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This will be my final status update for episode 8. It took a while to get here, but here we are.

Currently, there are 11 animations left in the animation queue. I expect them to finish rendering during the following week.

I've been playtesting and polishing the game all week.

Yet, I've only played the entire episode meticulously two times, in two different ways. I have several more playthroughs to complete, and I have yet to see everything the episode has to offer.

While playing, I wrote a checklist with 300+ things to fix and polish; this is common for every episode. I've been working on fixing everything on that checklist. I've added and fixed dialogue, renders, scenes, code, phone content, animations, and more during this week.

Next week I will continue to polish the episode and perform my personal playtests. I will also ensure that the save transfer between Season 2 and the upcoming Season 3 works as intended.

My beta testers and proofreader have gotten a heads up, and I will send them the episode as soon as I finish polishing it. 

Before my inbox gets full of beta testing DMs: Thanks to everyone who offers help, but I do not need more help with beta testing.

After my team has started work and made progress, I can give an ETA for the Patreon release.

We are down to the nitty-gritty details of development, and that's also where the devil is.

I will post information regarding beta testing and release dates as soon as I know something more.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



Appreciate it Doc! Much love!


You amaze me every time.


Super excited now! Thanks for everything DPC!

Starless Sky

I have a question though.. since I got to this game through Steam: How long between the Patreon release of episode 8 and the release of Season 2 for Steam?


Thank you for your service and hard work Doc, cant wait to play the shit out of this ep.


It's cominggggggggg :D




Whoooo! We're here!) I'm so excited to see where the story goes to, what exactly "Crossroads" mean and OMG the music)


Doc THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited



Elton Coleman

Once episodes 8 on Patreon is released he said it will take few days for season 2 to be available on steam, so give it a week is my guess

Elton Coleman

Yeessss I have butterflies in my tummy now so excited!!! Thanks so much Doc! 😃😁


You're awesome!!! hopefully before Halloween so we can do double celebration oh btw I ordered a custom DIK jacket for the Halloween! :D


I wonder how many seasons/eps the final game will eventually have? All 4 years of college? Plenty of time to wear out Josy :), though complete replays for different endings would take a really long time if it's like 50 eps or something. I got burnt out on Acting Lessons after seeing just a few of the 22 endings (1 play with each main trait), and that one was rather short (7 eps).


Fantastic work! Everything you do is appreciated.


Bro YEAS please , BAD is just top VN game it deserves to end all the way until MC graduation and of course we will support DPC till the very last episode. :D


i think that DPC is an actual genius like mega brain type shit


Ohhh CONGRATS!!! Thank you DPC for this year, Episode 7 and 8 was amazing and can’t wait for what you will work on the next season 🥰


They say his plot board (or whatever it's called) can be seen from space.

Martyn Romaine

great work Doc.. soooo hyped to pplay EP8


you need a studio team behind you DPC always a-1 status reports


Doc, over the past year you've jumped from the #8 to the #4 spot on the Top Patreon Adult Games chart, and as of this writing, you're less than 100 patrons away from the #3 spot. You should be damn proud and know that it was well earned thru talent and hard work. Not only is your writing phenomenal, but your consistent weekly updates shows that you care about the community. I feel like I know exactly where we are with each new episode, and I don't have to check your page every day, wondering when the next update will be and feeling like a junkie, lol. That kind of thing isn't required in this line of work, and the fact that you would do that demonstrates that you have an integrity that others don't. You've earned every dollar and patron, and there should be some kind of special reward for your work ethic. I can't wait to open the Patron chart and see you in the #2 spot underneath DarkCookie (EDIT: or whoever it will be at that point), I'm going to guess 2022 will be that year, and I'm going to guess an eventual #1 spot by the time you start your 3rd game (if you plan on doing one). I'm rooting for ya Doc, cant wait for ep 8.

Beast of Bray

Talk about an early Xmas gift!


DPC, post-release what is your preferred method for reporting bugs and/or typos for future updates that follow?


Awesome! Thanks for all you do DPC, have a great weekend.


Exciting news! Looking forward to the episode Doc!


Nice news, really nice...




I really need a girl like Sage, long live that beautiful head of yours full of taste


Wooooo great news!! All aboard the hype train!

Crowangel Gaming

great work and looking forward to more Maya time




wow great job, thrilling to learn the working process and see it go through


and love the hint of season 3!


Dr PinkCake into clutch time!! Take our energy!! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Jon G

Now I find myself wondering what jaw-dropping cliffhanger Season 2 will leave us off on, or if it's kind of like Season 1 where the plot twist was in Episode 3 and the final episode was more a denouement.


nice job pink proud of you man congrads.


Can’t wait 🙀 , keep up the amazing work and have a great weekend too buddy


Great job Doc, make sure to take a little downtime for yourself as well. Need to take a look at my save files, and probably do a clean Jill run (or as close as it gets).

