the in depth development of the characters is just amazing. Some how you manage to bring to life the characters and the story, and make people who play react to it and see it as more than just a game. So sorry for the problems you went through recently, but glad to hear that making this game makes you happy and is able to help you cope better. Know that everyone wishes you the best and from what i see everyone agrees you can take time off and relax if you need/ want to. We will still be here :)


hey man love the game so much, make sure you take care of yourself take some time off and dont burn out man..


Love your work. Cheers for everything you do and the effort you put into this labor of love


Thank you guys for your amazing efforts! The game sure is a major bang! I loved each scene and gameplay step. It is truly terrific! Thank you!


I had fun finishing up season 2 I might have to go back and do a couple more playthroughs in the future. Acting Lessons was awesome and Being a DIK is a worthy successor! Doc, thank you so much. I found out about your games during that quarantine time, saved me from boredom and insanity...had laughs and tears along the way. I really liked the Brawler mini game and I think it'd be cool to have a Chad size opponent thrown in there too. Anyways get some R & R DocPC...Patron's orders haha


Damn good game with a lot of passion, laughs, and all the emotions that come with it. You and everyone helping to make this game a reality deserve all the praise and more :) Everything is quality - EVERYTHING. Music, art, animation, dynamic and evolving characters, so many alternate routes, and clever writing make Being a DIK the finest hgame I've ever had the pleasure to come across. Happy to support such a high quality project. All the best! Cheers,


Episode 8 was the best so far in every way. Especially script-wise. I was laughing my ass off and had such a good time. 10/10 overall. Cant wait for season 3!


This truly is the best game in this genre <3! It's just perfect in so many ways, always happy to support you and I can't wait to see season 3!


I never thought I'd actually want to play an AVN for more than the lewds, but both Being a DIK made me change my mind. I'd worth playing on its merits, with good writing and consequential choices as well as great art work. KUTGW!


Another 5/5 Thanks for everything Dr !




Just wanted to tell you, the last chapter was unbelievable. i love the game and the plot twist - i was just brainf..ked. Absolutley great. Thanks for your effort and passion


Just finished, amazing!!!


This game just keeps surprising me, i played through from epi 1 once when a few days after release and when episode 8 came out my relationship choices came up and i was like fuck xD, i started over from epi 1 again and made good choices all the way through to the end of episode 8 and then i got fucked again just before credits roll lol, you are killing me here Dr.Pinkcake and i love it :D so many good characters

Tyler Robbins

what are both the big questions?


Dr PinkCake Your games are amazing, Episode 8 is some of your best work, Your story had me enamoured till 4am I havent felt like this playing a game since i was like 7 or 8 playing my first ever RPG like KOTOR. Keep on keeping on and keeping making this amazing content, and take however long you need


love both seasons so far, just what a great story would be. the choice of soundtrack is perfect. i can't describe the game how much i enjoyed it. really great job from you


The game has been nothing but excellent so far and hope you keep up the good work! The emotional build-up and punches in the story are some of the best I've ever played so here's to hoping there's plenty more coming! Also a big shout-out to my favourite girl Maya!


I've been enjoying each episodes so much and I could see all the hard work you put into it, but this episode was by FAR the best of all. In term of length, ambiance, paths and choice and of course story. Thank you so much for all of this and hopefully you keep enjoying doing it because I enjoy playing it ! Take care


Now with over 20 full playthru's and in many trials of DIK/Chick layers, I am actually starting to Warm up to Quinn - I know, hard to believe - this game is so complex and the music fits Every scene

Tom's day

Just finished season 2 and all I can say is that in season 3, I am absolutely fucked 😂😂 plot twist right at the end completely done me over 😂 great work


Blown away by this season! Always looking forward to what's next! <3


This is a masterpiece of a game, and it isn't even fully finished


I bought a new pc last month.. is there a way I can transfer my files over and start from there? or do I have to start over?


Copy the entire "saves" folder from the "game" directory and it will work.


Simply incredible and can't wait for the new season thanks for all the hard work Dr


where do I paste it? I have a Mac and can't find a save folder in the new files..


Dr, absolutely incredible work! the scenes, the story, THE ENDING! cant wait for season 3!


~/Library/RenPy/game_directory Should be a being a DIK directory there ^ If not. start the app one time and it will create a directory there for you.


My condolences.


I wish I could buy the complete guide for season 2 directly off of here since it isn't on steam yet


If you are a Patron you get it for free, dont remember the tier you need to be. DrP said in this post at the end he's working on the walkthrough, be patient, the man does all this alone (except for testers) and he needs time to decompress after all this work. Long story short, donate to DrP at correct tier (each tier shows what you get for donating at that tier) and wait patiently, he will post the walkthrough soon.


Ohhh that makes much more sense. Trust me, I have no problem being patient for any work he puts out. Man earned my respect with the amount of work in this game. I must've overlooked that part in his explanation. Thank you for clarifying!


https://www.patreon.com/posts/32341060 For episodes 1-7. Episode 8 will be available sometime in December.


I just switch from mac to windows can someone guide me through the extraction process alittle bit, Idk what im doing wrong.


What happens when you save a game after starting one? There should be a folder there.

ShunJi Huang

Holy Moly F**king sh*t!!! This ending is so f**king INSANE!!! I can't wait for the next season. GOSH! I don't want to stay any longer for a second in 2021. Can I travel directly beyond 6 months?


Thank you. Just thank you for your work DPC . It's not just a game. It's wonderful journey you took all of us on. Words can't describe what BAD is for me. Just thank you :)

Jack Rawles

I love this chapter! Your weaving of story is unreal and all of these characters are my friends and...I can't wait to see what happens to us all in the next installment! Thank you for making an experience that will resonate for a long, long time!


Any news on the 3rd season, by when will you release it?


There are no set days for my updates. Right now, I'm developing the game at the same time as making sure that Season 2 is ready for the Steam release on January 6. Soon, I will have status updates on the development progress.