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Normally, I work 7 days a week, but next week I have to take two days off for a personal matter. Knowing this, I pushed myself extra this week, staying up later than usual to compensate. I'll make sure that my PCs will render when I'm gone.

This week I worked on static renders and free-roam events.

1835 static renders and 134 animations are produced.

I tried to roughly estimate what's left to do in the update, before proofreading and beta testing. Take these numbers with a grain of salt.

  • Scenes left to write and produce art for: 7
  • Static renders left to produce: ~400-700
  • Animations left to produce: ~15
  • Some phone features during free-roam
  • Writing and adding bios to the code
  • Writing Episode 5 ending report
  • Implement Replay gallery and rewards (partially done)
  • Some mini-game code
  • Some free-roam code
  • Music and sound effects have been added to ~75% of the episode.
  • Playtest and Quality control

Thanks to all of you I reached 5000 patrons this week and to celebrate the final poll for Episode 5 is open for all patrons. The poll isn't over yet and it's a close fight for the third spot, cast your vote here.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake



No worries! Just make sure you are safe like always. Thanks for the status update as always! <3


Hey, everyone needs a break.


Every update is deeply appreciated. I hope you'll have a good time! Everyone needs to take some time off every now and then. Take care!

Julian Harper

Congrats on the 5k, by the sounds of it Episode 5 will be out early May (ish)?


May I ask you how many hour you work a day ? I'm sure you can take care of yourself but 7/7 seem like quite a lot, it must be exhausting as hell


Sounds awesome! Don't kill yourself or your creativity by making it into a chore. Take all the you need 😉

Jeff Sandau

I'm so excited for this season!


Unless I have to do something, from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. 12-16 hours daily, is a fair estimate. But I love doing this, so it doesn't feel like work. It's a bizarre situation to work with something you love; it becomes like a drug. Since it's such a versatile job, if I get tired of a task I can switch to another task.


Can we expect more Isabella content? <3


so any eta till next part


Old Boobs for the win.


Thanks for the update and take your time. Have a great weekend!


Sounds like a massive episode incoming. Good on you mate. Can clearly tell you have a passion for this and, well, you know we all love your work ;-) always take care of yourself though too.


Envy seems to be the popular choice!!


Envy's sex scene is the hottest thing so far. No doubt she's one of the more popular "side" girls.


Thanks so much, Doc! Keep up the great work!


Everyone deserves some time off to do something besides work! Hope everything is well, keep safe doc!


Why yall freaking vote for Envy, I want hoping that Zoey would be in the third spot or even higher. Its OK thx for the info, love E5 for giving all patrons tho. Looking forward.


7 days a week? dude, stop that, I can only speak for my self but a normal ass 5 day work week is enough. Take some time off a little more often, like two days a week.


I love how much you share your process with us. Thanks a lot!


Goddamn, and I thought I was crazy about my time. If there's anything the pursuit of my physics degree has taught me so far, it's that doing what you love has a deceptively deep cost. After dealing with getting laid off by going back to college (Thank you GI Bill!) my wife encouraged me to pick up an old habit, writing sci-fi. During the semester, I can barely breathe but can't write (analytical mindset is not creative mindset) ... and during breaks, if I don't watch myself, I'll spend 14+ hours writing. It's really hard to see burn-out coming. Self-care is *very* important.


So looking forward to Episode 5! I just bought the game on Steam last week and now I'm on my 3rd playthrough. I also went ahead and bought the guide for season 1 and Acting Lessons. Seriously enjoying your work! So, I decided to contribute to it by coming here. I figure the more support you have, the more you are able to create. I don't know how many seasons you intend to release, but I'm hoping there are a lot of them. But either way, I'm betting whatever you're working on, I'm likely to enjoy from what I've seen so far!


I agree, but when you love your work, it ceases to be work. It becomes something else and you become really invested. Doesn't you don't take time away from it during the day, but speaking for myself, there have been somethings in my life I enjoyed doing and I kept at it. You still find time away from it, but you want to keep at it.


I cannot wait to play more man. I hope we get some more interactions with that dating app haha


LOVE LOVE LOVE the envy pic! She is absolutely perfect! Drop dead gorgeous picture and so life like. Wow. Perfect.


because I see the sex scenes obscured and I only see the writing


My conclusion about side-girls poll. Everyone deserves five minutes of glory :P


Working 7 days a week ? I can't wait to play BAD season 2, but don't burn yourself, you need some time off now and then.

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake ❤


Dr. Pink Cake do not overworked you pls. Some days you need your freetime. I think if we wait one Week longer as normal is not so a problem. I like this game realy i have saved 2 routes the Bik route and the chick route. I have not the middle route i think this is very bad to manage it for me. ^^

William Vaughan

Who works seven days a week? Ease up a bit.


some of us do work 7 days a week until the corana virus hit


Maybe for some that needs the extra cash? That’s why they work 7 days a week. I work 5 a week and only have weekends off. Thanks to covid-19 my hours are less now :(

Tyler Ulve

Bought both games this past weekend... I'm totally hooked. Can't wait for episode 5.


*raises hand* During the semester, if I don't basically breathe this shit I fall behind fast. That's one of the problems with going back and doing this shit at 40. 400 level physics courses eat faces for breakfast. During breaks? I'm kinda in DrPinkCake's position - I love writing and it's something I want to be able to do as an actual job, long-term. You can't get paid if you don't put in the hours... but it's really easy to not see burn-out creeping up on you. Did that once already, took me a long time to recover. It took me a bit to remind myself of something I learned as a contractor once I got off active duty: no amount of money is worth your sanity.


@DrpinkCake about route and saves... is possibile change the save metodh? And could enlarege it and visual it like a multiple tree lines every time u want??? It could be a noce amd mee future in taht kind of game if scripted well