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I've been playtesting and polishing the game and the PCs are rendering animations.

16 animations remain in the render queue.

The speed right now is ~8 animations per week. A few demanding animations are left in the queue and some easy ones as well.

Based on this, it looks like beta testing will start in late October/early November.

Beta testing is allotted 2 weeks, but if great results are achieved earlier than that, the release date will be earlier too.

November is going to be the month of release, but at what date I can't say accurately yet.

Next Friday, I will post a preliminary changelog for Episode 6.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake


Wesker Burkin

Great news Doc, a nice early xmas present for all of us to enjoy


Great news 🤤

Julian Harper

Great news, but please don't be November 19th!


Seems like November this year is going to be THE month. Glad to know Episode 6 will add to the list of "Pros" about it.


You the GOAT


Can’t wait. Thanks for your awesome work.


Looks like someone's gonna fail NNN

Sadie Adler

Please please be earlier than November 19th 😳😩🙏🏻🤤


Awesome! Thank you for the constant updates keeping us all informed. Much love to you


Move over Cyberpunk 2077, the REAL November release is coming


Thanks for the update and for your hard work, as always! Stay safe and enjoy the weekend yourself, too!

Timothy Gjerde

Awesome. That means I can update my subscription to a higher level b4 release! It sucks being on a fixed retirement income! LOL. Thanks for the update. Leaves plenty of time for conjecture and fantasizing.


thanks for the hard work Dr.pinkcake


I am so hyped!

Arc Agulto

Thank you for the update.


Thanks for the update! BADIK is indeed GOTY for me 😁


You are writing history man, this game isnt the thing that you can pass indifferently. Its unbelievable that its made by one multi-talented person.


Thanks for the update! I still get my hard drive to wait quietly for it, but its puppy dog eye stare and whimpering are no longer keeping me up at night...


awesome :-D


Awesome progress, looks like an early Xmas present 😁👍🏻

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 🖤


Sweet can't wait!


Hi. you're planing to make 4 episodes and only after it relase it in steam? Or it will be 2+2? ( sepperat episodes)


Cyberpunk 2077 and Episode 6 in the same month. November will be an epic month :)


Hi, currently, the plan is to release Season 2 on steam when Episodes 5-8 are fully developed.


Awesome updates as always DPC! Lets take a moment to appreciate those PCs that work 24-7 rendering all the wonderful content we get to enjoy! Also i had no idea what cyberpunk 2077 was until i read this comment thread. Now i want to get it lol thanks chat :P

Timothy Gjerde

Hey guys, I know I have thrown a lot of theories out there and many are like spitballs just looking for one to stick, so to speak. But I started a new playthrough the other day and one of the banners at the beginning hit me strangely for the first time. "Even if your family loses you." or something very close to that. The letter Neil reveals to the MC peaked my interest like a bolt of lightning. Please take a moment to read and kind of digest my reasoning here. First, even though Lynette's father (I'll us GP for grandpa), doesn't like Neil and really despises the idea of his daughter being with him, he doesn't take drastic action to stop it. This suggests he's not all bad and has respect for his daughter and at least some respect for Neil to allow it to run it's course knowing it will end when the project ended. Okay, so let's imagine that Lynette was very successful at breaking away from the mansion or house without detection, didn't have to use credit cards or anything that would give herself away to her pursuers and that it was several hours or even the next day that GP became aware that she left. Neil and Lynette could have easily gotten far enough away that finding them was very, very difficult. So, the story almost becomes "happily-ever-after" until Lynette had trouble delivering and passed away. Neil could never reveal this to GP without fear of repercussions and unless they were close enough for local news to carry the story or obituary it might be months or years of searching before GP actually found evidence of what happened. I'm going to assume that he found out and was more hurt than furious and the punishment to Neil was that GP would never recognize his grandson as legitimately an heir of any sort. So years pass and as happens, GP begins to feel the sting of the loss of his daughter and realizes that his grandson could help to ease that pain a little. By luck or Karma, Neil is working on a new hotel and it turns out that years later it's a subsidiary of GP's original company or something similar. Out of the blue, he's found them and his grandson. Through contacts he's found that Neil did an excellent job of raising him, was able to prosper enough to raise his son and wasn't the complete loser he imagined. The letter is an attempt to reconcile a bit and to find out about the MC. Maybe GP is ill or just wants to make amends. 18 years is a long time and it's at least that long even if Lynette was pregnant when she joined Neil. Not gonna press further with what the letter might or might not say, but I think that this is a reasonable possibility given that GP wasn't a total asshole to Neil, Neil has always been a responsible father and the MC has a stellar rep with B&R. What does everyone think?


