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This week I've mostly been working on animations, trying to build a render queue to last a while. It's basically a big battle against the new GPU cards because they have such high performance.

I will have some numbers to show you next week. I will be spending the upcoming week focusing on posing and rendering animations.

This weekend I will release the first preview of episode 8 for the +$10 tiers.

I will kick June off with a new cosmetic poll and cover one of the special render polls.

Poll News

The cosmetic poll for Josy, which ended today, was exciting because the result was different in the tiered polls. 

The majority vote of the $10 tier was for option number 5; in the $15 tier there was a tie between options 4 and 5, and both $25 and +$30 polls voted in favor of option 4.

When tallying the votes, the final result was:

Option 4 - 37.7% of votes

Option 5 - 35.5% of votes

And the winner of the poll is thus option number 4:

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



Nice work DPC. Wish you the best things!!


Thanks. Much love<3

Ryo Akashi

Lol, i think ICSTOR must learn from u bout updating a progress


Nice!) Thank you)

Julian Harper

Wow, Josy looks stunning :)

Sadie Adler

Great news! Looking forward to that Bella preview 💖:yum::GiveBella::peepoDemand:

Michael LuPayne

still liked 5 better , but shes gorgeous in anything.......or noth'in at all :)


Cool, because that's what I voted for, I love orange lol. I expected that white would win as per, because that always seems to be the popular choice.


Not surprised multiple options for Josy are so close in voting - she'd still look good covered in spiders!


First time something I voted for actually won.


I have a theory as to why that is. When it comes to guys, the majority of them who understand fashion the best are gay and there are no gay guys playing this, so they pick black and white. But I'm a dumb cowboy so what do I know.


I wanna bang Heather


Thanks for the update, have a nice weekend DPC!


4. I voted for it :) If i am not mistaken


The fact that there is a preview will be released this week end doesn't means that the episode will be availabe in a couple weeks right ?


It's a single preview image It takes a few months to make the episode. The episode that was released before the current one was released in november / december IIRC


Sorry I'm not sure is this being asked. is that episode 8 will be end of season 2?


I just hate spiders. Fuxxing nightmare fuel for me.


Ah copy that. Mine is sharks. Lucky for me they're easier to avoid than spiders for sure.


That's my understanding based on previous update posts.


Gotta say I just finnished season 7 and I'm most impressed on the progression and changes. I'm honored to be in support to this games development.


I think it won because of DIK's orange. I chose white first but the DIK's orange comments made me change


It's supposed to be, but DrP at last I read is planning on a total of 14-20 episodes for the game entirely. So definitely a lot more content coming after Ep. 8.


I’m really glad that I found this game. I can’t get over how good the story, characters, and overall polish is. This is one of the few games that I really don’t want to end, and I genuinely hope that the story goes on for a long time. DPK, you have created something really special.