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For the better part of this week, I wrote code and performed quality assurance for the episode by playtesting and polishing art, code, and dialogue.

I have now added music and sound effects for most of the episode, and I still need a few more songs for specific scenes.

I started working on a big coding task that I have hinted about in the past, and today it's a good time to share some details on it.

Because the game is getting pretty big, and Ren'Py is getting pushed to its limits in some areas, I want to make a new binary for Season 3.

What this means is that after you have completed episode 8, and thus Season 2, you will save your game in a menu and continue your game using another .exe/.app file.

Making a new binary has the added benefit that the initial episodes for Season 3 will have a smaller download size, and you shouldn't have to redownload Season 1 and 2 every update.

If you're getting confused by this, think of this as the same game, only sliced into another part.

Season 1 and 2 will be one separate download. And Season 3 and onward will be another download.

From a developer's standpoint, there are some challenges with this task. My goals are to make this system simple to use for all of you, robust in transferring saves, and functional for both Steam and Patreon. While I'm at it, I also want to trim some fat stored in the save files.

I have both the knowledge and strategy to do all of this, but it will take more time to implement and test it thoroughly as the game has thousands of variables that I want to control and double-check. I have already made good progress on this during this week.

Next week I will continue writing the remaining scenes and pose more static renders.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



So excited for this update, episode 7 ended on one hell of a cliffhanger

My Name is Nobody

Always My Favourite Friday update 👍👍👍👍


You made my day saying that there is going to be a season 3. Keep up the outstanding work.


Thanks DPC!




Looking forward to all the great changes! Your're doing incredible work Doc!

Tim Arnold

I'll always support your decisions about the game, and the new binary sounds like a smart thing to do at this point.


Great news. Splitting the game should make your life easier in the future and a smaller download isn't a bad thing either.


Very good choice DPC! I've seen other similar games take the same route, and albeit a bit jarring the first time to use a save in a new exe, it def keeps separation and programming a bit easier and scalable. Haven't done Renpy myself, but I can only imagine how many thousands of lines of code you must have in Being a DIK as another dev. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait for chapter 8!


Best of luck mate, you rock !


I just want to thank you for continuing to support Mac users, from the bottom of my heart. I know it is a pain in the ass with the new M1 architecture. Thank you DPC!


*Big cheesy smile* Right on

Sadie Adler

Where BELLA 😭😭🥵


In a Q&A, he estimated between 14-20 episodes. Only at the halfway mark right now.


Wow, that's great news!


I love you


You're doing awesome work! Keep it up! Congrats on such a great professional product.

Joshua Dershem

All that techno mumbo jumbo makes my head hurt lol. All I know is that your game ROCKS! 🤘🖤🤘If you say it'll work, I believe you.


Thats great news. Shouldn't be too long before an official release date is announced. This game actually surprised me on the actual size


i think it means season 1 & 2 will be merged with season 3 as one file

Beast of Bray

Thanks for all the hard work, DPC! Out of curiosity, would that mean in-game lag would be reduced in season 3?


As long as nobody is murdered, I'll be happy. ))

Crowangel Gaming

sounds like common sense really DPC and sound business plan for the future going forwards.. cant wait to see the new content.. and thus awaiting the next season considering this will be a finale.. looking forward more than ever for that amazing intro as the words .. Previously on Being a Dik.. appear on my screen.. pure class


Can't wait for end of October/Early November

Dave Davidson

I support your decisions 100%, you have the best quality as far as story, renders, animations and sex scenes. No other AVN developer is even close to in your league.


Sounds logical to me, not overly crazy for us users either :)


would be nice to have an approx ETA if during this month or not


I so hope DPC will make it before the end of the month. Will be awesome to play during Spooktober/Halloween.

Bruce Vahl

Will there be a limit on the number of routes that can be passed between Season 2 and Season 3? I currently have 4, but expect that to expand by at least 1. I am sure there are those who have more.


I wish. With that big coding task he is doing, we are probably looking at an early to mid november release. I hope I'm wrong in this.


Yes, but as soon as you have transferred, you can save the game at the start of S3 as you normally would when playing the game and reuse the transfer slots for other saves. Even so, we're talking about a limit of ~20 transfers per time, and you can manage these saves on S2 and reuse slots at your leisure.


So, essentially you download Chapter 8 as previously done and save your game(s) at the end, keep this version until the first episode of season 3 releases, transfer your saves at this point and then delete the old game? Am I understanding this correctly?


you never delete the old game XD you keep the old game and replay it hahaahaha. your taking a file with variables from your choices that you made in season 1 and season 2 and we are transferring that file to the new game that he is separating out from season 1 and season 2. that way Renpy the core system that the game is designed on. think of it as your operating system. doesn't explode. or become unstable due to memory and file size and overall size of the game entirely. because if his game explodes, it will refract the code that hes worked on... it will corrupt lines and lines of code and files that he then would have to fix.... if so hence that would happen. so hes making sure it does not. by intelligently separating said games. and starting Season 3 new and fresh on a new fresh word page of renpy. Understand?


You could do it, yes, if you never intend to replay Season 1 and 2. My recommendation however would be to download Episode 8 and keep that file until you never want to play the game again. v0.8.0 and any patches needed to fix bugs will be considered "complete" for Season 1 and Season2 in terms of new content. All new content will continue in the new binary. If you ever played any games on let's say Playstation 1, you could see it like having two separate discs for the game. You wouldn't throw away the first disc when you reached the point you'd continue playing on disc 2.


Seems to me a good analogy would be the Mass Effect trilogy, except with choices of consequence.


@DrPinkCake So are the files going to be put into the Being A DIK directory as a sub-directory? Just trying to figure out the folder topology


Thanks DPC, now I understand! I'll definitely keep the first two chapters, then, because I surely want to replay it from time to time. :)


Yes, thanks mate! I don't know anything about coding etc., so I misunderstood initially. Obviously I keep the old file, then. Thanks for explaining. :)


@Jamison. No it can be kept next to the directory, or anywhere you wish on your PC. The important part is that you save your game in Season 2, and then load that save when you start Season 3.


should we expect the chapter to come out this month? or november? Since this chapter is based on halloween, it would be nice if it came out this month. But ik you're working hard so i can wait a little longer.

Professor M. Whiskers

It is rumored that every time the good Doctor sees a question about release, the release is postponed by an extra month ;)


Lol. Dude is just messing with you. But, if you look through older posts the Dr. Is super open about his process. He doesn't set hard time deadlines. He makes a huge list of items that needs to get done and works through them methodically. So, it's really not possible to say whether he'll be done by end of the month. Some factors can't be estimated very well anyway. Render times can vary. More or less bugs can pop up during testing. Basically he doesn't know exactly how long it's going to take until a week or so before it's ready.


Doesn't mean you can't speculate...nothing wrong with that hahaha


Oh for sure, Carmelion. But, there is a difference between asking other patreons for speculation and asking the Dr. when he's going to be done. Personally, if I'd have to guess it'll be done before Christmas but not before Thanksgiving. Finishing up the whole second chapter is different than finishing a volume in that chapter.

Majah Flavah

I was hoping it would be out today too because of the Halloween party angle, but I can wait. :(