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This is a new kind of poll that I wanted to test.

I will be ordering 2D wallpapers to put in the game and I want patrons to have a say in a subset of art pieces that I order.

The winning combination, girl + type of focus, will be ordered and put in the game for Episode 7. As an example, if Sage and back focus wins, I will order a 2D art piece that highlights Sage's "rear features".

I will test this poll this month and see if it's something that is worth doing on a monthly basis.

I will still order 2D wallpapers of the other girls, but what you are voting on is extra content.

You can vote on as many options as you'd like!

Votes in this poll are worth 1 vote.

Vote in all polls you're eligible for:

$15 poll 

$25 poll 

+$30 poll 



I'd rather see more Riona than Quinn. I'd also like to have better comeback jabs at Sarah, Heather, and even Aerith. Sometimes MC seems far too passive.

Bill Colston

I'm hot for Elena and Sally, LOL


Josy and Maya can’t get any traction in these polls. I agree that these polls almost feel pointless as the results rarely change.


Bella, Jill, Sage >>>> the other girls


Nora was a good addition. Keep her in future installments 😬


i wish we could be a dealer


Why are Maya and Josy so unpopular? Along with Jill, those two are my favorites, and if I had to choose only one, I'd choose Josy every time! If she was real, she'd be 100% my type of girl. Heck, even knowing she isn't real, I am in love with her! :( And I have to give credit to DrPinkcake, because her character is said to attract a lot of people, and it's even working on me for sure. Please guys, send her some love her way on the next polls! She's never chosen!


Also, I forgot to say, the 2d artist is great! I really like their style and hope to see much more (of them, and of the girls, of course :P )


i feel your pain. I have become a total Quinn fan at this point so i know how it feels to be the minority lol

Vytenis Ščiukas

Yeah I agree, also story line for my beloved chars are becoming shallow. Please do not leave some characters behind, every char is important.


Two reasons, they're the first, who people have seen most of, and just less interesting than the newer plotlines. For JoJo for me...she's hooked to Maya...who'm I wouldn't even keep as a friend much less a love interest. Doing a playthrough late one night when I was tired, and thus less tolerant I really started to notice how self centered and selfish she is. I mean look at when you ask for a sip of soda...she carries on as if you asked for the crown jewels. Josey is nice enough on her own, but yeah...that baggage with her...its a no from me.

Pett Brenson

Agree about Sally, think she is basically a submissive that fantasizes about being a Dom.


I would be interested in either one of those characters if there was some kind of corruption route available, because playing the 'Dik' route is just more fun. Perhaps one of them starts partying with you and gets pulled along for the ride over time, or something like that. Otherwise, they're kind of cookie-cutter and boring imo. I have have other issues with them in particular, but won't go into specifics because of spoilers.


Yes agree Jill and Josy are my favourite's


I agree with you on the soda thing, I had the same reaction. Come on girl, it's just a sip! And yes we have seen a lot of Maya but I don't feel like we saw enough of Josy. I mean, yeah, she's been there from the start, but you soon went to college and all you had was one encounter and a few phone calls. Then she comes to college and MC is being unreasonably mad. After all the girls you led on and slept with, dude? Really? lol So, yeah, I need more Josy in my life!


Twizzle, I don't find them boring, but I do agree that a "dark" path for Josy would've been fun and made sense. At one point, I thought she'd be the one to end up in Quinn's restaurant to free Maya from it since she clearly won't fit in with that. And even thought that she might end up dancing at the Pink Rose or something. It would've been fun, but very unlikely at this point. Playing the DIK is fun, but I feel like there are not a lot of paths there to end up with most girls. It's mostly for side girls and Sage, for the rest, you have to be a CHIK, which is fun, but it would be better if we had more choices of main girls on the DIK path. That's just a little critique, though, I prefer being a chik anyways lol


Yeah, like I said, thinking they're kind of cookie-cutter is my opinion. They are well-written, but kind of the generic go-to romance route characters. You are right, the Dik route pretty much removes you from all the relationships except Sage. I'm hoping something opens up with Quinn to add to the shallow pool. The narrative makes sense that a Dik character would play 'free and loose' with a lot of girls, but I've known many a 'bad boy' dudes who have been in relationships (college girls like bad boys), so you could argue either way. Hence, my idea of a Josey (more likely) or Maya 'corruption' route, just as another fun option for a Dik character. I don't believe that it will happen however. Just me spitballing.


Hah, yeah, I get being a little confused. I'm a big Maya and Safe fan... oddly enough both of them remind me of ex-GFs to certain extents, though the similarities didn't occur to me until I sat back to question why I liked them as characters. Maya, it's mostly how apparently innocent she is... and Sage, well, redheads are my kryptonite and the ex she reminds me of was pretty similar in personality and appearance. Admittedly, my ex didn't quite have the same massive assets as Sage but *shrug* :D

Alpha Protagonist

Yup for me it's Josy, Jill, Maya and mustn't forget Sage Red Heads and Blondes. And sometimes just dark hair.


My vote is for Josy even if I 'am to low tier to vote LOL !


Bella !!!! I'm here thanks to her