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This week I focused on producing art, mainly animations.

I have 10 animations left to pose and I will spend the next week posing these and static renders.

I also posed static renders, wrote parts of the walkthrough for Episodes 1-3 and finished another free-roam this week; there's one more free-roam to go.

I have 6 fairly big scenes left to produce art for, but I'm beginning to see the end of the development cycle.

After the art is posed and while I wait for it to render, I'm going to playtest and polish the game as much as possible.

After the art is rendered and the game is polished, I will send the game to my proofreader and beta testers.

I know that many of you are wondering if the update will be released in December or not.

I don't know this, yet, because it all depends on how long time it will take for the animations to render.

To speed up rendering further, I upgraded one of my PCs this week.

The only thing I can say right now with certainty is that this episode is the biggest one I've ever produced and I'm glad that it is used to wrap up Season 1.

Have a great weekend!

Dr PinkCake



Can’t wait, I loved this game and so excited to see what happens next! Should be fun for sure’. The cliffhanger was tense. ..

Julian Harper

Sounds great! Do you have any idea if the walkthrough will be complete when episode 4 is released? I'm thinking that it might be a good time to start a new playthrough.


Ep1-3 walkthrough will be released before Episode 4 is released. Episode 4 walkthrough will be released after Episode 4 has been released.

Dylan King

Dude, I got acting lessons on a whim a week ago, saw you had another game, tried it and loved it so I thought, fuck yeah lets support this dude and his content, since then you have made to post about your progress through that and its amped me up, 100% upgrading my DIK status tomorow. Cheers for the hard work.

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 💗

Donish Gibson

Can't wait!!! Just wonder and I don't know if you answered this before but how many seasons will there be? :)


Very general question... for independent content creators such as yourself, has anyone ever looked into the feasibility of using cloud rendering services (such as Amazon w/ NVIDIA GPU-based instances) to either supplement (or completely offload) the rendering tasks required for these types of games?


Based on the current public information that the game will be 10-20 Episodes, there will be at least 3 seasons. More information on this will come in the future.


I've looked into it and there aren't any render farms for DAZ3D (afaik). The available render farms aren't worth the money when it comes to rendering graphics for games. It will be much cheaper to buy your own equipment. Thankfully, with the new RTX technology, the software is getting better. For instance, DAZ3D current Beta is approximately 50% faster than the 4.11 public build. Multiple GPU rendering hasn't been optimized yet, so I'm expecting future gains here as well.


I hope you realize how good this game is. It's way more than just sex.


So excited! Wish I could help out more than just my 15 bucks, but every bit counts, right? Looking forward to the updates! ;)


I have played video games maybe 3 times since I started developing games. I love video games, but making this game is much more satisfying to me. That's how much I love it.


Love this game so much I did multiple playthroughs to romance multiple women. Your games are really great.


Dear Mother of God! 20 Episodes? That is going to be a hell of a ride. Especially considering the "hellish turn" that everybody is expecting you to unleash on us happy gamers (Yes, I`m still not over Acting Lessons).


Amazing games! Like I felt that! visualy 10/10 every time! and the story is amazing in all your games Just wanted to say much impressed you dont set the bar you are the bar!


So what I’m hearing is January for sure, December possibly. sounds good to me 👍👍


Would be an GREAT Christmas Present but honestly a game like this I can honestly wait until Jan because I know its going to be worth it now that DrP is full time


Almost can't wait for the release