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This week I worked very hard on animations. I managed to build a considerable queue that will take at least three weeks to render.

I have four lewd scenes left to pose for, and I know there are SFW animations I will pose on top of that as well. With all things considered, reaching at least 300 animations for this update is very likely at this point.

Considering that this project started with 51 animations for episode 1, it's crazy how far we have come thanks to your continued support. Episodes have continuously gotten bigger, with the drawback of increased development time that I know some of you are feeling. 

But to be able to put everything I want in each update feels amazing. The increase in content is simply because I don't want to cut anything from the episodes. I want each episode to be packed with content for everyone, and frankly, it wouldn't make sense to release it in smaller updates.

I will add that I feel that most of you are patient and very supportive. And that is worth so much to me in this stressful business. Thank you so much for that!

There is still a huge amount of static renders and even writing left to do, but time to do this will be freed up now that I have this animation queue.

Next week I will shift focus to producing static renders. This is why I also spent time preparing close to 60 characters (clothes, make-up, accessories, etc.) for a free roam event I will start working on today.

This week, there was a poll for an extra 2D wallpaper, and the winner of it was Lily and Envy, who will be getting a joint 2D wallpaper (clothed and nude versions) in episode 8.

I hope you enjoyed this new kind of poll where girls were put into couples. It won't be the norm, but something I will do again in the future.

Have a nice weekend DIKs and HOTs

Dr PinkCake



Appreciate it, Doc!


You're killing it as usual!


Thank you Doc


Thanks for all you do! Amazing progress the game has seen since the beginning.


Worth the wait to get the best.


I get as giddy as a schoolgirl with each release. With that being said I'd rather wait for quality, writing, etc.; as opposed to short, "left wanting more" content. Jam pack each episode with the most content as you feel fits, DPC. In the long run, it will be for the better.



Martin Mucha

Great works! I hope we will get new episode, as well as steam DLC before Christmas, actually, it would be even more cool if we could get it around this year Halloween, if in this episode will be Halloween party planning (I hope I am right). Thank you and enjoy the weekend!


Take your time, Doc! You are one of the most consistent creator on here and we know that if it takes times for an update it is absolutely not because you're slacking! You're such a hard worker, we know that if we wait more, we get more. Just release it when you're completely satisfied with your work, not a day before! Because of covid, I haven't been working in about 9 months and had to drop a few unnecessary expenses, and I was sad I had to drop down a tier to your patreon, but I made it a point not to drop it completely. When I can, I will start pledging more again. It's worth every penny.


Thanks for all your work Doc. Take all the time you need, great things take time and don’t forget to take a break for yourself too. Also wondering will there be a new wallpaper series any time soon because I really liked the last one and would love a new series.


Amazing!) 300, that's insane) Oh, btw, what is "SFW" animations?


300 animations is a really huuge number :)




It stands for safe for work, aka non-lewd animations (or non-nude) 😉


Take your time DPC. It's been said above, but the whole reason your the President Dik of VNs is because you don't compromise and put your all into each episode. And I know we all appreciate it. Keep up the good work, look after yourself :-)


Awesome Dr!! Take your time with everything, the quality you bring is ridicolously good :) the wait for each episode feels like nothing once we have the chance to play it and see it all. Keep safe and have an amazing weekend!


It's always worth the wait in the end! Keep up the good work!

Elton Coleman

Your an extraordinary person, keep up the good work Dr!! No rush at all we all support every decision you make in this! 👏👏


the difference between waiting for this and other games is the fact that you communicate with us, we know what youre doing which makes waiting easier. a lot of adult game devs really need to work on their communication with patrons. its just bad waiting months upon months just for a dev update.


There is a lot going on no doubt, no wonder the game is so good :) great investment and we certainly appreciate the amazing job :) keep up the good work...we await (Eagerly) to see the next part.

Mina Lenshenko

Completely agree Drippel. Since discovering DiK I have played quite a few other adult novels. I still think DiK is the best for many reasons and communication is one of the biggest pluses for me. I've also yet to come across another game with anywhere near as much variety in the game path. I try to be patient as I know DPC does this pretty much on his own. I just hope the game gets finished before I meet my maker :) My health isn't quite how I'd wish it to be, but at least I have Isabella to look at every day as I have her as my screen saver :p


Of course the wait is a pain, but it worth it. Always! ;)

Carl Alston

Love the updates!


w8 so much


Thank you. The wait is worth it for the quality that you are producing.


Any plans to let us fuck Sally and Karen down the line? I would love to tame those tight little nerd one day.


Continue to " rock and roll", Dr PC. 👍👍👍👍


Well done.


Keep up the good work! Really enjoy this game 😊😊


Thank you for the update and keep up the great work.

Tim Arnold

I'm not upset by the time it takes to create new chapters because I know it's only you working on it until testing time, and you have consistently delivered a high quality game. It sounds like the upgraded PCs were a very worthwhile investment, which will result in an even better game.


you are the boss man keep up the great work no pressure


Great work on the content so far can't wait for update :)


We are with you till the end of time keep up the amazing amazing work take your time :)


Dr Pinkcake you deserve a nice long vacation for all your continued hard work! Go somewhere you always dreamed of and relax :) You deserve to live a life too just like everyone else <3


Nice! Episode 8 is gonna be the best one yet :)

Garrett Pelak

Take your time as always, you’re the best in this line of work by far. Keep up the amazing content and thanks for the weekly updates!


Good things take time and this is 100% worth the wait


Your end product is always worth the wait. Take the time you need.


your incredible work is well worth the short time it takes you to do it


Thank you for your work. I have a little question, will episode 8 be the last one or are you thinking to continue your amazing work?


DrP has said he is planning on roughly 14-20 episodes in total, so this may be the final episode for the chapter, but more is coming


Thanks for your answer


i think we all know what that "free roam event" is going to be... its going to be EPIC!!!! :)


Holy shit.. i got into this game and finished ep 7.. and I have to say I fucking love this game. The only thing I hated about ep 7 is that its the most recent ep and now I have to wait in agony for the new episode. At least I havent tried the previous game yet.. and if thats half as good as BaD... then im in for a huge treat

Thor von Fiddle

I don't see Sally doing anything with MC after that smack to the face in the sauna. The hate flows deep in her. Karen is way too intimidated by MC and would likely run off in a full panic attack if confronted in a sexual way.


New to the game? Probably half way through chapter two and so far man, this is actually a good story. I am sitting here actually laughing and having a good time playing this game. Great job man. Just wish I could change the dudes skin color so I could make it more personal but even still. I probably have about 13 games that I’m actively subscribed to on here and you’re game is top two. This one probably being the better game and a really good story. Kelp it up man, I truly hope that you make bank off of this.


I have no words to describe how intriguing, engaging, well written and overall fantastic your work is. Keep it up - a new patreon of yours.

John Jimenez

the only shit thing about this game is the waiting, but it's only because the product is going to be 100% enjoyable, and really good replay value because you jam pack everything into an episode... and I LOVE IT! It is worth the wait, and I'm glad you're not rushing greatness, keep it up!


while I am sad and depressed that we have to wait just like everyone else I am so happy that I found this game. I don't know if anyone else can relate but I feel like this game has changed my life and motivated me to change for the better. Feeling the genuine love and emotions from these characters just helped me realize how much of that I am missing in real life and how much it means to me. Just like so many others supporting you, I am now a fan for life. Keep up the great work and stay true!

Calvin Horvath

I would rather wait for quality content than fast produced content . Quality over quantity.


Waiting always sucks. But l agree about quality trumping speed. Only recently started playin this type of game. Of those l've seen, this is the best, no question. An the only one l'm supporting as a patron.