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This week I've been working on many different things, so there's been progress in every area. I will focus on writing next week, as I've posed so much art that I need more dialogue to continue.

Animations are rendering like crazy. The animation count is a nice number to look at, but what's even nicer and more illustrative of the content is the playtime for the animations.

So far, the playtime is 6 min 3 seconds for the current completed animations. Compare this to episode 6 playtime, 8 min and 26 seconds, and you'll realize that the new cards managed to render approximately 75% of the animation content in episode 6 in about one month. I am so excited about this!

A lot of manual work remains, so we'll see what the state of the game will be in a month from now. I'm pushing as hard as possible, but Christmas is around the corner and I will be taking a few days off to celebrate with my family.


In poll news, it was a really close poll that just ended. Camila and Riona were battling for the top spot and the winner with a mere 82 vote margin was Riona. She will get a special render set in episode 7.

A new poll will soon start where you can vote on what Isabella will wear in one of the scenes in episode 7.

Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake


Bradley Bristow-Stagg

Good to hear that those new cards are smashing through your workload :D


That's amazing, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to DrPinkCake and everyone else. Stay safe.


yay love Riona can never have enough of her, also great work and hope you have a great christmas


It's ok DPC. You can tell us what you're really up to this upcoming break. Playing Cyberpunk 2077 on that brand new RTX 3090 you got. How lucky lol


happy holidays DPC! Your amazing work ethic and devotion to what you love has been a gift to us all


Nah, I don't play PC games anymore due to development. Cyberpunk isn't up my alley either.


Hello Dr! Thank you for your regular posts :)


The fact that you can spend time with your family warms my heart. To read that you can breeze through what used to be busy work fills me with joy. Knowing of your drive to improve your already impresive acumen I am fantasazing about how you will surprise us next.


Happy Holidays DPC! Appreciate your hard work, enjoy time with your fam.


CD Project should hire DPC to do Cyberpunk’s sex scenes lol


good job and happy holidays DPC, waiting for the next updates


Happy holidays dr Pc.


Happy holidays and enjoy the time with the family :-)


DPC, I think we are all excited over the new render times. It is a very nice bump indeed. I'm also glad that you still have the passion after 6 episodes, can't think of a better dev to support. Lastly, Merry Christmas to you and yours.


Damn, to think there's another 3 to 5 months to wait for another episode. And with such a dramatic cliffhanger. Such a torture...


with dpc getting new cards it will be faster than that for sure. keep in mind episode 6 was larger than the average episode. I bet we see episode 7 by Feb/March


It all depends on how much time the manual work takes. That varies per episode as well. New features adds development time for one and we've never had an episode where manual work was the bottleneck. I will utilize the cards to pack the episode with content (longer/more animations). I'm not primarily aiming to cut development time. So, time will tell how long it takes.


With the way you are going about it, maybe it will be as much content with a quicker release than episode 6. Who knows? I'm not rushing it. Just pleased you were able to take t to the next level. Which is always good no matter how good the work that is already presented. Looking forward to more! The way the story is progressing, it's like the further I get, the more I'm eager to see what happens next.


I just feel sorry for those poor souls that had to sit and wait for the final episodes of Acting Lessons, with their hearts smashed into pieces. Even though the final product is amazing, the wait must have been terrible. I wish we don't have to go through something similar.


you know we will, that crazy warning when you first play the game about being in a 'dark' place.... yea we will see eventually what that warning is referring to... I'll prolly have to get professional help after one of these amazing characters has doom befall them

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 🖤


Thanks for the update Dr. P. Please take some rest and enjoy time with the fam.


dude i know right, i seriously think visual novels are basically turning into what Cyberpunk is and those type of games will be the future


Please don't ever feel rushed to put out more content I would prefer that you take your time. I don't mind waiting as long as the outcome is exactly the way you wanted it.


I won't rush it. Even if the PCs are faster, writing the dialogue takes time and consideration. Rushing this part of the development process would be very bad for the game as the story is the pillar. The extra computational power allows me to fill the game with the content I truly want for it, while I can take the time I need to write on top of that. I hope it will reduce stress rather than add to it. But it's a new way of working and I can't have the same mindset as before, where I had to have PCs up and running 24/7 for efficiency. So, my current struggle is to shake that old habit that's been my way of working for almost 3 years and to find a healthy balance. At some point in the episode development, the PCs will be idle and I will have to accept that.


No worries Holidays is meant to be spent with family. we all need a break!