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Just don't/can't find Jill as compelling as the other girls. In fact as weird as it sounds, I feel bad when playing her playthru as if I don't think the MC is "good enough" for her. She's too perfect and above it all, not a good match/fit for the MC, his lifestyle and the DIK's antics. She reminds me of that perfect girl in school who I liked but always looked horrified every time I screwed up and got caught doing something stupid. Bella is almost the same save for her obvious naughty side and deep, dark secrets. Personally I find myself pulled towards Sage and Josy...who we will hopefully get a chance to steal away from Maya in the future...


Jill best grill


While I don’t at all disagree with you, doesn’t Jill’s sheltered and wealthy upbringing make you think that she might just need someone to break her out of her shell? I think that’s what I find so I intriguing about her, I want to set the real Jill free.


Jill is history repeating its self. MC's mother was much the same. And if you play through Chick she is as good for the MC as he is for her. They are the best match in the game. Only issue i see is Issa..... That could get messy hehe. I am looking forward to when he plays her song for her. None of the other girls in the game share any of the same passions with the MC as Jill does. But knowing DR lol she will realize she is slumming and break the MCs heart in half.

Crowangel Gaming

after her seeing mc junk in tibbys presentation and the various reactions from Josy and sage in the audience.. my jill route may get complicated lol


I think that we are all in for a surprise where Jill is concerned . The scene in her room after the MC left at the end of episode 7 was a huge hint about her feelings for MC and they will have some sexual adventures in 8 . The surprises in 8 will be between Josie, Maya , Sage, and Bella . We all know MC will have a threesome with Josie and Maya , but what about Jill and Bella ? Don't forget Sage has fallen for the MC and we all know she is a red head with a fiery temper . There is no way Dr PC is going to resolve all this in episode 8


As they say stay tuned for episodes 9 ,10,11 ....,,,,


That's very probable. But my concern as the MC is that any potential relationship with her could echo whatever happened between his parents...which is to say negatively. And there's signs already in the game that when Jill "breaks free," it could be explosive. Again, not in a good way. I understand anyone who enjoys her storyline, I really do. But from my perspective...there's too many warning signs of trouble coming. And I would rather either see the MC end up with someone who is his equal (Josy or Sage) or someone with whom both could grow or find redemption/peace through their connection (Bella or Quinn). But again, that's me...


Anyone else that played acting lessons worried about one of the characters lol


I really hope we get into Heather's pants she the only one left in the HOTs that I want to bang.


Yes, and that character would be Jill. Sure, Bella could turn out to be a psycho but I feel that would be way to "obvious." Like her locked room all of us think hold either her husband's dead body or a shrine to Jill. Neither is probably true, however. Jill just seems like when she breaks free or "goes dark," she'll take it too far and tragedy results to echo/mirror the MC's parents. Course the same could be said for Maya by way of her father...something bad could result. And, I suppose, it's also true for Quinn's storyline...


I have hopes for Quinn's Storyline, i know i am being my sappy, romantic self when i hope there is actually a romance and redemption arc for her (IF you want take part)


I think Quinn gets hurt after she admits feelings for mc. And maybe it reminds me of a past life but tommy and an overdose. Hes a dick but he's got a good side


I don't see Jill "going dark", that really wouldn't fit her. I do (and hope) to see her putting her foot down. I see it as a polite/sophisticated "I'm not taking your bullshit" attitude; like bella but minus the psycho. Quinn..I've known people like that in real life (drug dealing), and either they end up going to prison, or getting killed.


I think Josey or Maya will end up in the Acting lessons situation..... Thanks to Quinn.


Josy is, ultimately, a self-centered survivor. She craves attention but loses interest quickly in those who give it to her be it Maya, the MC or anyone else. She not inherently "evil," but she is far more like her step-brother than she wants to admit. I have no doubt she'll end up hurting Maya...but I don't see Maya going self-destructive thanks to her relationship, whatever it truly is, with the MC as well as her brother. I'm also curious as what the good doctor set up w/ Sage and how that plays out...


Mayas father is def coming back and going to be a problem. Sage is the one I'm worried about but my playthroughs always seem to lean towards her anyways


As far as Jill is concerned...she has as many warning signs, if not more so, than Bella. She obviously had a traumatic childhood, has issues stemming from her "rebellious" M.I.A. sister, obvious repressed sexuality, hates her privileged upbringing and lifestyle, resents how everyone sees her as an object to possess and, perhaps most importantly, a martyr complex that is self-destructive. There is obviously something between her Bella that is awkwardly-unspoken. But whether that's awkward for Jill or for Bella...remains to be see. I also find it interesting that there is little us players can do to NOT end up fooling around w/ Bella when attempting to win Jill. Just trying to act honorably or showing Bella a courtesy ends up triggering make-out or sex scenarios. There's a reason for that and it has to be tied into Jill. Has to be...


Please don't remind us of that part of acting lessons. It took to long to get over. But yeah im waiting for the heart destroyer scene.

Crowangel Gaming

stay with sage during the breakup with maya josie.. explore the house she is on the sofa upstairs leading to a masturbation scene and at the HOT party tell her about tommy cheating


I see a lot of problems w/ the Maya , Josie , MC relationship but it is because they both fall for the MC and MC with both of them . The real conflict will come with Bella , Jill and Sage . Episode 8 will have Jill fall for MC in a big way which will cause problems with Bella and Sage who are also falling for him . I believe that will cause a lot of problems because the MC will chose Jill .


I think that the George Foreman one is better...


Heather, Elena, Arieth, and Jill.. I WANT THEM ALL, i dont care about the consequences

Eminem 212002

Jilll ❤️❤️😍😍😍😍


oh man, i really don't want this going the way of acting lessons...that game broke my heart...