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Jill.....Kool to know there is more to come....And soon at that....


keep up the good work


She has ice cream and panties in matching colors. Quite something to behold.


Hahaha!! Awesome! Thankfully, Jill would be oblivious to that image. She is a kind and innocent soul...I actually wish I was more like her...still, colour combinations!


Riona update... plox


she is so pure, innocent and naive


Jill~ :) can't wait until the next episode drops! heheh

Alpha Protagonist

Thanks for the new Desktop picture, so pure and innocent and yet slightly a bubbly personality.


I agree. Jill seems genuinely kind and without ulterior motives. Unlike almost everyone else MC has to deal with.

Jeff Sandau

Jill is the best... and upskirt shots of Jill are even better.


Jill is a perfect 10 in looks and personality!

Timothy Gjerde

Jill is definitely fun to poke fun at...play strip poker....or just poke....hmm how bout all three? And I be remiss if I didn't say I wanted to share her cone(s) with her. I know, I'm being kind of crass about the sweetest and like you said guileless girl of them all, but she and Bella bring out the dirtiest thoughts of all of them. What can I say. LOL

Timothy Gjerde

@DrPinkCake I wonder if you have ever considered selling a tier that includes voice-overs for the Scenes section. I mean something where you can pay extra to have sound for individual scenes not the main game. I realize it would bring in micro-transactions that might be costly but given a good business plan and cost assessment it might bring in more money for you and spice up a member's favorite scene or scenes. I may not have a clue as to the cost and it might be prohibitive, but I just thought I'd mention the idea. Hmm, listing to Bella moan or Maya let loose in her scenes...dang it....gotta go...lol