I'm going with GP is dead and the letter in an inheritance letter from GP. Lynette was the last living heir of that family, MC gets GP's fortune. Maybe people at college start treating him differently because he's now a rich kid. He has to come to terms with going from poor to rich, etc. EDIT: Maybe not, MC talks about him and his dad when he was 16, "Back then it was just me and him.", possible foreshadowing that someone else will join them.


Yeah!!!! I am going to get episode 6 as my birthday present. Thanks DrPinkCake.

Timothy Gjerde

Haha, good for you. Mines in Nov too. I was born on Thanksgiving Day while Dad ate turkey, Mom had one...lol. She told him to go home cuz he'd sat there for 18 straight hours and just when he got home. I popped out.

Brother Bethor

You're welcome! You are a happy man though. You will be waiting only 34 days for the release of CP2077. Some of us wait goddamn 7 years... :P

Paul Cormier

I like the theories and I think you are probably moving in the right direction with that letter. It could also have been a trust in Lynette's name that she wasn't yet old enough to have access to and with MC's birthday coming up...

Paul Cormier

A trust, depending on who set it up could be something that the grandpa couldn't do anything about


No nut november shall be lost


Sounds like its going to be a very happy thanksgiving!


Next update will be gggggggreat! ;-)


So many possible outcomes!!!! Can't wait to play ep 6 Dr. PK...Thank you so much!!!!


Im hyped and excited for ep 6 too I love how most episodes leave you with a cliffhanger makes it more exciting and hyped up for the next ep amazing story with you on that too huge thank you so much DPC


This is the first Patreon i've ever joined because I just need to know the details for the next episodes for this game haha it's addicting

Dwight Schrute

Harper, couldn't agree more! The story is so well written, completely addicted!


Thanks for ruining No Nut November, not that I'm complaining x)

Paul Cormier

does anyone else have 10 or more saves for the end of episode 5 just in anticipation of the next episode. I feel like I am a bit crazy with how obsessed I got with this story and the intricacies of each of your choices and affinities as well as status. It seems weird that you can have a status at one extreme and an affiliation at the other.

Timothy Gjerde

I wake up expecting to see Bella bringing coffee to my couch sometimes....lol...j/k...But yeah I play it at least every other day hoping to find a nugget or two to unravel the mysteries buried in the characters. I've found that each play through if you take a different path and plan to get your score to a different point than before can add interesting dialog that kind of tickles the WTF nerve...lol


Nice game !!! i love it <3


How do you get them to reject you? I tried becoming a Massive Dik before talking to them and they still accepted me. I have to turn them down to get the friend zone. I saw them rejecting you after whispering - happen in a playthrough vid but no idea how to do it.


Choose not to help Maya with the hunt, purposely get caught checking out Maya and josy, say the crude stuff to them. Buy josy chocolates for dinner and say you like beer not wine


hahahahah i have so many different play throughs i just now found out you can have some extra fun with lily :/ dr pinkcake is brilliantly sneaky hahahahah


I have a question: Does Doc have a backup plan in case Patreon is in trouble? (heard some things) I´m asking simply because I like the Dev and the project


There are may or may not be some lawsuits coming. That´s all I know.


Hard to imagine they'd get sued out of existence. I think if there were a big ruling against Patreon, most likely they'd end up tweaking their terms of service, and then creators would each have to make their own stay/go decision.


Mabye they do mabye they don´t. It never hurts to have a backup plan


If so, I hope they tell us in time for DPC to come up with a plan. Might be a lot of people stay to back him somehow I hope. If some of you have read 'the wheel of time' series? The author died before completion and had another author finish his work for him. It was a perfect backup and I enjoyed the last book. (app. 13 books).