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It was a good week.

As you know, I've been working on static renders for quite some time now.

And the development has passed a very nice milestone: 200 animations and 2000 renders fully produced.

I have 5 more scenes that I can pose renders for, but I need to get back to writing again after that.

I've yet to write several big and important scenes, and it feels good that I've almost caught up my writing with the art.

Next week I'll likely work on static renders again and then write the rest of the episode.

I cannot accurately estimate the remaining work, but I'd be surprised if it didn't surpass the next milestone I have my eyes on: 300 animations and 3000 renders.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



Appreciate it Doc.


Awesome! I cant wait to see what the next episode awaits 😬😬😬 Have a nice weekend Doc!


Awesome work DPC - thanks for update 👏


My hype only grows as I keep replaying this game. I hope you have a good one!


OMG I'm anxious


Sounds good 👍🏻 looking forward to play it, keep up the good work




Take your time, I’m so excited!

Seppe Leemans

Nice work Doc! Any idea when E8 will be ready? Looking forward to play it! Have a nice weekend!


Did you read the post? He told he cant estimate the remaining work ^^

Thor von Fiddle

For comparison the numbers from Ep 7: 3,723 static renders, 250 animations


You're a G DPC 👍🏼👍🏼


Gogogo :) Thank you !!!


Here's to hoping for the biggest and best episode yet.


so excited

Alpha Protagonist

Unlike Mass Effect 4 or Dragon Age 4, probably wont be out until my early 40s. This will come much faster. And it sounds like you're trying to make this the best episode yet. Keep up the awesome work DPC!

Joshua Dershem

*sits waiting patiently* You can't rush perfection. Definitely hyped for what is coming but I also know it'll definitely be worth the wait.


Quinn is love


You never fail to impress, it'll be ready when it is and it will be awesome.


Arieth is love

John Vue

Wow. Next milestone is 300 animations and 3000 renders. Impressive.


Your work is easily some of the best on this market and always worth the wait for quality. Other games may release faster, but theirs is never the top notch product that yours is not to mention as filled with content.


You have become the gold standard for Adult Visual Novels. I would be quite surprised if another company hasn't tried to buy BaD rights from you, or got you to work under their title. I could see EA trying that, seems to be how they operate...Buy a company with a good reputation, run it into the ground and intentionally troll their client base, all for a few extra bucks right now lol.


Absolute legend mate, an amazing craftsmanship and always packed with goodness. Everytime there is a new episode I can't help but do a new run. Brilliant game and excellent work Doc.


it has to be so exciting for DPC to release these new eps with their big plot twists. I bet 8 will have some of the biggest ones of the story yet.


Waiting for excellent content is no problemo. Good luck! Out of curiosity, what render engine do you use to render scenes?


It's going to have 1 hell of a cliffhanger that's for sure


No need to rush for perfection. I'm still having fun with the current content and choosing different paths ready for next big update.

David Curry

The wait is always worth it for BaD and DPC. 😎👍🏻


according to the February 2020 Q&A, DPC uses DAZ3D for modeling and rendering. Photoshop, After Effects and ffmpeg for post-processing

My Name is Nobody

Yea i hope he never sells out you are the Gold Standard of This genre keep it in house and quality up always i will support the little guy

My Name is Nobody

Keep it up Bro your content Rocks 👍👍👍👍👍


Dear Dr. PinkCake I know this sounds like a cliché but it doesn't make it less true. Playing your two titles have been like the best and the worst gaming moments for me. It still amazes me how good your work is. Unfortunately I can no longer continue to support you on Patreon. I wish you all the best with your future work. Sincerely, Johnny


at least u are actually working on the game and putting out quality work at a consistent rate unlike some other creators. keep up the great work man! we are all excited to see what the next update has in store for us :)


Always a pleasure to see status updates on this great game, thanks for all the hard work. Also can anyone tell me how to unlock the bedroom scene with the MC and Sage? I'm playing a DIK and CHICK games and both do not make it to the second part.


The only time I get the second part is if I pursue Sage's event before the other girls so I think you have to lose something in return.


Ahh...that makes sense. Thank you I'm gonna reload my party event save and redo it


I've been playing the first seven episodes for five days now. I have caught myself thinking about Josy several times when away from the game, and I realize now that I might have a waifu.. :)


Jade is hot, I'll give you that. I don't get why her husband is cheating on her. What an asshole! In my current playthrough I ended up staying with Sage at the HOTs sorority house. She's awesome! She's my new sweetheart.. 😆

Adrian Garcia

My first playthrough, I've become friends with Maya and Josy, got rejected by Bella after Jill's 2nd date, made out and screwed Sage during HOTs party, and chased Jill but she has her doubts. I'm kinda excited where it leads. If I had to choose, it's would be between Bella and Jill.

Kent Soileau

I'd be happy to take any one of them that would have me!!! Bye bye wife in real life!!Lol.