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A new patch of Being a DIK is live (v0.5.1). 

The patch contains bug fixes and corrected typos. Read the changelog below to see if you want to patch your game or not. 

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Changelog v0.5.1

  • Corrected typos
  • Fixed a bug where a point wasn't being credited to MC or Derek in the DIK evaluation.
  • Fixed a bug with the Bios app where notifications didn't show for new messages.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused cheating in English mini-games to fail.
  • Fixed a bug causing a line being drawn over art when Maya holds a list and changed those renders to fix windowed mode misalignment.
  • Fixed a bug where Maya #1 special render wouldn't unlock if you opened the phone immediately after finding it.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't reset the keys of Jill's piano if leaving before finishing playing the song.
  • Fixed a bug with Rooster, episode 4, where new clucks didn't display correctly after the cluck of Cathy was deleted.
  • Added timers that hide the money and special render banners that pop-up and occasionally didn't disappear during the game.
  • Tweaked the timer for the painting mini-game. It's slightly easier to pass the mini-game.
  • Added supporters to the credits list



Painting mini game? Did I miss something in my play through?


The masterpiece gets even better 😎


Well, cheaters shouldn't be winning anyways.


Thank you!


You can access Jill's piano?


I’m going to have to go back through. I remember the cooking mini game. But not the painting mini game. It’s a DIK play though, does that matter?


Must have missed that bit. Oh, well, time to restart a playthru.


Thanks so much. Hope Everything is going well for you Dr.PinkCake.


By the pool. The paint cans. Choose to help Bella


That last path on painting mini-game was truely hardcore ! But i liked it : you really have to put some effort to get the prize ! :)