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I mainly worked on a free roam event this week. It took a longer time than expected to complete it due to the new environment design, the number of characters per render, and the sheer render count. But the art for it is queued up for rendering now, and I will continue to pose static renders for normal scenes.

There are currently 33 animations in my animation queue; it's also taking longer to render some animations than expected due to environments and the number of models in some of the animations (wink wink).

My development folder is currently 2.5 GB bigger than v0.7.2, equal to the new content I've produced thus far for the episode. And I'm not done until the season finale has the content I planned for it. I'm just as eager to release it as you are to play it. 

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



Keep up the good work


can‘t wait longer😭😢🥺🥺🥺


I’m super excited to play this. Keep up the great work!!!


This update has reaoly hype me up!! Have a nice weekend Doc!


Good stuff doc. If there’s something we can crowdfund for to help your process speed like for rendering let us know.


Keep up the good work DPC! Super excited to see it!


DPC, legend of the grind 💪


It will be something else.

IBegToDiffer200 .

Hold on to your hogs boys, we gonna crank them soon enough!


Can't wait to see the environments in the new episodes. I'm an an environment artists so I'm a sucker for environment designs.


This looks like it's going to be exceptional. Can not WAIT for it.


Take your time I look forward to seeing what you come up with and the more content the better if you ask me


Thanks for the update, appreciate your dedication for sure! ep. 8 sounds amazing, cannot wait to play it!

Martyn Romaine

Great work Doc. Can't wait to play it and that wink.. could it be an orgy in the DIK mansion? Lol


Can’t wait to get to play it


This sounds amazing, I'm really excited to explore this new environment


I just finished Acting lessons.... my god.... I was already hyped for ep 8 but now that I know for sure that BaD isnt a one hit wonder... Fuck... anyone know how to put someone into a coma for a few months? Or a few years I suppose. Asking for a friend


take as much time as needed quality>quantity

On Your 6

from some of the others ive played they feel rushed, BaD is a good game even without the scenes it has a story and that campy college frat vibe. It is just a good game, and your attention to detail and not rushing the updates show


im really holding myself to no pledge the 10 bucks to play this season just because i want to play it on steam. take all the time you need and give us that awesome quality as always <3


Play Summers gone,college king,AOA academy,university of problem until then


Sage is best girl.


Do you by chance have an estimated release date? Is it possible for people to beta test the release for you?


Thanks for the update, I can't wait to see how this story unfolds.

Thor von Fiddle

DPC has his own beta testers/proof readers in place already. No outside help is necessary. Also DPC will notify us all through updates here when release in imminent. It's ready when it is ready and no sooner.

Joshua Dershem

As they say, all good things come to those that wait. I have every faith in you. As much as I hate waiting, you've Proven to me thus far that your game is worth the wait. You've earned a patreon for life, or at least as long as you choose to spoil us with your amazing work. 😍


Keep doing your thing. We know it will be worth the wait.


He already did upgrade to 8 3090s so to say that those are taking awhile must be quite the scenes.


Hit diggity - like many others, I can't wait... and just like many others - I will encourage you to keep at it until it passes your stringent standards.


PS: really hoping this season finale comes through with a good shocker, you nailed the door scene so well that I feel like Tim Curry, shivering with antici...pation.


Sub thai

John Vue

Keep up the good work


Ohh That's a nice thing... But waiting...


don't pledge yet, brother. the steam release will be worth it

Bob Clancy

Just started playing through episode 7, and man it is sooo good! The quality of the renders, free roams, and dialog just keeps getting better each episode. When this is done, I truly believe that this will be held up as a standard and something to aspire to. Keep up the amazing work!


man i came for the horny but fucking stayed for the story. Great work can't wait to play Episode 8 !


am i the only one that got really addicted to the "repair the house" minigame? that shit it amazing

Robert Wolfe

OMG I'd love to have a visual novel like this but also involving college sports like football or something! This game hits the spot on the social aspects but for some reason I want something similar for football.


I think PinkCake should do a "Being a HOT" DLC in the perspective of sage or Quinn from when they started, maybe sage since shes been there the longest


I remember a post Drpinkcake mentioned a season 3, can anyone confirm that too???


He has also said this story will take between 14 and 20 episodes to tell. Season 2 ends on Episode 8. So there will definitely be a Season 3, though DPC said he will have to finish the Steam version of Season 2 before he starts it.


It rhymes if you say: "I came for the whory, but stayed for the story!" :D

My Name is Nobody

Keep up the good work buddy your awesome 👍👍


Damn. I hope episode 8 isn't the last. Please continue the story 👍


No worries. He said once that the story will be 16-20 episodes long. We have long way to go lol.


Yes, Season 3 is confirmed. I believe in the FAQ it states that he envisions 14-20 episodes for this game, so that's 4-5 seasons depending on how that plays out. This goodness is gonna keep on giving for a good while yet.