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There's not a lot of specifics to report on this week. I've been working hard on dialogue/code and trying to keep a steady number of animations in the render queue.

I have posed a total of 131 animations and I also have re-worked a few episode 6 animations with a new technique I picked up.

At the moment, 94 animations for episode 7 are complete. I'm a bit unsure about the total animation count for this update, but I have several lewd scenes left to pose animations for.

I think it's safe to say that both the animation count and duration will be bigger and longer than for episode 6. For the static render count, it's too early to tell.

The episode will have a focus on both story and lewd scenes, but a bit more balanced compared to the story focused episode 6.

Poll news

The winner in this week's poll was option #4.

It will be featured in episode 7.

Right now, there's an on-going poll for a 2D wallpaper here.

A final reminder for Vice Presidents and tiers above it, submit your render request before the end of December here. 4 entries will be handpicked and produced for January's batch of custom renders.

Due to the holiday season, the next status update will be posted on January 1, 2021.

I will of course be working between now and then, with the exception of a few days, and you will see more posts from me before the end of the year.


Dr PinkCake



Thanks as usual and happy holidays! :)


Good morning from Brazil DPC, good weekend and keep up the great work

Julian Harper

Damn, Bella...! Thanks for the update, your new graphics cards are certainly being put to work, great to hear that it's having such a positive effect on the game. Have a great Christmas and New Year!


Nice ,is the new tech rendering ready for download for episode 6? And thanks for all your hard work at a masterpiece that is Being a Dik. Happy Holidays and cheers.


Hope you like my christmas song DPC (on the 10th day of christmas my Dik Brother gave to me...) 10 Pledge board tasks, 9 preppy eggs, 8 angry Hots, 7 dead Goblins, 6 Dollar Signs, FIVE GLOOORY HOLES!!, 4 Piano Keys, 3 chord strings, 2 magoot brothers and a SUPER AWESOME DIK JACKET!!!!!! Merry Christmas DPC and DIK Brothers :)


No update for christmas with girls in red?😭😭😭🥺 Have a nice holiday 🙄


I want more story development and preferably not another D&D game yet... Thanks for working hard :)


Yeah dnd was funny but Ive had enoug hfor it already


Happy holidays

Arc Agulto

Happy Holidays, DPC!

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 🖤


I am really happy to hear about the balance between lewd scenes and story for episode 7. I was a little disappointed in the amount in episode 6 (outside of Dungeons & Gremlins - although that was a pretty fun side adventure), but was certainly happy with what was there as there was some alone time with one of my favorite HOTs. Looking forward to so much more as the story progresses!


Thanks DPC, Have a good Christmas and New year!


I was thinkink: it's tricky add any moans sounds during lawd scene? :)


Happy Christmas. Enjoy the holidays


Enjoy your break, well deserved.


Tricky, no. But it's immersion-breaking since there's no voice acting in the game.


Thanks for the update, DPC. For the reworking of the Ep 6 animations you mentioned, would it be possible to see a Before-And-After of this in a new post? Definitely curious about the new techniques you’re working on, and feel like this is a good spoiler-free way to show us what’s in store. Happy Holidays!

Arctic Alpha

Enjoy the holidays y'all. And that is one excellent picture of Bella. I don't know how the poll went, but I'm thinking there are no wrong answers there.


I liked the story-focus in season 6! Have a great Christmas DPC!


DrPinkCake you magnificent bastard! You actually made me shed a tear in chapter 5! I got this game just for a laugh - it netted me a 3 day suspension to my Twitch channel for trying to stream it - and it's turned out to be really outstanding. The graphics are excellent, the storyline is engaging and not hysterically SJW which is very refreshing. The whole religious dad doesn't dig his gay daughter angle is a cliche eye roller but I can't think of any other area where the characters are not unique. Actually in my mind that's your biggest accomplishment here is how you made interesting and diverse girls. I'm often shocked by which girls I end up liking/respecting, being attracted to or straight up falling for. The humour is fantastic (the flying fart during Hell Week, Derrick in Gender Studies class, etc.) and the soundtrack is epic. Oh, did I mention this game is HOT?? If I didn't it's only because there's so many other merits. I wish there were 6000 episodes instead 6. Keep em coming (giggity) and know that your hard work is winning fans. DIK's forever!

Brandon Mark

This comment couldn't be more accurate. DPC has a way with creating and maintaining characters that truly feel great to interact with.


Thank you. No voice acting/sound effects during sex scenes is way better than bad voice acting and sound effects, which so many games have.


Those fans of yours on twitch least got a temporary 'HOT' treat lol


For an adult visual novel BADIK is the best story hands down (same with Acting Lessons). DPC really cares about the material he puts forth, and it shows. I can't think of any other AV that would come anywhere to being close. I find my self genuinely interested/curious about Lynette, Bella's background/locked door, Chad's (possible) gay relationship and the effects of that. DPC makes some damn good stuff, very welcoming games (pulls you in).


I just want to add a Happy Holidays to you Doc. I have been enjoying both games since finding them and look forward to 7. Hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year.


Happy Holidays, Part 5-6 are amazing - I enjoyed it a lot, a continuation of high-quality work. Keep up the good work ;)


My goodness, Doc. You are a master at this.