John Vue

I'm looking forward to it. :)


So who's better than DPC? I thought he was already #1. And who knows, maybe the 3rd game won't be for another 10+ years if BAD sees the MC graduating college in 4 years of game time, could be why he decided to split it evey 2 seasons instead of eventually making everyone do 200GB downloads every new ep.


Fine work there!


I would love to be a part of beta tester team, but I am too late :(


Great job DPC, can't wait to play episode 8, the hype is real! btw, will the walkthrough for up to ep 8 also be released on the same day?


Thank u Pink for the big job, and your crew! Can't wait for Ep8.


I bet 12th of Nov will be release. :)


Keep doing a good job


Episode 7 couldve been its own finale, but the hits just keep coming, keep it up big man, im sure this one will knock the rest of them out of the park





John Vue



I must admit, the wait has been killing me. To the point I reinstalled all Witcher games to occupy my time so I didn't chew my fingernails off.


It's interesting how a AVN can build so much anticipation, huh? I hold Being A DIK among my favorite games. On par with the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA5, HOI 4, Witcher Series, Pillars of Eternity, etc. It's a testament to how well DPC can get us so engrossed through his creation and writing. Hopefully in two weeks we will get to finally play episode 8.


Thank you DPC :) For the Jill lovers, DPC posted a rooster feed for episode 8 on twitter. I just know I will get punched in the feels. I'm so ready.


I want it on steam ASAP


I keep reading people thinking that something bad is coming for Jill x MC lol, i mean plot is coming ofc but i wonder how bad it can be D:


Continue this way, I will start atain the full story playing differently ;) This story could be a Netflix Series ;)


You are awesome. Carry on.


Hello, I’m new to Patreon. I’ve played Being a Dik from steam, but I was pointed here thinking I could play season 2 but I don’t know what to do or where to start. Thanks.


Download the latest release (0.7.2) and play, you can access it from the benefits tab or under latest release posts (should be pinned at the top). Saves between Steam and Patreon are NOT compatible. Don’t forget to join the Discord channel.


Thanks for the replies, I’ll look again once I get home to the computer


hey, hello directly from a brazilian fan, i love your work and i came here to give you some strength, even if low. I'm looking forward to the next episode. #TeamJill


Are we expecting another update or will the final update be the release?


[quote]This will be my final status update for episode 8. It took a while to get here, but here we are.[/quote] Hope we get a "entering beta testing" post this week


Thank you sir! Reading comprehension is not my strongest trait lol


I’m so excited for episode 8!


Probably right. I will still pray for the small miracle of a 5th November release.


I've always disliked VN's. But this game had me almost addictively invested. I think it might be my favorite NSFW game. Big applause, amazing frickin' work. And thanks for this blessing of a game.


Kinda new to BAD so how long is it usually between the last weekly update and ep release? How long was it for ep 6 and 7? Not to seem like an impatient ass, but was wondering when to schedule vacation time from work.


Most of the early ones from 5+ years ago (when I first tried them) generally sucked (unbelievable story, low quality rendering, etc) but quality has gone way up for some of them like this one. Probably 10-20 of them the plots are better than those written for TV shows and movies. Now if only rendering can reach photorealistic quality TV would be mostly obsolete (already is to me).


I know that a reminder will come to my phone, but anyone else checking the site twenty times a day for updates? ;)


If you see the download for 1-7 episode 7 came out around April so 6-7 months, I forgot how long the development time between 5,6, and 7 were but it was around 5-6 months or so maybe little longer. This update seems to be much bigger for the s2 finale and subsequent episodes depending on what dpc feels like including in the episodes could be just as big.


Yeah I was guessing Nov, but then there's the extra work of splitting seasons for 3+ and coding to make saves between s1-2 and s3 compatible. I'm not a coder but just testing that alone sounds like a huge amount of work and alot more than usual. Still better in the long run I guess, no one wants redownloading 100GB's every update that just keeps getting bigger and bigger when they just want the new season.


I hope Jill isn't pissed at me to the point of I don't get to pop her cherry (I forgot just how naive she actually was, I guess it's one thing to assume I'm fucking everyone but another to get verbal confirmation via other girls' ID recognition in the audience just from looking at my cock alone), but that presentation Dick Pic I just couldn't resist and was funny as fuck.


Yes was hoping it was going to be ready for Halloween since that is the big event they were planning for.

Ragin Cajun

I've got about 10 saves done with different paths and interests. What got me in the Maya/Josy path was that they talked about limits and restrictions being your own choice if you truly cared about someone. I'm taking that to mean there will be consequences with them in their path if you are still dating/sleeping with other girls. That's what led to about half of my replays was after I picked up on that thought process. The hardest I'm finding to limit is Jill on a Chick path with Maya and Josy. Even if I "don't fight for her" the interest is still there I'm guessing. Will be interested to see what new twists DPC puts into the new Episode.


