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I promised a preliminary changelog for Episode 5 this week and here it is.
Please note, that it is subject to change after further testing.

Changelog v0.5.0

Added Episode 5 that includes

  • 2456 renders
  • 157 animations
  • 25 songs
  • 18 sound effects  
  • Added an icon to indicate if a Cluck in Rooster is new.
  • Fixed a bug where you could repeatedly play guitar in Isabella's home during her free-roam event in Episode 4.
  • You can now use whitespace (space) in the save names.
  • Updated the Chat and Swyper apps chat interface.
  • When you unlock new gallery pictures in Swyper, the main menu of Swyper will show indicators for it.
  • Swapped the end credits for a code-based variant.
  • Changed the backend calculation of unlocked renders.
  • Corrected typos

Beta testing and proofreading will likely start sometime next week and it will take a while. I'm waiting for one final animation to render and I have a bit of polishing left before beta can start. When I get a grasp of how long it will take, I will have a release date ready for you.

Have a nice weekend
Dr PinkCake



Always delivering! Have a nice weekend!


Still waiting 😁


amazing work, but plz dont forget the guide.


I always make the game after release, so it won't be available immediately at launch.


This is Exciting - and just the thing the world needs now! Keep up the Great Work!


cant wait!


That is *A LOT* of content!


absolute legend. wish other creators had your workrate


Great work! I'm so hyped now :)


Awesome news


So maybe ETA is last week of May or first week of June? hehehehhe so hyped


Cant wait for chapter 5


Damn mate. Your work ethics is fucking legendary. Can't wait to see derek haha. Am I the only one who gets Cyberpunk 2077 hype here? Fuck the hype is real. Waiting with patience. No scratch that, I want it now.


Wow. 25 songs in episode 5? All those animations and renders... That's amazing! Truly. I love seeing this amount of content released. I know it had to be a lot of work too and it is very appreciated. I am also happy to see more use of Rooster and Swyper. Rooster is something that I wish was available from Episode 1. These somewhat rather small things add more depth to the experience and don't have to used if someone doesn't want to. It would be cool if we had the option to post to more than just a select few posts on Rooster. I know I would have liked to have responded to some others I could only read. Even if there were only two choices, it's enjoyable to see the characters respond to what you post or respond to. Seriously looking forward to the release. I have have so many playthroughs (11 atm) waiting to be continued! Thank you, DrPinkCake, for this update and all your hard work!


This is awesome work. Can't wait for this release!

Wayne Maurice White Jr

I can't wait to play the first episode of season 2 🤩🤩


For reference, folks, episode 4 had 2528 renders, 134 animations, 21 songs and 14 new sound effects. Another huge update, damn.


*breathing heavily* I'm to the point where my desktop background is alternating photos of Jill, Sage and Melissa (from acting lessons) 😁😁


Woohoo!! Thanks, Doc!


Really? Episode 4 doesn't seem all that long. I guess like time, it flies when you're having fun LOL




Oh yes!


Nice, too bad i gotta wait until drpinkcake is done with all the chapters so i can play this on steam FML


could always support him and get the game a bit earlier ;)

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake ❤


True but I would rather wait for the entire thing so I can play it one go


LOL And the anticipation builds, eh? Right now, I'm holding off on my 12th playthrough because the release of Episode 5 is so close. 8 of the 11 I have now are on the Patreon version and I just know that depending on what goes down, I'm going to want yet another playthrough to see what happens even after those 8 LOL For the next 1 to 2 weeks I'll probably be going through a bit of withdraw from it as I fill that time with other VNs and games I've been wanting to play, but yeah. I haven't even watched much TV since I started playing Being A DIK, so I imagine I could catch up on that too heh


#DrPinkcake You are AWESOME...thanks for some great games (I'm a fan)


Hey! Nice!

Ragged Sunbeam

I can't wait. I loved season 1, but that cliff hanger.... gah


Awesome game, looking forward to Episode 5


Yeah, I'm so hoping for some answers to a few lingering events. Even if they aren't concluded, and I don't expect them to be, answers man. Answers LOL The suspense alone in regards to your "evaluation" at the end is killing me.


Hey all. I just subbed to $5 tier. Just curious, is this part already out or do we still have to wait? I'm just curious if we're able to play them episode by episode as they get released?


Episode 5 isn't out yet. DrPinkCake usually gives us a weekly update to let us know where he is in the process. He releases each episode when they are finished for Patrons. Steam version has to wait till a complete season is ready for release. Also, Steam and Patreon version do not have compatible saves. So you would need the Patreon version for the episodic releases on here.


Oh I see. Thank you for the quick reply. Worth the wait.


so quick question, i found and purchased season 1 on steam, then came here to support after being extremely impressed with it and beating it, ive played through it about 6 or 7 times to get different setups for the next episode, so will episode 5 be available on steam when it is finished or only available from here for a while?


ep5 wont be on steam sadly bro, only when Pink is finish with ep8 which probably wont be until January 2021. so if you want to play each single ep, just stay here on patreon. Or if you want to be a champ and wait it out, wait till S2 is good to go on steam. I did a fresh playthrough here and also staying here rather than steam. I'll eventually replay the steam version when everything is done just cause.


Pretty much what Alex said below, but I remember DrPinkCake saying he didn't want to put a number for the amount of episodes in a given season. It was more about how many it would take to reach what he wanted to accomplish for each season. One of the reasons episode 5 is suppose to be so meaty is, that he didn't want to leave anything on the cutting room floor. I applaud him for that. But if you want to wait on the Steam version, it could be 2021 as pointed out below before you see season 2. Also, the Steam and Patreon versions aren't compatible.


Totally agree, this is only the second time that I have paid for a Patreon, had always said that I would support those that I enjoy their content the most. Here I am, supporting this awesome adventure. My first several playthrough's were on steam but I was sold, very complex and well put together. I am very impressed with DrPinkCake's work so ya gotta show the love somehow. Steam is one way but I want the content as soon as possible, can not wait to keep this story going.


Gotta say, I fell IN love with this title. It's got such a roller coaster design for the action/romance/drama/etc, that I've already become addicted to it. I love all the characters, and how each of them has their own personality. I love Derek's carefree spirit, and Maya's semi-cautious warmth. Even Rusty has a special place in my heart, because like a lot of people, he's one of those characters that you know in real life. The music though.. the music hit home in all the right places.. especially "Just Peachy" by Bellsmarie. I found her on spotify and have been listening to it non-stop. Keep up the awesome work, DPC. I'm looking forward to the next part of this masterpiece.


I first played it from Patreon and then I bought it on Steam and played it again. Even though I am a PAtreon supporter I will probably wait till Season 2 is complete before I play it as I want a big long playthrough and not just one episode...I did the same thing with Telltale games lol


same here, but i wanna know if me and derek got in after hells week


Didn't wanna spoil it for ya but you asked...hells yea we did. Dont let pink know i told you