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Hey, everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm back since Tuesday and working at full speed.

I'm juggling several tasks at the moment, including Steam preparations, writing the walkthrough, posing animations, and setting up the environment for episode 8 development.

Not a lot to report now, except that I should finish writing the walkthrough sometime within the next 2 weeks and that everything is good.

During my time off, I have been doing some upgrades to my cooling and ventilation systems to make sure that my equipment can endure the summer heat.

Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake



Back already?! Thank you so much doc for the last episode, it was well worth the wait and I’m certain episode 8 will be too! Keep up the good work! 🍰


Glad you were able take some much deserved rest. Here's to episode 8 in the future!


One doubt tho, so ep 8 will be on patreon before the steam or it will come with steam and patreon at the same time?!


When you read Episode 8: 🤤🤤🤤


Patreon first, and as soon as I post it on Patreon, I will focus work 100% on making Season 2 ready for Steam.


Great to hear you are back at it doc. I hope you get some time off in summer too.

Beast of Bray

Already thirsty for more, Doc! Hope you keep yourself rested and best of luck on the next episode!


Just a quick question: You said during the development of Ep. 7, that you upgraded your equipment. Can we expect a faster release for the next episode and episodes in the future? Or you still think it will last around 5-6 months still? ps.: The game you make is more like an art. You are a hell of an artist DPC!


Welcome back mate I'm enjoying your game . And keep up your excellent work.


You are awesome






Excellent game my friend having a blast and also good that you took time off looking very much forward to episode 8 but in the meantime there's always theory crafting hehe


I spent way too much time in the Triple Tile game after finishing ep 7 😅 High score 714 turns on normal


I believe I answered this one back when I upgraded the equipment. The extra computational power goes into the animations and render quality. I couldn't have rendered 250 animations for episode 7 without the upgrade. It won't make episodes come faster, but increase the quality of the content.

Oleg Daev

Judging by the process on previous episodes, I think it's around 3 more months and I'll be able to play the whole version 😊 I'm waiting until the very steam release


Looking forward to it and great that you are back at it. I honestly thought you would take a longer break since you deserve it. One thing though, when will we get that awesome guide for episode 7? =)


how do you stop the game from extracting the game files every time you open it?


Thank u for ur diligence Doc.. Can't wait for Episode 8 to roll out.. Cheers !!


Extract the game once and play the game in the extracted folder. Don't play it from the zip file.


Have you got an air conditioner in your rendering space? May be a bit pricey but make a bunch of difference for PC temps, and for human temps as well,

Sadie Adler

Lovely news Pink, can't wait 🙏😊


three-four days off, you are incapable of just kicking back and relaxing, huh? well welcome back, glad you're back. plus summer heat up north hahahaha funny (I got a chuckle)


godspeed DP


Damn Doc... I hope I find a job some day that I love as much as you love making this game... only 3 days off... your dedication is inspirational. Friday is usually the worst day of my work week, so your updates give me something to look forward to. Keep up the great work!


DPK - I think you are a HERO for share these thoughts with us and THIS is why you have so Many dedicated fans! The quality of work is so far Beyond what any of us see in Adult Visual Novel market and I know I am willing to support you and wait for the next evolution of this incredible story we are living together. Thanks Man!


Everything is cool. Take whatever time you need.


Being a Dik is the best adult visual novel ever. Love the whole story and all the characters are so interesting. I can connect to its storyline just like I'd to a Netflix show. Hope there are gonna be a lot more seasons and episodes in future.


Any news on the ep 7 walkthrough yet?


Thank you DPC for everything that you do!

Don Dillard

Is there anyway to preorder season 2 for steam players?


Can`t wait for the new one :)


No pre-order, but a store with a wishlist and follow functionality will be live eventually.


You're working hard and doing a famtastic job! Keep it up we're routing for you!


HEY PINK i hope you are doing well and i really hope you see and read this, Look i got an idea for an epic dik´s borthers moment and it will be a more good way for closing the season 2 its an massive epic brawler fight between the DIKS and the ALPHAS it can be in the hallowen party (if it is done in the next episode) maybe they ambush the MC before enter in the party and with all the commotion they go out to see and they see the mc is figthing alone and following the code of the DIKS "FAMILY COMES FIRST" !they will join the fight to defend the MC in and epic brawler fight! man if you read this and think about it will be so cool man. I really hope you read this idea and that you consider it for your game, it is already epic friend and I love it I hope you are well and I wish you the best.

Ryo Akashi

Oh damn, i can't wait for next update, i am hoping we xan bang jill in next update


I'm glad ep7 ending is rather chill (not a cliffhanger like with ep6). Now waiting for the next one won't be that much of a torture. Thank you for your hard work, Doc. You deserve to be Alpha-Nu-Omega-reach.


Guys, I see YouTube playing, does anyone play 5-6-7.ep?


@T'Gran I hear you about the cliffhanger. With how that guys' personality is, my mind was fearing the WORST especially with her personality.


I've never been a big fan of visual novel style games, but after finding this game on a shady website, I'm hooked and amazed at the quality and story. So much that I signed up to your patreon. Keep up the great work and I can't wait for episode 8.