Yeah, I have similar number of saves. The worst is the one I call "just a friend" which means I don´t screw anybody and still trying to be on the best possible terms with them. And when a girl like Sage keeps throwing herself at me... it´s heartbreaking.

Jon G

Yeah, I have mixed feelings on how characters like Josy/Maya and Jill, e.g. just seem to know your affinity, regardless of how you treat them, and your affinity blocks building RP and other long-term relationship options. And if Quinn, Lily or some other character doesn't become available as at least someone to "roll with" then it's not looking great for the D- aligned long-term relationship options.

Ragin Cajun

Started a new one today where I’m going to bail on Jody/Maya in Ep 4 and I’m holding off on Sage until the HOT party late in the game. Last play through I picked up that I could get a “third chance” with her.


I'm still hoping for Josy/ Maya/Sage 4-some possible at some point. Blonde/Brunette/Redhead cumswap pass-around. Hard part would be deciding who gets to suck it out first.


I imagine the hidden machanics is probably like real life, reputation based on campus gossip and rumors. Most "nice girls" tend to avoid you (at least sexually if not altogether) if you are fucking half of every slutty sorority and word gets back to them, which doesn't take long since the slutty types tend to brag or otherwise not know how to keep a secret.


Realized I never really answered the main question, so looking back it’s about 2 weeks after last update for announcement of release date, then another week or so for release of the episode. Looked back at episode 6 and 7 but the release time could differ episode to episode


I could care less about Jill. I hope she gets plowed by all the preps or whatever those rich a-holes are called.


Thing is she doesn't even really like any of them. She just in their building (or more like they are in her building) because she practically owns the place. Normally I don't go for brunettes if other options are around but she's kinda hot, plus I like popping cherries. When I first started playing I thought she was miss perfect, before I realized she had the sexual/social intellect of a 10yo.


There is also a neutral path which you guys can try... it's hard as hell to maintain unless you note down every choice you make to keep them balanced but it also has many branching options. ideally i'd say you need 12-20 playthroughs to have most possible paths in this one. No other VN has as many as far as I know and I played at least 60. Being a DIK was my 1st one if I don't count the telltale crap and 60 others later still my number 1.


Bella is all i need.

Ragin Cajun

I like Bella but the scene in the library kind of put me off her with the closing comment in that scene.


Anime level proportions and Im all about it lol

Mina Lenshenko

Totally agree, Bella is the bomb. I just feel that sticking to her is gonna end in heartbreak in one way or another. She is still by far my favorite and I will follow her path to the end. She has a troubled past with her hubby and I'm looking forward to findoing out more about it. I really hope MC and Bella can work past it. In a way I'm kinda glad this is only set for 20 episodes. One year of college I guess? Anything further along in time would spoil thoughts of where MC could end up with any of the women. Would be kinda awkward to date Bella once he's in her class, at least openly like they discussed in episode 7. I look forward with bated breath :)


Anyone know when it will hit steam

Dave Davidson

I'd much rather DPC continue to work on this game for years and all 4 years of college. He has a good deep story here with many deeply developed characters, there is no reason to move onto something else when he already has a winner. The MC is clearly on his way to becoming the president of the DIK's, but that's not likely the end of his freshman year. Then after that happens there are many more story possibilities opened up. DPC doesn't need to make this a short game like Acting Lessons, he has progressed way beyond that. This game should be his thing for years to come.


Dpc said that it will be after the release here, so maybe a few weaks


I'm not on the dev team, but I've worked with devs of other programs before... in my limited experience, it would make sense to wait a few weeks for the first flurry of bug reports to come in and get fixed. I've heard friends bitch about the steam patching process, so fixing the worst of it before pushing to steam seems the best choice. On one hand, you have fewer bugs, thus fewer negative reviews... on the other, there's less aggravation on the dev side for dealing with steam patch process repeatedly during the initial spin-up.


Before BAD, I avoided VNs ... and after, I wasted a decent amount of money hoping DPC wasn't the only person who was a competent writer and/or actually had production values... I've since gone back to avoiding VNs, other than this one. The writing quality and the game mechanics are such that it doesn't feel like a VN, and there's enough options that are written around well enough, that it doesn't feel like a slideshow between porn popups. If anything, it was the quality of writing that caught my attention. It might not be perfect in spots, IMO, but perfect doesn't really exist, and compared to the other options, it may as well be.


Dunno, I quit gaming and switched to VN's only so don't fuck with Steam anymore since Patreon is far more reliable (not all VN's get a Steam release).


Amen!!!! I hope it does continue for at least four years I totally agree

Mina Lenshenko

As far as I understand things DPC already has the complete storyline planned, which will be 20 episodes in total. Not sure if he plans to write more story once that is done and though I would love also to see it go through the 4 years of college, I'm not sure if it would keep the attraction as there is only so much drama you can have that doesn't eventually end up just being repeats of earlier stuff. Only DPC knows his future plans, but either way I'm sure we will see more in the future, whether it be DiK or some other new venture