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I have some good news in this week's status update.

All animations have been posed and they are currently rendering full speed on my PCs.

Currently, the render queue consists of 26 animations and it will only decrease from now on. 

I've been writing and polishing the script, adding music/sound, writing parts of missing dialogue and adding a few shorter scenes.

I need to pose more static renders and finish a free roam event, but finally being done with the posing of animations was a big milestone in the development cycle, which frees up time for those other tasks.

I will spend the next week posing as much of the remaining static renders as possible while wrapping things up in different areas of the game and polishing what needs to be polished.

I'll be able to set a release date when the game is ready for beta testing.

Have a great weekend

Dr PinkCake



Cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt

Julian Harper

Sounds great! My guess would be testing before Christmas and release in the new year?

Heavenly Demon

Its still the beginning of December so there's a chance it could get released by the end of the year. But it would also be a great way to start the New Year if its released next month so i'll be happy either way.


Great news - the episode sounds like it'll be pretty epic!


Thank you for the update. I'm sure everyone is waiting with bated breath after you dropped the bombshell with Maya and Josie.


Just a curiosity: how many PCs do you use for rendering?

Luca Zipfel

who qualifies for the beta?


Would be a great christmas present hohoho!

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 💗


It's a private beta with two dedicated and trusted beta testers plus Discord staff.


Great looking forward to it!


Since episode 4 is the end of season one, how will save games be ported over to the new season two binaries? Will it be a fresh start for everyone? Or do we just manually copy over the saves between the games?


The player doesn't have to do anything. I have already solved this problem for you. You will save your game at a screen in the end of the update and load that save in the new binary. Simple as that. Early saves from Season 1 won't be able to load in Season 2 and saves from later seasons can't load in earlier season. They will have a red text "Incompatible save".