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Help me decide what Isabella should wear in episode 6. If you want a closer look, the image is attached to this post.

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Outfit 2 is more 'Isabella' than outfit 3...I really like outfit 3 but I have problems seeing Isabella wearing that. It's too flamboyant for her, too revealing...Isabella lives behind walls of stone, she hides herself away and outfit 3 would draw to much attention to her [amazing] body.


She wore something similar to #1 in s1 and outfit #3 is more of a Sage outfit tbh.


Normally I'm all about the skin-tight leather but those pants in #2 are just too good to say no to, so it gets my vote.


When DPC does he consider that a clear majority doesn’t want option 3. Or is this more of a largest minority rules kind of thing?


i like 3, but it doesnt fit her personality. 1 looks the most like she would wear it.

Ghryst VanGhod

ideally, i woulda taken the pants from 3 and the top from one. so i voted for 2 out of protest. to the kids voting 3, its about character, not flesh :/


I guess technically, a clear majority voted against each of them. :) So either you go with plurality, or you eliminate the one with the fewest votes and have a run-off. I find it distracting (on a couple levels, one of them quite pleasant) the way the shirt texture follows her underboob like it's spray-painted on. I went with #2 because it's least noticeable with the black.


I put up options that I'm all ok with. Wouldn't enter an option that I hated myself.


Fair enough. I can’t imagine her wearing number 3 in public. It’s a bit like you wear a bikini at the beach but you wouldn’t wear lingerie. Similar she might wear a crop top to exercise in public but I don’t think she’d work or go on a date in one. @happyhuman in theory the problem comes down to second preference. I for one think 1&2 are most in keeping with her character. If the choice was one or three or two or three. I’d go 1 or 2. As ever with most democracies it’s frustrating to end up with something the majority don’t want. (See UK politics for details)


Classy look for classy lady. 3 could be what she use to wear back in her omega mu gamma days


Wear for what? If this is for Casual wear, i will vote option 2.


I like how most are thinking with their 2nd brain here lol


Absolutely - 2 seems more in character for her, but 3.....Mmmmmm


Jill in the next poll? Please

Luca Zipfel

I'd say it really depends on her development in episode 6. Outfit 3 is something i could only see on her if she opens up more and gets more relaxed in a way and gets more comfortable with her sexual feelings. 2 goes a bit in that direction, as more loose and comfortable clothes show also a kind of selfconfidence. Feeling well in her skin.

Luca Zipfel

Although wider more comfortable clothes can also mean hiding herself away. But for that purpose those clothe would still be way to fitted and revealing


I think outfit 1 is better, but it wouldn't be the first time something like outfit 3 made it in. If you remember in episode 4 during the library scene with Jill and Josy, Isabella as wearing a top that just seemed out of place.

Ghryst VanGhod

why is my previous comment gone? i dont wanna jump to the 'censorship' conclusion, because id love to continue supporting this excellent game.

Ghryst VanGhod

update, patreon told me my comments were wrongly caught in the auto-spam filter, and they had to restore them manually.